You're not making sense, Tots.
You assert the trib, persecutions, wrath is not for Israel, but for the nations, at the same time that you assert that the Rapture is after the trib, persecutions, wrath.
What you are asserting either way is a works based salvation.
Would you mind sharing the basis of your salvation, and if it can be lost, and how?
For the PostTrib is nothing more than a Replacement Theology.
The Body did not replace Israel.
Get back to simply reading the bible Danoh...put all your commentaries away for a while.
Tribulation is troublation, persecution. The church has always been persecuted. It is called the great tribulation, because of the severity of the persecution where brothers will betray brothers, parents betray children and children the parents...Jesus warned of it, the church has always believed it.
We KNOW that Israel will be gathered and ARE being gathered, they will be fully gathered....if they had been gathered before the Nazi persecution they would have escaped.
If the church had her own nation she might escape the coming persecution, but she doesn't, she is in the nations. Paul clearly tells us that Antichrist will oppose everything called god...that's YOU, he is going to oppose YOU. This is the tribulation.
When he sits in the temple and declares that he himself is God THEN comes the Lord Jesus in the clouds with great power and glory, the church will be gathered and He will commence to pour His fury out upon the nations, starting with nastypants.
It is very clear in 2.Thess.2. until Darby mucked around with the word departure, by doing that he changed the order of events now according to Darby the rapture comes first then antichrist.
That is why I emphasised that Christ destroys Ac at the END of his career not the beginning.