LOST - discussion about the TV series LOST. ** SPOILER ALERT **


Well-known member
Okay...after last nights episode only a few of the regulars remain. That was a lot of killing off of the regulars.

I guess the candidate pool has been narrowed down for us. Perhaps Ben and Richard will return to save the day in the next episode.

Yeah that was some serious killing off. I liked that aspect of the episode a lot.

I don't think Ben/Richard/Miles will save "the" day. i think they'll save "a" little day... A couple of people they'll save. They'll turn around a situation.

I think Ben'll make it 'til the end (a couple of months ago I thought he'd be dead by now). I think Richard will die. He wants to. He wants to be with his wife. He needs to die soon.


Well-known member
Graphite, what was the bet we'd made on the sub scenario? Was it a friendly, but $10,000 plus a steak & lobster dinner bet?


PS: For the friendly $10,000, do you need an address? I'm hoping that for the steak/lobster dinner you'll join me?


Well-known member

Where'd Charles Widmore get his list of the candidates?

Is it listed in the back of the Island Gazette or something?


New member
Ok, LOST geniuses: When the LA_X_ALT Locke was talking in his sleep in the hospital bed when Jack came by, he said, "I wish you hadn't believed me." Any deep thoughts here (or maybe I'm making something out of nothing)? I thought that was interesting. Jack thinks his mission now is to stay on the island (believing what Locke originally told him), and now the future Locke is unconsciously spouting out that he was wrong.

Thanks for sharing your theories! I love to read them.

Nathon Detroit


Where'd Charles Widmore get his list of the candidates?

Is it listed in the back of the Island Gazette or something?
I'm not sure but I was thinking about Widmore last night. I think we will find that he amassed his fortune the "Sawyer" way. No not a con, but remember when Sawyer and Juliete were going to leave the island on the sub in the 70's? With a wink Sawyer told Juliette "we can bet on the Cowboys in the 77 Super Bowl".

My guess is that Widmore has used the time traveling capabilities on the island to make investments and bets to build a massive fortune off the island. A fortune so large he can buy expensive McCutchen Scotch Whiskey, buy expensive Polar Bear art, and even own a company that produces accurate pregnancy test kits. :)

And maybe, just maybe... that's why Widmore wants back on the island so badly... he lusts for the ability to get present day information and use it to his advantage in the past.

And if that is the case, maybe that's how Widmore obtained his list.

Nathon Detroit

Ok, LOST geniuses: When the LA_X_ALT Locke was talking in his sleep in the hospital bed when Jack came by, he said, "I wish you hadn't believed me." Any deep thoughts here (or maybe I'm making something out of nothing)? I thought that was interesting. Jack thinks his mission now is to stay on the island (believing what Locke originally told him), and now the future Locke is unconsciously spouting out that he was wrong.

Thanks for sharing your theories! I love to read them.
I'm kinda leaning towards the notion that Locke's comments were directly related to the fact that Sun, Jin, and Sayid had been killed. Maybe Locke was feeling an emotional loss towards those characters at that time and maybe it didn't have any larger implications.

But, you raise a good question and I haven't given much thought to it.

I will say this... the actor who plays Locke (Terry O'Quinn) is normally a brilliant actor. Yet that scene when he is mumbling in the hospital bed was dreadful. So dreadful in fact that I wonder if it was intentionally bad. The entire ALT reality seems to be different, I'm not sure if it's intentional or not but I hope it is because some of the scenes in the ALT seem very poorly done.


Well-known member
I'll look again, but I'm pretty sure he said "I wish you had believed me," which was what he wrote to Jack as a suicide note.

i think he was just unconsciously mumbling island-related things.
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Nathon Detroit

I'll look again, but I'm pretty sure he said "I wish you had believed me,' which was what he wrote to Jack as a suicide note.
That's what I thought as well... but I could be wrong.

i think he was just unconsciously mumbling island-related things.
What did you think of Terry O'Quinn's acting right there? Was it intentionally bad? Did you notice? Am I just being too picky?


Well-known member
That's what I thought as well... but I could be wrong.

What did you think of Terry O'Quinn's acting right there? Was it intentionally bad? Did you notice? Am I just being too picky?

Yeah, I did notice... I thought it was bad, but I don't think it was intentionally bad.

I didn't like the episode, even though I thought there were some great things that happened.

But I agree, Locke mumbling in his sleep just seemed like a TV show.

It was like all subtlety this episode was just thrown out the window. Everything seemed to be delivered with a baseball bat. Except a couple of the scenes with Jack... Never was much of a Jack fan, but I think Matthew Fox is doing a good job with the "new" Jack.


Well-known member
Random LOST thought:

It COULD end with the island being sunk, we see it underwater, and the camera moves back up to the plane, kind of a reverse of the opening. Maybe with some changes, hinting that it's a slightly different alt. Maybe ending back on Jack's eye.

Not a prediction, just a random lazy afternoon LOST thought.


Well-known member
I'm not sure but I was thinking about Widmore last night. I think we will find that he amassed his fortune the "Sawyer" way. No not a con, but remember when Sawyer and Juliete were going to leave the island on the sub in the 70's? With a wink Sawyer told Juliette "we can bet on the Cowboys in the 77 Super Bowl".

My guess is that Widmore has used the time traveling capabilities on the island to make investments and bets to build a massive fortune off the island. A fortune so large he can buy expensive McCutchen Scotch Whiskey, buy expensive Polar Bear art, and even own a company that produces accurate pregnancy test kits. :)

And maybe, just maybe... that's why Widmore wants back on the island so badly... he lusts for the ability to get present day information and use it to his advantage in the past.

And if that is the case, maybe that's how Widmore obtained his list.

At the very least, I think his island experience helped Widmore gain power/wealth. And I mostly believe what Locke said to Desmond about Widmore before he hucked him down the well, that it's about power for Widmore (I say mostly because I don't think Widmore's all bad... And I think he's trying to save the world).

One of the reasons I disliked this episode so much was basically related to this... I would like to be getting more insight into characters and their motivations rather than seeing Sawyer get hit with a rifle butt again, or seeing the losties get locked in the polar bear cages again (and escape again), or whatever, again.

Using Widmore as an example: I think he's a really interesting character, with a whole lot of story behind him (on-island and off). And he's a really good actor. I don't need to know his whole story or all of the specifics, but I'd love them to spend some time on his motivation. Eloise similarly. Frank? It was like they killed a bush.

Maybe with Widmore, there'll be a confrontation between he and Ben... That could bring a lot about him to light.

Still, I do wonder where he got that list. Was it just poor writing maybe?


Well-known member
Also, that Desmond wearing a wedding band on the plane thing apparently was a shooting error.


Well-known member
Ok, LOST geniuses: When the LA_X_ALT Locke was talking in his sleep in the hospital bed when Jack came by, he said, "I wish you hadn't believed me." Any deep thoughts here (or maybe I'm making something out of nothing)? I thought that was interesting. Jack thinks his mission now is to stay on the island (believing what Locke originally told him), and now the future Locke is unconsciously spouting out that he was wrong.

Thanks for sharing your theories! I love to read them.

I'll look again, but I'm pretty sure he said "I wish you had believed me," which was what he wrote to Jack as a suicide note.

Also worth pointing out that later, after Locke turned Jack down for the spinal surgery one last time (after the "what happened happened / letting go" conversation), Jack turned and called out after Locke as he rolled off down the hall and said, "I can help you, John. I wish you believed me."