LOST - discussion about the TV series LOST. ** SPOILER ALERT **

The Graphite

New member
I just noticed something about the "mysterious boy" in his latest appearance this week.

He is wearing a t-shirt. Not some ancient tunic. Yes, he's wearing what could be an "ancient" kind of vest, but the shirt is a modern t-shirt. Modern clothing! This cannot be an accident.


It reminds me of the others prior to "cheating by moving into the Dharma village, and after they moved in when they reverted to their old style of dress to still seem "backward" to the Losties. A mix of handmade clothing and modern clothing, a hodge-podge, like hillbillies or Swiss Family Robinson.

The "mysterious boy" is clearly wearing a modern t-shirt. That is just plain... weird. :confused:

The Graphite

New member
Two sides. One light... and one dark.

He has come to save us all. He will rescue the Lost, and overcome the adversary, the one who walks in darkness.

Who lies (in the tomb) in the shadow of the cross?

He who will save us all.

See a familiar face?


Well-known member
I just noticed something about the "mysterious boy" in his latest appearance this week.

He is wearing a t-shirt. Not some ancient tunic. Yes, he's wearing what could be an "ancient" kind of vest, but the shirt is a modern t-shirt. Modern clothing! This cannot be an accident.


It reminds me of the others prior to "cheating by moving into the Dharma village, and after they moved in when they reverted to their old style of dress to still seem "backward" to the Losties. A mix of handmade clothing and modern clothing, a hodge-podge, like hillbillies or Swiss Family Robinson.

The "mysterious boy" is clearly wearing a modern t-shirt. That is just plain... weird. :confused:

Oh. That's insane and I had completely, completely missed it. Looks like there are snaps on his hoodie, too.

Thanks. There are very few things that have really taken me off-guard about LOST in quite a while and this just did. It's been a while. Very happy to be so confused.

(But on the other hand, Demond's well looked like it came straight from a day-after-Halloween, 2-for-1 stone well 99-cent sale.)


Well-known member
I see your point about the likelihood of them being prevented from one or both of the potential escape vehicles.

However, my prediction stands about Widmore doing it. Because the raft was sabotaged by... whom? Walt. The son of the man who built it. Now, Widmore's son is dead, and his daughter Penny is nowhere near the island. Therefore, my bet is on him, to sabotage his own ship. Additionally, nobody on the island made (or created or even bought) the Ajira airliner. It's just a plane that belongs to the company. This is another reason why I am sure it will be the sub. It is owned by Widmore, and possibly even built by him (that is, under his leadership/supervision). It is his "raft." That fits the pattern. The airplane does not.

So, friendly wager. We'll see!

Alright. Friendly wager... :) I say if the sub goes down (and I think it will), it's not Widmore who pulls the trigger. I don't know who, but I'll narrow it to MIB, Desmond or an Ilana-explosion-esque "island intervention." :plain:

Do these rules sound okay:

1) Neither of us can intervene. For example, if Widmore sinks the sub, he has to do it either of his own free will OR according to the script.

2) We can't kill each other.*


*I'm already looking for a loophole.

The Graphite

New member
Alright. Friendly wager... :) I say if the sub goes down (and I think it will), it's not Widmore who pulls the trigger. I don't know who, but I'll narrow it to MIB, Desmond or an Ilana-explosion-esque "island intervention." :plain:

Do these rules sound okay:

1) Neither of us can intervene. For example, if Widmore sinks the sub, he has to do it either of his own free will OR according to the script.

2) We can't kill each other.*


*I'm already looking for a loophole.
Fair, but with one slight adjustment, which is in the spirit of my theory.

It will be Widmore... or someone under his authority, since that will also fit the pattern of it having been Michael's son, Walt.

Nathon Detroit

Do these rules sound okay:

1) Neither of us can intervene. For example, if Widmore sinks the sub, he has to do it either of his own free will OR according to the script.

2) We can't kill each other.*


*I'm already looking for a loophole.

Ok, that was one of the funniest posts of all time.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'm sure island-Desmond is dead. But teacher John Locke is dead, too, and that means something for the whole scheme of things. I'm sure that's why Desmond said "what's the point of being afraid."

The Graphite

New member
I'm sure island-Desmond is dead. But teacher John Locke is dead, too, and that means something for the whole scheme of things. I'm sure that's why Desmond said "what's the point of being afraid."

I guarantee he's not dead.

On a side note, speaking of dead people... it occurs to me to have a greater appreciation for the death of both Dogen and Ilana.

Consider, here we have the Losties, and they want answers to the mysteries of the island, and so do we. For almost the entire series, they've been yelling at the sky and demanding someone just come down from heaven and 1) answer their questions and 2) fix their problems. And they (and we the viewers) think we know what we need, and how we want it - some mysterious figure to step in and solve all our problems and make the bad things go away.

So, we see Ilana, trained for the coming "war" and with all kinds of answers from Jacob, and we think, woo hoo! Shes' gonna fix it! And then we meet Dogen, and we think, "Score! It's a samurai priest in charge of the temple! He'll know what to do, and he'll karate chop anyone that gets in his way!"

But, no. Dogen is suddenly drowned in Jacob's pool, and now effectively forgotten in the storyline. Ilana blows up without so much as a how-do-ya-do. Boom, gone. And we all move on.

Because the writers want us to realize and understand that these super warrior/monk/priest/leader people are just shills in the storytelling. They are a mirage. You think you see water on the horizon, but it's an illusion. These super heroes are NOT the answer. The Losties are the answer, - they always have been - and the writers want to remind us to keep our eyes on them and expect a resolution from them, not from some cavalry coming over the hill. They show us the samurai high priest, and then they wipe him out. Dogen is not the answer. He never was. Ilana wont' give us the answer. She was never going to save the day.

And within the story, I think Jacob intended this, also. He wanted to give the Losties some hope through these two figures, but then smack 'em right off the playing field, to impress on the candidates that they are the ones who are responsible for resolving things, and there's little time left, and they better get it in gear. They must stop expecting the answers to come from someone else all the time, coming in and giving them the answers. Grow up, kids! It's all on you!

Dogen was a crutch. Ilana was a crutch. Forget about 'em. They were killed off the ways they were to prove that nobody's coming over the hill to save the day, and that's a great thing. It's the candidates or nothing.

The Graphite

New member
2) We can't kill each other.*


*I'm already looking for a loophole.
Oh, and if you don't mind being stuck forever in the body of a middle-aged, over-the-hill, box company collections manager with sub-conscious anger management issues..... then be my guest. Take your best shot. :cool:


Blessed beyond measure
Staff member
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Hall of Fame
Grow up, kids! It's all on you!

And I, for one, am absolutely loving seeing different ones start to grow up. They may not being fully grown up, maybe just teen-agers as of yet, but pretty soon, before you know it, they'll all at least be saying [pull-ups diaper commercial]"I'm a big kid now!!"[/pull-up diapers commercial]

And isn't it funny that whether they want to or not, some are growing up but not using the lessons or wisdom that have been given them and some are getting the idea. A seemingly wise Hurley comes to mind. Before you know it, we'll all be sitting around saying, "Look, our fine little boy is starting to become a man now."


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Now I'm thinking the best way to turn this whole series into a wrenching and inescapable horror of time wasted would be some sort of "V" crossover at the tail end...:plain:

...Demond's well looked like it came straight from a day-after-Halloween, 2-for-1 stone well 99-cent sale.

Like something you'd find near the Swiss Family Robinson tree house at the Magic Kingdom or in an old episode of the Incredible Hulk. It would have been great if one of the two had touched it during their talk and the whole thing moved just a little bit.

The Graphite

New member
Like something you'd find near the Swiss Family Robinson tree house at the Magic Kingdom or in an old episode of the Incredible Hulk. It would have been great if one of the two had touched it during their talk and the whole thing moved just a little bit.
Like the cemetery tombstone that falls over in "Plan 9 from Outer Space?" :crackup:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Oh... so Desmond did live. I don't think Siheed (sp) shot him, either.

The Graphite

New member
I concur. No way does Desmond die that easy. That would be preposterous.

We are coming down to the wire, people! There's one more episode like the ones we've been watching... and then one episode devoted to nothing but the true backstory of Jacob and MIB... and then it's the 3-hour finale (divided into 2 nights)! That is all we have left! That's it!

But, no episode next week. A one-week break!

Nathon Detroit

I am a little disappointed in one thing...

I am disappointed in the way they are lazily giving away some of the answers this season.


Hurley to Michael... "Are you making these whisper sounds?"
Michael to Hurley... "Yes."


Jack to Flocke... "Was it you impersonating my father?"
Flocke to Jack... "Yes."

Come on LOST writers!!! You can do better than that!! How dumb do you think we are? Can't you give away the answers in a little more intellectually pleasing way? The show is almost over... don't get lazy and just start blurting out the answers. Give us the answers, but do it in a more subtle way.

End rant. :D

The Graphite

New member
I don't think they're done with the whispers.

Also, someone at the Lost theories blog pointed this out, and I'm going to run with it a little bit.

FLocke asked Sayid what he wanted. Sayid said he wanted to be see the woman that he loves, but he can't because she is dead. FLocke promised he could make it happen. Have we been assuming too much?

FLocke took on the memories of Locke. As far as Locke knows, who is the only woman who fits that description?


I'm pretty sure Sayid is referring to Nadia. However, FLocke likely doesn't know Nadia even exists, and is probably assuming Sayid wants to be reunited with Shannon! Nadia's body is far from the island. Shannon died on the island. I think that FLocke assumes he can make it possible for Sayid to "see" Shannon again, since she is dead on the island and is probably one of the whispers now. Heck, FLocke could probably actually make that happen!

But if all of the above is true, then FLocke may have made a fatal error. We may very well see Sayid and FLocke hanging around together and FLocke says something like "Don't worry, you'll see Shannon again." And Sayid says, "Shannon? SHANNON? I want to see Nadia!" And then everything hits the fan, and Sayid turns on FLocke.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but they have been very careful this season to avoid the name of the woman in question, between Sayid and FLocke. Why else would they do that... unless they intend to pull a bait-and-switch? :think:

The Graphite

New member
You know how this year they have been airing the last episode right before the new episode, every week? To refresh your memory right before the new one?

Guess what?


On the night before the series finale "The End".... they're going to air... what? The 2-hour pilot episode, "The Pilot." Why would they do that? Has any other hugely successful show done that for its season finale?

Could this indicate that the end of the story will loop back to the beginning, somehow? (Even if it loops back to the beginning but is different this time?)


Nathon Detroit

You know how this year they have been airing the last episode right before the new episode, every week? To refresh your memory right before the new one?

Guess what?


On the night before the series finale "The End".... they're going to air... what? The 2-hour pilot episode, "The Pilot." Why would they do that? Has any other hugely successful show done that for its season finale?

Could this indicate that the end of the story will loop back to the beginning, somehow? (Even if it loops back to the beginning but is different this time?)

That is insane! It also goes to show how incredibly awesome the pilot episode was (Hollywood movie style production). Apparently it was the most expensive TV series double episode in history, I guess they are getting a little "pay-back" now. :)

I think it's cool that the pilot episode would be still so relevant 6 years later.