LOST - discussion about the TV series LOST. ** SPOILER ALERT **

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I am a little disappointed in one thing...

I am disappointed in the way they are lazily giving away some of the answers this season.


Hurley to Michael... "Are you making these whisper sounds?"
Michael to Hurley... "Yes."
:think: Would you have felt better about it if Michael had whispered, "Maybe."

Jack to Flocke... "Was it you impersonating my father?"
Flocke to Jack... "Yes."
How about if when MIB said that Jack's father appeared in the background, just over MIB's shoulder mouthing "No way."

That would have left us all guessing, I'm guessing. :plain:
Come on LOST writers!!! You can do better than that!!
See, I've had this running theory that it's easy to spin a great many apparently mystical threads out into the ether so long as they don't eventually have to weave something together. Now, if you do that and at some point try to fashion a well tailored garment you're probably going to end up with lederhosen. :shocked:
How dumb do you think we are?
How much commercial air time do they have left to sell? :D
Can't you give away the answers in a little more intellectually pleasing way? The show is almost over... don't get lazy and just start blurting out the answers. Give us the answers, but do it in a more subtle way.
You want subtle from the people who gave you an airplane crash, a Gaea like tropical island with polar bears, a smoke monster and Jack's attitude?

[whisper: Dude]


Nathon Detroit

:think: Would you have felt better about it if Michael had whispered, "Maybe."

How about if when MIB said that Jack's father appeared in the background, just over MIB's shoulder mouthing "No way."
I would have preferred it go something like this... (which I believe is more consistent with how the last 6 seasons have been)

Jack to Flocke... "Was it you impersonating my father?"
Flocke to Jack... "Jack, did you find what you were looking for?"

Answering a question with a question gives us the answer but it also allows us to ponder what else Jack found that he was looking for.

Any hoo.... no big deal but I just don't want the show to be lazy and just blurt out answers simply because some fans are too impatient with the progress of the show.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Okay...after last nights episode only a few of the regulars remain. That was a lot of killing off of the regulars.

I guess the candidate pool has been narrowed down for us. Perhaps Ben and Richard will return to save the day in the next episode.


Well-known member
IMO, worst LOST episode ever.

Though about 10 minutes of it (added up) was really good.

The Graphite

New member
IMO, one of the greatest Lost episodes, ever!

Thought about 10 minutes of it (added up) were only mediocre.


I'm more excited than ever to see next week's episode! (Which will be devoted to the origin/background story of Jacob and MIB! And we should finally learn the truth about the boy in the jungle!)

Nathon Detroit

IMO, one of the greatest Lost episodes, ever!
I'm not saying I didn't like the episode (it was better than the previous one) but I am curious.... what did you think was so great about it?

The last two episodes have had tons of positioning but not much mythology or intrigue. (IMO)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I did think it interesting that FLocke knew that he hadn't killed all of the candidates somehow. I wonder if they were to all die, if he would then be "released" somehow. Because that didn't happen, he knew that some had escaped.

I wonder how Chuck putting them in cages would have protected them?

Now that the Kwons and Sayid are dead (or supposedly dead, after all Jin and sayid were already "killed" once before)...does that mean they will join the wispers?

I wonder how their death on the Island will effect (if at all) their existence in the alternate timeline?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootise Roll Pop?

Nathon Detroit

I did think it interesting that FLocke knew that he hadn't killed all of the candidates somehow. I wonder if they were to all die, if he would then be "released" somehow. Because that didn't happen, he knew that some had escaped.
Good point.

I wonder how Chuck putting them in cages would have protected them?
I don't think it would have protected them in any way and Widmore knew that. But at the same time Widmore is in the middle of a big battle and he didn't want our "losties" messing things up for him.

Now that the Kwons and Sayid are dead (or supposedly dead, after all Jin and sayid were already "killed" once before)...does that mean they will join the wispers?
Sayid might (he's sorta like Michael with lots of unpaid baggage). But I think Sun and Gin would get to "move on".

I wonder how their death on the Island will effect (if at all) their existence in the alternate timeline?
That is the big question.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootise Roll Pop?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And another thing.

This battle between Jacob and the MIB seems to have been going on for a long time. I wonder if Jacob has ever been "killed" before?

If not, and this is the first time he has been killed, then I wonder if our losties are indeed the last hope. With Jacob being dead, he can't recruit anyone else like he did the losties. That makes these guys the final group that will ever get a chance to save the Island.

Nathon Detroit

And another thing.

This battle between Jacob and the MIB seems to have been going on for a long time. I wonder if Jacob has ever been "killed" before?

If not, and this is the first time he has been killed, then I wonder if our losties are indeed the last hope. With Jacob being dead, he can't recruit anyone else like he did the losties. That makes these guys the final group that will ever get a chance to save the Island.

I don't believe that Jacob is really dead.

Jacob wants to leave his post as "island protector" but I don't think dying was his way out.

I'm not sure how all the details of this theory work out but here is what I think..... (this theory has some similarities to other LOST theories but there are some major aspects of this theory that are unique - as far as I know)

I believe that Jacob is pulling a long con, a very long looooong con. Jacob has tricked the MIB into thinking that the MIB killed Jacob via Ben (the loophole). However, I believe Ben killed a ALT version of Jacob that was created via time travel and the sideways realities. Jacob wanted the MIB to kill the ALT version of himself, after all he wanted off the island entirely (not just in one reality). And Jacob couldn't have multiple versions of himself living elsewhere (have you ever seen the Prestige?). Therefore the ALT version of Jacob needed to die in the foot of the statue and somebody other than the MIB needed to do the deed.

Jacob has been off the island many times but he still had his responsibility on the island therefore these trips off the island to recruit and manipulate the candidates were not what Jacob was truly seeking. Jacob wanted a fresh start, a clean slate (a Tabula Rasa).

So how did Jacob accomplish getting a fresh new life off the island?

The answer takes us all the way back to the Pilot episode pt. 2. After the plane crash Claire hadn't felt her baby move in a long time, Claire tells Shannon... "I haven't felt the baby move since yesterday". What we don't know is that tragically Claire's baby has died inside the womb. Jacob claims Aaron's body and leaps in Clarie's belly, Claire feels her baby move once again. Jacob moves in Claires womb the moment that Gin feeds her fish (Jacob likes fish, just ask the MIB). The scene where Clarie's baby moves is also directly after the most famous scene of all, where Locke explains to Walt about there being two sides "one dark, and one white". Therefore, at that point of the show the long con has just begun and both sides have been introduced.

Jacob manipulated the psychic that Claire visited in Australia to convince Claire to board flight 815 thereby giving Jacob what he needed (a baby boy body to claim). Jacob also manipulated all the rest of our losties to get them to fill the roles he needed filling to pull off his long con.

Jacob also needed his new body to be able to withstand the effects of the electromagnetism on the island which is why he had Claire abducted by Ethan and "the others" and treated with medication, the same medication that allows Desmond to remain healthy. Or possibly "the others" are actually unknowingly working against Jacob's plan and were trying to keep him on the island by removing him from Claire's womb but that plan was foiled when Claire escaped with the help of Rousseau.

Either way, Jacob/Aaron made his way off the island with the help of the Oceanic 6 and is now living a fresh new life off the island being raised by Claire's mother.

The MIB thinks he killed Jacob. Yet in reality he only killed a ALT version of Jacob and even that killing was by Jacob's design.

So now all we need is Jacob's replacement which is looking more and more like Jack even though Desmond has been fulfilling some of Jacob's duties as of late.

Jacob's long con will be complete once his replacement fully realizes and accepts his role as the island protector and the guy who keeps evil (the smoke monster) from leaving the island.

- Why is there 3 Lockes? (Smokie, the dead and buried Locke, and the ALT Locke)
- What will happen with the non-ALT, off island, reality? Which is where Aaron/Jacob reside? That's the same place that Walt and baby Ji Yeon Kwon reside.
- Was Locke smokie all along? Or was smokie Vincent all along? Or maybe both? (at times)
- How did all of this start in the first place? Was it a time travel experiment gone horribly wrong?
- Will all of our losties (except Jack) need to die on the island? Therefore will Jack in the ALT need to die?
- Will one of those deaths be Kate killing Sawyer? A dying Sawyer asked Kate in Season 2 "why did you kill me?"
- What does Widmore want with the island?
- What happens with Richard? Does he stay on as Jack's "adviser"?
- How do the mirror's in the lighthouse fit into all of this?
- Who are "Adam and Eve"?
- Cabin antics, how did all of that fit in?
- Claire and Sayid, kinda claimed, kinda not??
- Will Jack set things right by "lifting it up"?
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame

I don't believe that Jacob is really dead.

Jacob wants to leave his post as "island protector" but I don't think dying was his way out.

I'm not sure how all the details of this theory work out but here is what I think..... (this theory has some similarities to other LOST theories but there are some major aspects of this theory that are unique - as far as I know)

I believe that Jacob is pulling a long con, a very long looooong con. Jacob has tricked the MIB into thinking that the MIB killed Jacob via Ben (the loophole). However, I believe Ben killed a ALT version of Jacob that was created via time travel and the sideways realities. Jacob wanted the MIB to kill the ALT version of himself, after all he wanted off the island entirely (not just in one reality). And Jacob couldn't have multiple versions of himself living elsewhere (have you ever seen the Prestige?). Therefore the ALT version of Jacob needed to die in the foot of the statue and somebody other than the MIB needed to do the deed.

Jacob has been off the island many times but he still had his responsibility on the island therefore these trips off the island to recruit and manipulate the candidates were not what Jacob was truly seeking. Jacob wanted a fresh start, a clean slate (a Tabula Rasa).

So how did Jacob accomplish getting a fresh new life off the island?

The answer takes us all the way back to the Pilot episode pt. 2. After the plane crash Claire hadn't felt her baby move in a long time, Claire tells Shannon... "I haven't felt the baby move since yesterday". What we don't know is that tragically Claire's baby has died inside the womb. Jacob claims Aaron's body and leaps in Clarie's belly, Claire feels her baby move once again. Jacob moves in Claires womb the moment that Gin feeds her fish (Jacob likes fish, just ask the MIB). The scene where Clarie's baby moves is also directly after the most famous scene of all, where Locke explains to Walt about there being two sides "one dark, and one white". Therefore, at that point of the show the long con has just begun and both sides have been introduced.

Jacob manipulated the psychic that Claire visited in Australia to convince Claire to board flight 815 thereby giving Jacob what he needed (a baby boy body to claim). Jacob also manipulated all the rest of our losties to get them to fill the roles he needed filling to pull off his long con.

Jacob also needed his new body to be able to withstand the effects of the electromagnetism on the island which is why he had Claire abducted by Ethan and "the others" and treated with medication, the same medication that allows Desmond to remain healthy. Or possibly "the others" are actually unknowingly working against Jacob's plan and were trying to keep him on the island by removing him from Claire's womb but that plan was foiled when Claire escaped with the help of Rousseau.

Either way, Jacob/Aaron made his way off the island with the help of the Oceanic 6 and is now living a fresh new life off the island being raised by Claire's mother.

The MIB thinks he killed Jacob. Yet in reality he only killed a ALT version of Jacob and even that killing was by Jacob's design.

So now all we need is Jacob's replacement which is looking more and more like Jack even though Desmond has been fulfilling some of Jacob's duties as of late.

Jacob's long con will be complete once his replacement fully realizes and accepts his role as the island protector and the guy who keeps evil (the smoke monster) from leaving the island.

- Why is there 3 Lockes? (Smokie, the dead and buried Locke, and the ALT Locke)
- What will happen with the non-ALT, off island, reality? Which is where Aaron/Jacob reside? That's the same place that Walt and baby Ji Yeon Kwon reside.
- Was Locke smokie all along? Or was smokie Vincent all along? Or maybe both? (at times)
- How did all of this start in the first place? Was it a time travel experiment gone horribly wrong?
- Will all of our losties (except Jack) need to die on the island? Therefore will Jack in the ALT need to die?
- Will one of those deaths be Kate killing Sawyer? A dying Sawyer asked Kate in Season 2 "why did you kill me?"
- What does Widmore want with the island?
- What happens with Richard? Does he stay on as Jack's "adviser"?
- How do the mirror's in the lighthouse fit into all of this?
- Who are "Adam and Eve"?
- Cabin antics, how did all of that fit in?
- Claire and Sayid, kinda claimed, kinda not??
- Will Jack set things right by "lifting it up"?

I wish I had the mental capacity to even think of something like the scenario you detailed. I guess it results in me wathcing the show from the start (and thinking oh...this is a neat Gilligan's Island type show) I have missed all of the details that were so important in putting seemingly unrealted incidents together.


New member

I don't believe that Jacob is really dead.

Jacob wants to leave his post as "island protector" but I don't think dying was his way out.

I'm not sure how all the details of this theory work out but here is what I think..... (this theory has some similarities to other LOST theories but there are some major aspects of this theory that are unique - as far as I know)

I believe that Jacob is pulling a long con, a very long looooong con. Jacob has tricked the MIB into thinking that the MIB killed Jacob via Ben (the loophole). However, I believe Ben killed a ALT version of Jacob that was created via time travel and the sideways realities. Jacob wanted the MIB to kill the ALT version of himself, after all he wanted off the island entirely (not just in one reality). And Jacob couldn't have multiple versions of himself living elsewhere (have you ever seen the Prestige?). Therefore the ALT version of Jacob needed to die in the foot of the statue and somebody other than the MIB needed to do the deed.

Jacob has been off the island many times but he still had his responsibility on the island therefore these trips off the island to recruit and manipulate the candidates were not what Jacob was truly seeking. Jacob wanted a fresh start, a clean slate (a Tabula Rasa).

So how did Jacob accomplish getting a fresh new life off the island?

The answer takes us all the way back to the Pilot episode pt. 2. After the plane crash Claire hadn't felt her baby move in a long time, Claire tells Shannon... "I haven't felt the baby move since yesterday". What we don't know is that tragically Claire's baby has died inside the womb. Jacob claims Aaron's body and leaps in Clarie's belly, Claire feels her baby move once again. Jacob moves in Claires womb the moment that Gin feeds her fish (Jacob likes fish, just ask the MIB). The scene where Clarie's baby moves is also directly after the most famous scene of all, where Locke explains to Walt about there being two sides "one dark, and one white". Therefore, at that point of the show the long con has just begun and both sides have been introduced.

Jacob manipulated the psychic that Claire visited in Australia to convince Claire to board flight 815 thereby giving Jacob what he needed (a baby boy body to claim). Jacob also manipulated all the rest of our losties to get them to fill the roles he needed filling to pull off his long con.

Jacob also needed his new body to be able to withstand the effects of the electromagnetism on the island which is why he had Claire abducted by Ethan and "the others" and treated with medication, the same medication that allows Desmond to remain healthy. Or possibly "the others" are actually unknowingly working against Jacob's plan and were trying to keep him on the island by removing him from Claire's womb but that plan was foiled when Claire escaped with the help of Rousseau.

Either way, Jacob/Aaron made his way off the island with the help of the Oceanic 6 and is now living a fresh new life off the island being raised by Claire's mother.

The MIB thinks he killed Jacob. Yet in reality he only killed a ALT version of Jacob and even that killing was by Jacob's design.

So now all we need is Jacob's replacement which is looking more and more like Jack even though Desmond has been fulfilling some of Jacob's duties as of late.

Jacob's long con will be complete once his replacement fully realizes and accepts his role as the island protector and the guy who keeps evil (the smoke monster) from leaving the island.

- Why is there 3 Lockes? (Smokie, the dead and buried Locke, and the ALT Locke)
- What will happen with the non-ALT, off island, reality? Which is where Aaron/Jacob reside? That's the same place that Walt and baby Ji Yeon Kwon reside.
- Was Locke smokie all along? Or was smokie Vincent all along? Or maybe both? (at times)
- How did all of this start in the first place? Was it a time travel experiment gone horribly wrong?
- Will all of our losties (except Jack) need to die on the island? Therefore will Jack in the ALT need to die?
- Will one of those deaths be Kate killing Sawyer? A dying Sawyer asked Kate in Season 2 "why did you kill me?"
- What does Widmore want with the island?
- What happens with Richard? Does he stay on as Jack's "adviser"?
- How do the mirror's in the lighthouse fit into all of this?
- Who are "Adam and Eve"?
- Cabin antics, how did all of that fit in?
- Claire and Sayid, kinda claimed, kinda not??
- Will Jack set things right by "lifting it up"?

I like it. Do you agree that the MIB is trying to kill everyone that might wind up replacing Jacob? Why do they trust him?

Nathon Detroit

I wish I had the mental capacity to even think of something like the scenario you detailed. I guess it results in me wathcing the show from the start (and thinking oh...this is a neat Gilligan's Island type show) I have missed all of the details that were so important in putting seemingly unrealted incidents together.
First off... it's very likely that nothing I have predicted is even remotely true. :chuckle:

However, if I am right... I think it helps that I watched the show all at once (over the last couple of months). It may have been very difficult to get all these little details had I been watching one episode a week for six years.


Well-known member
Ugh. Okay I'll try responding to some of these. Knight, your theory's awesome, really (you have some of the best LOST theories I've come across), but I don't think I buy it, but I have to think about it, so more later.

Here are some things I think/don't think. I figure there's little time left and I might as well spit some things out. This last episode really didn't help me (but did confirm a lot of things I thought and saw a bunch of things I'd expected realized):

I don't think Jacob & MIB are the same person. I do think they've been connected for a long time, maybe brothers. If brothers, via the mother.

My biggest risk: I don't think there's going to be any Jacob replacement (I think we're seeing the "there's only one ending" that Jacob mentioned). I think most everyone's probably going to die on-island. Maybe everyone. Maybe Desmond will make it out. The island'll get sunk and that's what we saw at the beginning of the season when the plane didn't crash... The island'll get sunk (in the future) but there's some kind of loop that'll wind up merging into a slightly different version of the LA_X ALT plane ride. Hm.

I think Adam is going to be MIB (no clue on Eve yet). His human body's a mystery and I think that might be it. I think the whole "we wrote Adam and Eve in because we wanted people to know we knew where we were headed" might have to do with the stones (that Jack has?) more than the bodies. I might be dead wrong on this.

Related, I think there's a real and touching truth to MIB losing his "humanity" that we'll learn, and I think Jacob is at least in great part responsible (maybe combined with mom).

I think Jacob's going to have a very big demon in his past (blood on his hands). A skeleton in his closet.

I think Jack's probably going to wind up the/an ultimate LOST "hero," but not a "replacement." Rather, through a self-sacrifice (don't know if on-Island off-island or both). At this point I have to think it'll come down to Jack though. He's just made such a remarkable transformation.

I think the worlds will meld into the current LA_X ALT, with changes. A little loop, with corrections.

I think Juliette will be David's mom.

I think Sawyer & Juliette will get together in the alt.

I hope Rose and Bernard don't die, but I think we'll see them on-island again, with Vincent. (someone had made a joke about Vincent finding Desmond in the well, and while I know it was meant as a joke, I'm not ruling it out).

I think Desmond'll stick it out 'til the end, and POSSIBLY that he and Penny'll have some kind of "reunion." Currently I'm very torn on whether he or Jack will emerge as the "ultimate" hero... But I'm inclined to think Desmond won't... I think he'll go to Penny. Not a prediction, but I could see Desmond being the only island survivor.

No idea what'll go down with Richard, but I figure he's got to die. Maybe Ben will do the deed.

Ben will make it very far, and there'll be one more typical "Ben twist" where he shifts allegiance (for good or for bad I don't know). Ben'll play into the end-game.

A bunch of the end game will take place underground. Frozen donkey wheel/Jacob's cave type scenario.

I think a number of the things I listed above will be completely, utterly wrong.

More to come.
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Well-known member
Graphite, what was the bet we'd made on the sub scenario? Was it a friendly, but $10,000 plus a steak & lobster dinner bet?



Well-known member
I'm going to pop out a bunch of things in the next posts I think...

Okay, does it seem to anyone else that many of the off-island LA_X extraneous (non candidate) characters keep dropping hints and giving nudges? Like Bernard in this episode with Jack... "Oceanic 815. Pretty weird huh? Maybe you're onto something, here." Or Miles in the Sawyer episode "You know you can tell me .... anything... ANYTHING AT ALL." It's like those who aren't candidates are pushing Jack et al towards an island realization. Like Charlie did with Desmond, even though that was over-the-top.

Anyway. Random LOST thought.


Well-known member
Okay. FWIW, here's what I think regarding the parallel/mirror theory, Graphite. Sorry so late on the take. Also, I cut this post down from approximately 10-gazillion more words, so sorry if it might be disjointed...

As some of you [Graphite!] may know, I've been very big on mirrors and parallels this season. I think / have thought they're key to LOST. Since the beginning of the season, both have been top on my radar. But I think I may have been looking at them a bit differently than you have, Graphite... Or looking in somewhat different directions.

At this point, obviously there's no doubt, mirrors absolutely have been being used as clues, as a way to further the story lines and as a way to connect the worlds. Pat on my back for seeing that months ago, but it's old hat now. (But maybe there'll be another big mirror revelation before the end? I hope)

I also believe that the seasons do mirror one another. To an extent.

While I love and agree with the basics of your ABCCBA theory, Graphite, I wish I believed that it was really so concise: I wish the writers/producers had crafted the seasons mirroring one another as meticulously as you're pointing out (if we were on the island maybe we could go back in time and suggest some improvements, as Hurley rewriting Empire Strikes Back). Also, I don't necessarily agree with some of your examples.

A couple of the things you list actually happen in different seasons than you're connecting them to, which throws off your own ABCCBA. (IMO, not that big a deal, because there were a lot more episodes in the first 3 seasons than the last 3 seasons, so it's "mushy.")

But mostly, while I agree with the premise of the show mirroring itself, and events mirroring one another, I just don't think that it's nearly as meticulous as you've portrayed (again, I wish it were). And IMO, parallels/mirrored events don't fit ABCCBA as closely as you've put forth.

Here's a way of looking at it: Consider that there are about 120 episodes of LOST. Mirroring the seasons (ABCCBA), on the very safe side, lets say there were around 40 episodes on either side (ABC / CBA) ... There were a lot more episodes in the first seasons, and 40 per side leaves a lot of area for the "mushy" crossover. That's very conservative. In most episodes, a major plot point occurs. Something happens. Also, in pretty much each episode a number of smaller, but still significant plot points take place//are introduced. If you accept that, we're looking at least 40 events [crashes, cliff-fallings, boat launchings, etc], character introductions, concepts [constants/variables, childbirth, save-the-world button duties, time travel, etc] & pieces [maps, hatches, murals, ladders, dynamite, etc], that could be mirrored, and hundreds of smaller but significant events/concepts/pieces that could be mirrored... All of these have the potential to be mirrored with a significant meaning. But really have they been? I don't think so.

Which things do we pull out as "legitimate" parallels? Artz and Ilana exploding? In my opinion, while I agree it's a mirror, I don't see there's much meaning there beyond as a story-telling device: As viewers, we feel comfortable with someone blowing up via Black Rock dynamite. It fits into our LOST world. There's already been a set-up; Artz blew up... So it makes sense to us. Plus there's a little extra something as a "inside joke," meaning the writers would know that steadfast viewers can "get something" out of it. But is there a significance to a mirrored random dynamite explosion death beyond that? It's a way to end the Ilana story (and give us a little jump in our seats). think that Ilana's blowing up was more a way to harken back, and to keep things inside of a world we know, rather than as a significant "mirror."

I actually thought it was a cop out. Not the way she died (which I loved), but that there was never any real character development to her. Anything we learned of her was IMO, predominantly a waste of time. Unless we were supposed to learn that Jacob doesn't really care about his followers, which could very well be. Maybe she was just an expendible body to move his game forward, while she considered him "the closest thing to a father she ever had."

And maybe the Jacob ashes she took, that Hurley has now, will play into the plot... I hope they do.

So anyway, while I don't disagree that it's a mirror, I do question how significant it really is.

Are precarious cliffs a significant parallel? Or are there simply X amount of "uh oh, that was a dangerous wrong turn" situations on a Hawaiian island? Or do they parallel something smaller?

However, a few things, like say, Sayid being tortured by a weird electrical box is good. Sun's loss of English was a mirror I thought was remarkable.

While I think the writers/producers did have a decent idea of what was going to happen from the beginning, I do not believe they had it it completely mapped out. I think especially the bulk of seasons 3,4,5 were plotted as it all went along. So some of the things you parallel, I don't think were initially intended. That said, they certainly may have been intended after-the-fact... For example, when they wrote the hatch in, while I don't believe they knew they were going to mirror it with the well (or at all), I do believe they intended to mirror the hatch when they wrote the well in... And once that was clear, clarified with something like the torch being dropped down the well. No doubt that mirrors the torch down the hatch...

But the way lost is set up, you can draw parallels all over the place. And given that there are so many possibilities, I find it difficult to believe that if ABCCBA was deeply integrated, they wouldn't give us some stronger and more meaningful associations.

Parallels I've been looking at this season have more been regarding the Island vs the alt. And possible explanations of timelines (simultaneous or looping or what) over seasons.

I think much looser mirrors/parallels are more significant, like (obviously) Jack's science/faith change from season 1 to season 6. That's a big mirror, and it's significant. But the details, I wish I thought were more planned and significant.

Okay, that's already too long and rambling.

If it'd help, I can address it more on a point-by-point response to your post.

EDIT: I think I can put what I think in fewer words. :plain:

Basically, I think that if the writers/producers explained it, they might say something like: we tried to mirror the island characters and events as much as possible as the seasons drew closer to an end. We wanted to increasingly work within a framework that was self-referencing, and repeating. To create mirrored circumstances, and loops upon loops... Some of those mirror references related to seasons, some to dialogue, some to events, some to circumstances, some to characters (their developments/changes), and importantly, to the history of the island itself (events that repeated on-island, such as Claire becoming a "new" Rousseau).

I don't think there was quite a "formula," as ABCCBA for a lot of the mirroring.
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Well-known member
Here's my response to Knight's "Desmond is the Replacement" theory:

I have no idea.

A while back, I really thought that by now I'd be able to predict what was going to happen... But it's not set up that way. No one can. The clues aren't about "finding" the solution anymore. Which has been frustrating to me.

Anyway, currently, I don't think there's going to be a replacement...

I think we're seeing the "there's only one end," from Jacob/MIB's beach conversation.

I think there'll be a big self-sacrifice, though.

And I think we'll see the island sunk.

I do think Desmond & Jack are the two most likely to be set apart from the rest in an endgame scenario. Replacement or not. And Ben. But I think Desmond will remain integral til the end.