Liberalism is Dead and Evangelicals Don't Deserve It Anyway

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Proverbs 31:10
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1. That plainly falls under what should be "the free marketplace of ideas." If other races obviously are not to blame for our problems, then you should love the fact that I'm blaming other races, since that gives many people the opportunity to show exactly why that's not true.

Of course, you can't do that, because the things that you've found so repulsive aren't actually false.

In fact, the legislator who pushed the law in California was Jewish.

In fact, Jews are vastly over represented in various fields.

In fact, Jews have a vastly disproportionate impact on the world economy.

In fact, US foreign policy is disproportionately impacted by Jewish interests (read: Israel).

Those points are indisputably true. You may disagree with the spin that I'm putting on those things, but you can't actually disagree with the facts. Because they're correct.
I don't know, Trad. I tend not to pay attention to the nationality of people who have been elected. I listen to their ideas and either agree with them or disagree with them. That is all I base my vote on.

2. And let's be real, Ebenz: you, and most right wing evangelicals, are likely DEEPLY racist.

And, you would be wrong about me (I won't say that you're wrong about other evangelicals; just me.).

That's likely WHY you guys are right wingers.

I don't really explain what I meant by a subtly racist subtext in the OP, but let's talk about that.

If I used the phrase "welfare queen," chances are, you, and most right wingers on this website, would applaud my use of the term. After all, Reagan used it, and all good right wingers know that those welfare queens are the scum of the earth, aren't they?

Except you and I both know EXACTLY what a welfare queen looks like. You know the image that conjures up.

Complaining about welfare queens is qualitatively no different from using the n-word.

Again, you are wrong about me on this issue. When I hear the term "welfare queen," I picture my mother (who was as white as a person can be), who knew how to use the system for all she could get so that she wouldn't have to work. My mom divorced my father when I was about two years old and tried to get a minimum of two thirds of his income for child support. When she couldn't get that much, she immediately went on welfare until she married my step-father. When he insisted that she get a job to help support me and my two sisters, she divorced him. She got child support for my youngest sister and got welfare for me and my other sister. Within three months of my step-father moving out of our house, she had a boyfriend move in to support her and her three daughters. That was when I was about ten years old. My mom got cash assistance, food stamps, medicaid, and housing assistance. She wouldn't allow any of us girls to attend church unless they offered some kind of assistance to her. She told her boyfriend that, unless he paid all of the utilities and gave her a minimum of $250 a week for his "rent," he wouldn't be allowed to live in her house. When I was about fifteen, she met Louie. Louie was a retired truck driver who lived about three houses down from us. She was still getting welfare for us girls. She moved in with Louie. She would come home on the first of each month to fill out her forms for the welfare department to make sure the rent, electricity, and water were taken care of. She would bring a five pound bag of potatoes, a two pound bag of pinto beans, two boxes of cereal, a gallon of milk, two loaves of bread, and a jar of peanut butter to us and tell us that we had to make that last a month. We wouldn't see her again unless we had doctors' appointments or until the first of the next month.

My mom was what I would call a "welfare queen."

Right wing political ideology is largely veiled racism.

That's why the Southern Strategy was so effective for so long, after all!

The difference between me and you right wingers is that I don't bother doing the song and dance to hide it...and, of course, you right wingers are likely far more racist than I'll ever be.

The right wing hatred of welfare, as well as continued support for the war on drugs, is veiled racism against black people.

Not in my case.

The right wing hatred of illegal immigration is veiled racism against Latinos.

In my case, I would like to see people, no matter what their nationality, follow the rules that have been set.

The right wing fear of Islamic migrants is largely veiled racism against brown people in general.

Islam is not a race.

And there's a good chance that you didn't vote for Trump because he said would impose trade tariffs, if you know what I'm saying. After all, "evangelical Christians," you weren't attracted to his good, wholesome family values, were you?

Actually, I voted for Trump. But, I won't go into my reasons for voting for him.

And deny it all you want.

But studies have been done.

And if you were to take the various tests designed to reveal implicit/subconscious racial biases, I think we all know what the results would be.

Actually, I think you're wrong about me. But, I don't know. The reason I get upset when someone mistakes me for a liberal is because I (so far) don't agree with much that I've heard liberals say they believe in (abortion on demand, homosexual marriage, the government "taking care" of its citizens, etc...). More often than not, I find myself disagreeing greatly with people that I thought I had a lot in common with (politically, idealogically). I'm considered the "black sheep" of my family because I don't agree with my uncles on their racist ideas or with their wives on feminism. And, even with their views, my family for the largest part consider themselves politically liberal. Who'd have thought? Right?


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The core doctrine of liberalism, in the classical sense, is laissez faire (let it be). Liberalism is tolerance. Liberalism is the political doctrine that, though I may find what other people think, say, and, to a real extent, do, to be abhorrent, nonetheless, I shouldn't intervene, because it could well be the case that people who think differently may think the same about me.
The new "left" liberalism has nothing to do with classical liberalism.

I do not like "New Left" liberalism, nor do I like National Socialism.

I could do without you using a NAZI symbol here. I am a regular American and proud to be one.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
"...of literally any sort"? Strawman, much?
It would only be a straw man if it altered the point of consideration. Recognizing a greater breadth in the same point doesn't do that.

Again, I certainly agree with what you are saying, and I affirm wholeheartedly that freedom of association is an integral part of the liberal ideal (which, for the record, is why imposing anti-discrimination laws on businesses is illiberal).
There's a profound difference between choosing to associate and discrimination, which isn't about your company but about equality of opportunity within the context of the public square, not your living room or backyard barbecue.

And this isn't an abstract academic consideration. Look at how hate speech laws are being applied in Europe, and look at the "misgendering" law in California.
Europe has a different tradition and let me know when Cal. actually has a law on the books to talk about.

What you are saying is the rejection of the liberal ideal. You say "Nazi," I say "protestants," Republicans say "left wing protestors," and leftists say "transphobes." You can't pick and choose which ideas are and are not acceptable. Either all ideas can be expressed or not.
I think you can and that we do, in fact, reasonably exclude some things from the public forum. The standards applied aren't magical or mysterious and exclusions are rare and tied to fundamental societal interests.

On your note about Jews being "over represented" in a particular.
I'm not necessarily claiming that it does [signify anything other than merit]. But it is a curious fact.
Your choice of avatar doesn't lend credibility to your statement, Trad. It carries insinuation and a tradition of fairly odious associations. You're better off without it...or the asinine avatar.

On alleged evangelical racism.
At the very least, Trump voters are, and 81% of evangelicals voted for Trump.
I don't see hard data about racism, only bias and negative focus, which is a bit different. Look, I know more of America than not has some fairly sophomoric ideas, racially. I've posted studies on the point. One noting that a surprising number of whites believe crime and poverty in black communities has some genetic element. But there's a gap between holding a stupid idea and being stupid, or being willing to do something stupid. And racism without power is nothing but a bad attitude. In fact, you could argue (and many have) that racism is only meaningful when it acts. When we talk about racism we speak about what it does, who it demeans, excludes, or in some other palpable way harms.

You've fundamentally misunderstood my point. I am not claiming that, in fact, there is a problem of welfare queens who are black.
Rather, I thought you believed that was the mental response of the people you were speaking to, the religious right. And my response was essentially that it might be true (as an extension of that ethnocentric principle) but largely among the ignorant. And ignorance is curable.

What I am claiming is that the right wing anti-welfare point of view, in particular, when accompanied by complaints about "welfare queens" is itself motivated by racism, if only by unconscious bias.
I don't agree with the assessment as an expression of racism. The other will usually receive a less welcoming and warm embrace. The greater the difference the larger the distance. So when anyone thinks of a poor example of something they'll be more likely to mentally associate that negative with the other, and less likely to associate it with people who are more readily identifiable as being like them.

Racism and bias are cousins, but they haven't married and necessarily produced angry children.


Let's be clear on what I am and am not saying:
I am not saying that right wing policies are inherently racist.
I am not saying that the "philosophy" which underpins right wing views is inherently racist.
I AM saying that, in fact, people are generally motivated to hold those views based on racism and in-group preference, even if that racism is at the level of unconscious bias.
I'm not confused, but it's always a good idea to be as clear with everyone as possible. My response is that all bias does not a bigot make and that you're trying to move the margin unreasonably. I suspect that you do this not as a real criticism of the right, but to some extent to create the impression of association by which your ideas can find purchase.

If the United States were an entirely white nation, I have no doubt that there would be way fewer economic right wingers around.
What if everyone had wings?

In terms of political policies, the only "racist" view that I hold (with the possibly exception of views I hold with respect to the Jews...and my views on immigration) is that there needs to be a white ethnostate, and my reasons for so holding are fundamentally non-racist, as I'll explain later to Kmo.
So outside of Jews and creating (by peaceful magic) a state excluding everyone who isn't white you're a peach. :rolleyes:

1. How could support for the war on drugs be based on a "principled opposition to the ceding of power to an inexhausibly power hungry federal apparatus"?
Who said every program instituted by the right was ideologically consistent? Or that the basis for every political decision could be? The war on drugs, not uniformly supported by conservatives, is a war to prevent greater social damage and corruption. It is a push back against liberalized drug enforcement attitude and policy in its current incarnation. It began as a police response to increased crime and violence associated with the trade.

2. Their economic views could be, but it's generally not. These people are generally deeply racist.
I think that would help you, if true. I don't believe you can seriously make the case that it is though. You won't hear many conservatives talking about a white state, by way of. A few peculiar people here might defend the notion of a non political/legal separation, and find nothing wrong with exclusion in personal association. Those people are probably racist, but they aren't the backbone of the conservative movement. They're the margin where that impulse has deepened into something sad, to be disguised by the notion of celebrating their own cultural roots, such as they are or are understood.

On immigration and skipping line responses.
It COULD be. But it's generally not. Where was the right wing outrage over Melania Trump's possibly working in the US without the proper documentation? Are these right wingers concerned about white or Asian illegal immigrants?
I don't see any real justification in your opinion. As to disparate treatment of those holding celebrity status, welcome to America.

Is that why they want to build a wall?
The 70% of Trump supporters who want it (I saw the figure a couple of months ago in a Washington post bit) were sold the notion that there was a dangerous problem on our southern border and right wing media pushed the worst of it onto their plates with supper during the election run. Even so and even among Trump supporters you have a sizable number who don't actually want it. Add those to the people who don't like him and you have most of America. :D

Because I know why I want that wall. ;)
And that's why you're probably in the worst position to judge the motives of others on the point.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Just went back to Bing for a more visceral refresher course on the sort of monsters who served what you parade as an avatar, Trad. I was looking at photos of women and children being slaughtered. There was one I don't ever want to forget. A woman, naked, clutching what appeared to be her I'd guess an eight to ten year old child to her as one of the demons you attach to was about to shoot them. Her face wasn't a Jewish face, or a gypsy face to me, Trad. It was a human face, with unimaginable sorrow in it. She was about to die. She knew that she couldn't protect her child.

What they did to her and that child is beyond me to understand. How those men went about their work is a testament to the effect of evil and the mindset that produces it. I will work tirelessly to peacefully bring an end to the possibility of that sort of degradation and inhumanity. You should remove the avatar. It's beneath the dignity of any human being.

I feel so strongly about this that I reported a post to object to the avatar. I wrote this:

The post itself isn't the point of my protest. The Nazi swastika as an avatar is...the inhumanity and evil that symbolizes and served doesn't belong among us. The right to self-expression is not absolute. We are not allowed, by rule, to serve the profane here. This thing Trad serves and that marks each and every post is profane, evil, worse than any sophomoric collection of sounds an angry idiot could proffer.

He should remove it.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I saw the report. The avatar merely marks Trad as the fatuous bloviating nincompoop that he is. I am just calling it like it is. He loses all credibility by wearing that avatar. It shows his true colors. He has a long record of making racist comments and references. It contains no links, profanity or nudity or other vulgar manner of dress. It is just a symbol.


I asked what your opinion is, not what the opinion of others are.
I see your preference is choosing not to engage in answering for yourself.

A rather ironic allegation given the origin of this discussion...don't you think?


A special interest for a select few - the colonists, to be separate from the others that remain under King/Queen rule.

So, what are you and your ilk's plan of separation? Do you intend to form your own independent union or remove, by force, the undesirables from your existing one?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Just went back to Bing for a more visceral refresher course on the sort of monsters who served what you parade as an avatar, Trad. I was looking at photos of women and children being slaughtered. There was one I don't ever want to forget. A woman, naked, clutching what appeared to be her I'd guess an eight to ten year old child to her as one of the demons you attach to was about to shoot them. Her face wasn't a Jewish face, or a gypsy face to me, Trad. It was a human face, with unimaginable sorrow in it. She was about to die. She knew that she couldn't protect her child.

What they did to her and that child is beyond me to understand. How those men went about their work is a testament to the effect of evil and the mindset that produces it. I will work tirelessly to peacefully bring an end to the possibility of that sort of degradation and inhumanity. You should remove the avatar. It's beneath the dignity of any human being.

I feel so strongly about this that I reported a post to object to the avatar. I wrote this:

The post itself isn't the point of my protest. The Nazi swastika as an avatar is...the inhumanity and evil that symbolizes and served doesn't belong among us. The right to self-expression is not absolute. We are not allowed, by rule, to serve the profane here. This thing Trad serves and that marks each and every post is profane, evil, worse than any sophomoric collection of sounds an angry idiot could proffer.

He should remove it.

He is clueless and even making allowances for his Aspergers doesn't justify his tripe. Nineteen years ago I visited the Holocaust museum and it was an experience that will likely stay with everyone within our group along with anyone with the slightest vestige of basic humanity and empathy. The Nazi regime was insidious, cruel and out and out evil. What these "people" did to others - from strangling children in order to save bullets to starving and gassing people to death was indescribable in terms of barbarity. Words can't convey...

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I saw the report. The avatar merely marks Trad as the fatuous bloviating nincompoop that he is. I am just calling it like it is. He loses all credibility by wearing that avatar. It shows his true colors. He has a long record of making racist comments and references. It contains no links, profanity or nudity or other vulgar manner of dress. It is just a symbol.
I get it, but I think it is by the weight of its association and representation inherently profane. I hope one of you brings it up with Knight when you bump elbows.

If it isn't a rules violation it deserves to be considered on that count.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I get it, but I think it is by the weight of its association and representation inherently profane. I hope one of you brings it up with Knight when you bump elbows.

If it isn't a rules violation it deserves to be considered on that count.
I'll let Knight weigh in on it before we decide on what to do with it.


He is clueless and even making allowances for his Aspergers doesn't justify his tripe. Nineteen years ago I visited the Holocaust museum and it was an experience that will likely stay with everyone within our group along with anyone with the slightest vestige of basic humanity and empathy. The Nazi regime was insidious, cruel and out and out evil. What these "people" did to others - from strangling children in order to save bullets to starving and gassing people to death was indescribable in terms of barbarity. Words can't convey...


The frightening thing is that Nazi leaders weren't agnostics and atheists - most considered themselves to be good Christians!

Hermann Göring: God gave the savior to the German people. We have faith, deep and unshakeable faith, that he [Hitler] was sent to us by God to save Germany.

Rudolf Hess: With all our powers we will endeavour to be worthy of the Fuhrer thou, O Lord, has sent us!

Heinrich Himmler: The mass murderer Himmler got brought up as a devout Catholic, like young Hitler, and was careful to attend mass regularly.

Joseph Goebbels: The pious Catholic parents of Joseph Goebbels raised him and his two brothers in that faith. He spoke of Hitler as “either Christ or St. John.” “Hitler, I love you!” he wrote in his diary.

Hermann Göring: Although he himself [Hitler] was a Catholic, he wished the Protestant Church to have a stronger position in Germany, since Germany was two-thirds Protestant.

Joseph Goebbels: We have a feeling that Germany has been transformed into a great house of God, including all classes, professions and creeds, where the Fuhrer as our mediator stood before the throne of the Almighty.
Last edited:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Just went back to Bing for a more visceral refresher course on the sort of monsters who served what you parade as an avatar, Trad. I was looking at photos of women and children being slaughtered. There was one I don't ever want to forget. A woman, naked, clutching what appeared to be her I'd guess an eight to ten year old child to her as one of the demons you attach to was about to shoot them. Her face wasn't a Jewish face, or a gypsy face to me, Trad. It was a human face, with unimaginable sorrow in it. She was about to die. She knew that she couldn't protect her child.

What they did to her and that child is beyond me to understand. How those men went about their work is a testament to the effect of evil and the mindset that produces it. I will work tirelessly to peacefully bring an end to the possibility of that sort of degradation and inhumanity. You should remove the avatar. It's beneath the dignity of any human being.

I feel so strongly about this that I reported a post to object to the avatar. I wrote this:

The post itself isn't the point of my protest. The Nazi swastika as an avatar is...the inhumanity and evil that symbolizes and served doesn't belong among us. The right to self-expression is not absolute. We are not allowed, by rule, to serve the profane here. This thing Trad serves and that marks each and every post is profane, evil, worse than any sophomoric collection of sounds an angry idiot could proffer.

He should remove it.
Devil's advocate.
A mother and child were viciously mauled and ripped apart by a tiger.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
He is clueless and even making allowances for his Aspergers doesn't justify his tripe. Nineteen years ago I visited the Holocaust museum and it was an experience that will likely stay with everyone within our group along with anyone with the slightest vestige of basic humanity and empathy. The Nazi regime was insidious, cruel and out and out evil. What these "people" did to others - from strangling children in order to save bullets to starving and gassing people to death was indescribable in terms of barbarity. Words can't convey...
Almost as barbaric as Muslims.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Hermann Göring: God gave the savior to the German people. We have faith, deep and unshakeable faith, that he [Hitler] was sent to us by God to save Germany.
Sounds familiar.
Oh yeah, Obama supporters.

Himmler got brought up as a devout Catholic, like young Hitler, and was careful to attend mass regularly.
What scoundrels!!!

Joseph Goebbels: The pious Catholic parents of Joseph Goebbels raised him and his two brothers in that faith. He spoke of Hitler as “either Christ or St. John.” “Hitler, I love you!” he wrote in his diary.
I wonder if he also wrote Mary is the Queen of Heaven.

Hermann Göring: Although he himself [Hitler] was a Catholic, he wished the Protestant Church to have a stronger position in Germany, since Germany was two-thirds Protestant.

Joseph Goebbels: We have a feeling that Germany has been transformed into a great house of God, including all classes, professions and creeds, where the Fuhrer as our mediator stood before the throne of the Almighty.
A lot of Christians say that about the Pope.
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