Liberalism is Dead and Evangelicals Don't Deserve It Anyway

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member

The frightening thing is that Nazi leaders weren't agnostics and atheists - most considered themselves to be good Christians!

Hermann Göring: God gave the savior to the German people. We have faith, deep and unshakeable faith, that he [Hitler] was sent to us by God to save Germany.

Rudolf Hess: With all our powers we will endeavour to be worthy of the Fuhrer thou, O Lord, has sent us!

Heinrich Himmler: The mass murderer Himmler got brought up as a devout Catholic, like young Hitler, and was careful to attend mass regularly.

Joseph Goebbels: The pious Catholic parents of Joseph Goebbels raised him and his two brothers in that faith. He spoke of Hitler as “either Christ or St. John.” “Hitler, I love you!” he wrote in his diary.

Hermann Göring: Although he himself [Hitler] was a Catholic, he wished the Protestant Church to have a stronger position in Germany, since Germany was two-thirds Protestant.

Joseph Goebbels: We have a feeling that Germany has been transformed into a great house of God, including all classes, professions and creeds, where the Fuhrer as our mediator stood before the throne of the Almighty.

Well, take a look at some of the far right nutball zealots on here. Some of these lot support killing folk for being "sexually immoral" etc and where it comes to religious extremism under any stripe it's often full of callousness and cruelty towards others. Ever seen 'The Magdalene Sisters'?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Devil's advocate.
A mother and child were viciously mauled and ripped apart by a tiger.

How the hell is that being a "devils advocate"? The swastika may have other associations attached but not in the context of Trad's usage which you know fine well, and even the others aren't 'Christian'. It's synonymous with Nazi brutality which you well know but then again, why would you mind? You're a fan of that David Duke so maybe you're on the same page as Trad anyway. Maybe you'd have preferred the Nazis 'won' World War II as he does...


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
How the hell is that being a "devils advocate"? The swastika may have other associations attached but not in the context of Trad's usage which you know fine well, and even the others aren't 'Christian'. It's synonymous with Nazi brutality which you well know but then again, why would you mind? You're a fan of that David Duke so maybe you're on the same page as Trad anyway. Maybe you'd have preferred the Nazis 'won' World War II as he does...
There's a whole lot of assumption in there.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Here it comes.
Doesn't take long at all.

Sure it wouldn't. Guys a gormless crank and so are you if you equate Muslims with Nazis as you're doing here. Simple as that. You're obviously none too clever or else you'd realize that the average person of a differing faith to your own isn't hankering after cutting your head off or gassing you, or strangling you and your children, or starving you to death etc etc etc...



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Guys a gormless crank
Full of callousness and cruelty towards others.

This is fun.

and so are you if you equate Muslims with Nazis as you're doing here.
How funny, and wrong!

Simple as that. You're obviously none too clever
Full of callousness and cruelty towards others.

or else you'd realize that the average person of a differing faith to your own isn't hankering after cutting your head off or gassing you, or strangling you and your children, or starving you to death etc etc etc...

Were all Nazis killing Jews?
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