LGBT History Month


Hall of Fame
I agree!

Anyone who obsesses over their own sexual activity is perverted. Sexual appetites should not define the person.

The key word is *own*. The only obsessing that is going on is the extreme right obsessing over the sex lives of complete strangers.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
1/3 of all rapes are from 2% of the population. Exponentially, the comparison, is about who has the most 'sick' people among us. 1% of the population, or 98/99% of the population? Would you rather take a chance of your child being escorted home alone with less than 1% possibility of being raped, or about 30% (statutory&forced). Whatever the #'s, you have to understand that 1/3 of one poll, homosexuals admitted to statutory at least one time in their lives. :( I don't call myself a 'heterosexual.' "Sex" activity is NOT how I identify myself. I didn't even say 'virgin' though it was firmly who I was and by choice. Something is WRONG with anybody that chooses to identify themselves by their 'sexual activity.' Sexual activity is NOT an identity unless you have an incredible preoccupation and such is never good, always deviant. We as a nation have gone crazy. Sexual proclivities belong in a bedroom, not in public, not as a sticker on the back of your car.

The term doesn't solely refer to sexual activity but one's attraction. That's pretty much generally established although it's still only part of a person's identity. The jobs I've been in and applied for have usually had an 'equal opportunies/ethnic questionnaire' form that asks for nationality and race, sexual orientation and religion among others so I've always put 'White British', 'Heterosexual' and 'Other' although there is the option of 'prefer not to say' generally. None of those things identify me as a person.


New member
The gays are also overfed and arrogant and have no qualms whatsoever about taking away a Baker's business and suing him into the poor house. They are more self indulgent and decadent than straights as a whole. I think Ezekiel is speaking to that.

you would have a point if anything like this has ever happened to any baker.


New member
First, I generally have you on ignore, so keep that in mind for future conversation because I don't want to frustrate you. I realized you were addressing me because it came right after my post. Second, you are not talking about statutory at all at that point, but forced rape which is a bit different for this consideration, because it is much less than the greater (statutory) concern. You must understand exponentials. Nowhere NEAR 1/3 of the population has had statutory rape with a minor, for instance. Someone may need to address this with you if I don't catch your response. In a nutshell, the comparisons are given as '300 x's as likely' or 2% of the population doing 31% of statutory rapes. Do you follow?

Refuting false information is not frustrating to me at all.


Well-known member
neither had homosexual acts.

Those require no law. They are crimes against nature. This knowledge is created IN us. It was created right in the conscience of all men. Romans 1:19,20

Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.​


Well-known member
The term doesn't solely refer to sexual activity but one's attraction. That's pretty much generally established although it's still only part of a person's identity. The jobs I've been in and applied for have usually had an 'equal opportunies/ethnic questionnaire' form that asks for nationality and race, sexual orientation and religion among others so I've always put 'White British', 'Heterosexual' and 'Other' although there is the option of 'prefer not to say' generally. None of those things identify me as a person.

Very weird (for me). There is no 'sexual orientation' on our applications here :noway: Calling yourself 'white' however, IS identity. Affirmative Action, here in America ensures and assures that 'color' is an identity. You HAVE to hire a certain amount of 'minorities' thus 'identity.' A color-blind world would be wonderful, but Affirmative Action assures/ensures that such a thing is a LONG way off. Minorities CHOSE color when this was passed. Obviously race bigotry will never go away as long as that legislation exists. I firmly believe the best way to get rid of bigotry is to ignore it and give it no room. While bigotry would still exist, it wouldn't 'in my neighborhood.' Those of us who try to be color-blind will more than compensate for mean people.

Back to the thread: These are people that 'identify' according to their sexual activity. This topic IS about sexual activity by identity. A month about this IS about sexual activity. Sex is great or God wouldn't have created it but it is hardly the best preoccupation in life. It is an activity, NOT an identification or reason to march in a parade etc. etc. These are people that cannot help themselves. No homosexual would have ever known my sexual preference. I simply DIDN'T use it as a moniker nor was I hitting on girls in high school. IOW, I had a healthy view and attitude towards sex and didn't allow it to take over my life as if I were nothing but a procreative animal. Of course I don't do drugs either. Hedonism is mindless animal-instinct pleasure. I firmly believe life has incredible meaning far and above such basal instincts and desires. We don't discuss sex around the family table, for instance but maybe once or twice, as the appropriate percentage of its place in all of our lives. "Homosexual" etc. is unhealthy preoccupation and obsession that just isn't good. We are not made to sustain such basal interests without damaging ourselves.


Well-known member
The key word is *own*. The only obsessing that is going on is the extreme right obsessing over the sex lives of complete strangers.

:nono: I'm not marching down the street nor going to those parades and demonstrations, forcing my sexuality into another's face nor suing a baker over 'my' sexual preference. Mostly, it isn't obsession, it is 'wanting it to go away.' Isn't a month of this FORCING itself into my face??? :think: --> It isn't obsessing, it is simply reactionary. If it weren't in my face, I'd never talk about it except as appropriate for theological discussion about important things in life. For instance, you and I have never talked about our respective sexuality (as is appropriate). We don't identify nor are overtly preoccupied with it. It is rightfully consigned to nonessential discussion. The 'reason' homosexuals see any persecution at all, is because of overt identification. That alone shows it isn't healthy. Again, nobody knew my sexuality in high school and beyond. There would never have been a reason for 'persecution.' Nobody would have known what was not public business. By comparison, the 'sleeze-balls' and 'loose-girls' were known by their unhealthy obsessions as well. Unhealthy sexual obsessions are always in someone else' face. A month of it is beyond the pale.


Well-known member
The key word is *own*. The only obsessing that is going on is the extreme right obsessing over the sex lives of complete strangers.

Oh, I think there are lots of people that obsess over their own sexuality. Haven't you known any people like that?
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New member
Mr. Borgman is just exercising his right to freely express his religious views by refusing to serve peopel who are engaging morally ofensive behaviors.

What morally offensive behaviors were these people engaging in?

You don't find his behavior reprehensible?

I don't understand promoting the history of a group defined only by who they prefer to engage in sexual relations with.
No one is doing that.

Then I'll ask again. What is the purpose of an LGBT history month?


New member
Because it helps to understand their life struggles in a more fulsome context. Because it helps to see them as fully-integrated elements of humanity rather than some marginal special interest group.

What should we specifically be telling people to teach them these lesson?

I feel shoving sexuality down people's throats will have the opposite result.

You might not particularly care that a gay man was once forced into a regime of chemical castration because of things he did in private with other men. But if you learn that he was a major reason the allies won World War II and that he invented computer science, it puts him in a context that's important to people who aren't gay, and his fundamental humanity can be more central.

I'm all for an Alan Turing day...In England :idunno:


New member
What should we specifically be telling people to teach them these lesson?

That he was gay. That he was arrested and forced to submit to chemical castration because of what he did with other willing men. And that this may have lead him to suicide.

I feel shoving sexuality down people's throats will have the opposite result.

There's always going to be someone who feels oppressed by it. Lon is here, and feeling unjustifiably oppressed is his favorite game. But that doesn't mean it should go unmentioned. Erasing gay people from history just to soothe the loudest bigotry, and erasing gayness from people in history enables oppression.

I'm all for an Alan Turing day...In England :idunno:

Ok. But his reach was a lot wider than that.


New member
you would have a point if anything like this has ever happened to any baker.
Klein turned in a check for $136,927.07, which included interest on the July 2015 state-ordered judgment, to the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries in Portland after violating the Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer's civil rights, according to


How many small businesses have that kind of money to throw away. If they didn't get help from outside resources, they would have been hurting. They did have to close the business. The gay couple could care less....hence Ezekiel's words.


New member
That he was gay. That he was arrested and forced to submit to chemical castration because of what he did with other willing men. And that this may have lead him to suicide.

I was speaking more in general and not about Turing, specifically. Let's say it's your job to teach others about LBGT history month. Is it going to be a lecture on Turing? Turing was notable because of what he did in his fields of study not because he preferred to have sex with men over women.

There's always going to be someone who feels oppressed by it. Lon is here, and feeling unjustifiably oppressed is his favorite game. But that doesn't mean it should go unmentioned. Erasing gay people from history just to soothe the loudest bigotry, and erasing gayness from people in history enables oppression.

It's gone from seeking acceptance to demanding approval. Gay is now hip and cool. Gay television personalities cannot stop from telling others that they are gay. I mean, who really cares? If no one cares, why rub people's face in it?

LBGT history month? I think it's going a bit too far...