1/3 of all rapes are from 2% of the population. Exponentially, the comparison, is about who has the most 'sick' people among us. 1% of the population, or 98/99% of the population? Would you rather take a chance of your child being escorted home alone with less than 1% possibility of being raped, or about 30% (statutory&forced).
You might want to get your facts from actaul reserch and not from hate groups.
If you want to try to pretend that gays commit 33% of all cases of chold sexual abuse then you have to adress the known statistic that 87% of all cases of child sexual absue arecommited by the child's biological father.
When actual studies looked at the orientation of child sexual abusers they have found, consistently that homosexuals do not commit a third of all child sexual abuse cases. It is actually 0.04%.
Ref:Yin Xu and Zheng, Y Prevalence of Childhood Sexual Abuse among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People. Journal of Child sexual abuse. 2015
RR Frenzel, RA Lang Identifying sexual preferences in interfamilial and extrafamiilial child sexual abusers. Annals of Sex Research 2010
Holmes, W.C. and Slap, G.B. Sexual abuse of boys: Definition, prevalence, correlates, sequelae and management. Journal of the American Medical Association 1998
Groth, A. Nicholas; Birnbaum, H Jean. “Adult sexual orientation and attraction to underage persons.” Archives of Sexual Behavior 1998
Carole, Jenny, T.A. Roesler and K.L. Poyer, “Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals?” Pediatrics, 2006
Whatever the #'s, you have to understand that 1/3 of one poll, homosexuals admitted to statutory at least one time in their lives.
In 1985 Paul Cameron was expelled form the APA when it was discovered that he had made up researchdata. Your "fact" here is from that fake data.