LGBT History Month


New member
Those require no law. They are crimes against nature. This knowledge is created IN us. It was created right in the conscience of all men. Romans 1:19,20

Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.​

So God makes people gay.


New member
Very weird (for me). There is no 'sexual orientation' on our applications here :noway: Calling yourself 'white' however, IS identity. Affirmative Action, here in America ensures and assures that 'color' is an identity. You HAVE to hire a certain amount of 'minorities' thus 'identity.' A color-blind world would be wonderful, but Affirmative Action assures/ensures that such a thing is a LONG way off. Minorities CHOSE color when this was passed. Obviously race bigotry will never go away as long as that legislation exists. I firmly believe the best way to get rid of bigotry is to ignore it and give it no room.

Bigotry stems from ignorance and misinformation. Like the misinformation you have presented here.


New member
What morally offensive behaviors were these people engaging in?
Perhaps the same as those your fictional baker found so offensive.

You don't find his behavior reprehensible?
Do you find the free exercise of one's religion to be offensive?

Then I'll ask again. What is the purpose of an LGBT history month?
THere are many including teh fact that there are indivuduals who are either misinforemd or are wishing to misinform that anyone is defined by sexual activity.


New member
Klein turned in a check for $136,927.07, which included interest on the July 2015 state-ordered judgment, to the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries in Portland after violating the Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer's civil rights, according to


How many small businesses have that kind of money to throw away. If they didn't get help from outside resources, they would have been hurting. They did have to close the business. The gay couple could care less....hence Ezekiel's words.

How much of that fine was the violation of Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer's civil rights and how much was for contempt of court, for your heroic Baker's repeasted usage of public media to attack and deride Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer?

And just how much money did your baker earn for the publicity from the case?


New member
Your response accomplished nothing.

Maybe you could show me where and when I did define people by their sexual desires. Can you?

It annoyed yeah it accomplished something.

Of course, i can show you? Could you be honest enough to acknowledge that you have? I doubt it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I was speaking more in general and not about Turing, specifically. Let's say it's your job to teach others about LBGT history month. Is it going to be a lecture on Turing? Turing was notable because of what he did in his fields of study not because he preferred to have sex with men over women.

It's gone from seeking acceptance to demanding approval. Gay is now hip and cool. Gay television personalities cannot stop from telling others that they are gay. I mean, who really cares? If no one cares, why rub people's face in it?

LBGT history month? I think it's going a bit too far...

The trouble is, is that Turing was prosecuted and forced to undergo "treatment" specifically because he was homosexual. That's how he was identified, not as a person or human being, not as a hero who's invaluable assistance in the war effort undoubtedly saved thousands to millions of lives and shortened the war by a good two years, but simply as a gay man.

FTR, I don't agree with having a LGBT history month and think it's ridiculous.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member


Well-known member
God calls homosexuality detestable, so God bears no responsibility for it. The straightforward anatomy He designed is enough of an indicator of what goes where, and what doesn't.

The Horn

Let's face it. All ungodly men have a sex problem.
Glory Daz , a lot of supposedly "Godly " men have a sex problem . So many Catholic priests , evangelical preachers and other clergy are guilty of pedophilia . It's rampant in American Christianity .


Well-known member
Glory Daz , a lot of supposedly "Godly " men have a sex problem . So many Catholic priests , evangelical preachers and other clergy are guilty of pedophilia . It's rampant in American Christianity .

True, but many homosexuals are out and loud in favor of sodomizing other people's boys.

Which group is the more abhorrent...the lying hypocrite secret child rapists, or the honest, proud child rapists? 50/50, I say.