Kirk Cameron: Wives Should 'Honor and Respect and Follow Their Husband's Lead'


[Kirk Cameron: Wives Should 'Honor and Respect and Follow Their Husband's Lead' by Brittany King] "Kirk Cameron is once again sparking conversations with his conservative views on marriage.

In a recent interview with the Christian Post, the former Growing Pains star said, "Wives are to honor and respect and follow their husband's lead, not to tell their husband how he ought to be a better husband. When each person gets their part right, regardless of how their spouse is treating them, there is hope for real change in their marriage."

Cameron – an outspoken evangelical Christian who has been married to actress Chelsea Noble, 51, since 1991 – is currently on a tour called "Love Worth Fighting For," a Bible-based event intended to teach others how to "strengthen and encourage your marriage."

In the interview, he added that "a lot of people don't know that marriage comes with instructions," and "we find them right there in God's word..." Full text: Kirk Cameron: Wives Should 'Honor and Respect and Follow Their Husband's Lead' 1 Cor. 7:14–16


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The Bible and Kirk Cameron are EXACTLY RIGHT


By the way in Eph 5:22 ‘subjective’ is not in the original manuscript. It should read 'subject yourselves to one another'. They are one. :straight: The chapter ends with the mystery.


All real Christians are irrelevant to those who follow the philosophy of the 21 St century.

He is still relevant today.

Will ye steal, murder and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not;
And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations? [Jer. 7:9–10].

"Although the people were talking about how wonderful the temple was, they were still worshiping Baal. Their philosophy was that, since the temple was repaired and they were at least tipping their hat to God on the Sabbath day, He would protect them. Now it is true that when people genuinely turn to God, He will protect them, but they were resting on a fact that did not apply to them. They had taken up quite an offering for the rebuilding of the temple, and people who had given generously felt this was all that was necessary for God’s blessing..." McGee, J. V. (1997). Thru the Bible commentary (electronic ed., Vol. 3, p. 369). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.


Gender does not define whether someone is worthy of leadership.

Yes it does.

That is why there had to be affirmative action for women, because of their inferiority in leadership :chuckle:

That's why the success rate of a marriage is nearly a coin flip now- women trying to lead families :idunno:


It is if they're misogynistic abusive morons yes.

67% of divorces are enacted by women. Do you think all male divorcees are abusers? Or even half? Hell, a third..

You all use this as justification to ignore the problem. And you have ol' Rusha here, who was just talking all about them 'family values' an hour ago, now on a thread supporting a primary problem :think:


Hall of Fame
Kirk Cameron's view on life and how to treat others ...

Kirk Cameron's view on life and how to treat others ...

A few quotes from Kirk in regards to marriage and the treatment of others ...

"Nobody should mistreat anybody. Homosexuals should not be mistreated. Heterosexuals should not be mistreated. Bisexuals should not be mistreated."

"I love all people. I hate no one."

"If my kid came to me and said 'I'm gay' I'd say 'Son, I love you'."

"I sometimes find myself more comfortable around my TV family then I did with my own parents and sister."

"I'm not homophobic."

"That's what a family is: a whole bunch of people coming together."

"My default position is not to be an actor. My default position is to be a follower of Jesus Christ. If that means I continue in acting, great! I'd love that. But if means I need to change professions someday because I can't provide for my family, well that's what I need to do."

"You either believe marriage and human sexuality are sacred or you do not."

It's fairly obvious that Kirk is a Christian who HONORS and RESPECTS his wife and is decent to other people.

Translation: Be the type of husband who is worthy to be seen as a leader.



Be the type of husband who is worthy to be seen as a leader.

Which is to do and be what the wife wants (your definition), and the opposite of what Kirk said.

So go on and try to make Christianity seem to tailor to your bias, and I'll be there to remind you how much it fails :rolleyes: