You are being crooked for Jesus said people are dead even while they live, death is simply separation from God.
But God will raise them from the dead.
Totten, I see that you are only a little older than a child.
"When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things."
When I was your age, I also believed in eternal conscious torture in hell. I didn't know that the Bible did not teach that, it was the only doctrine concerning the fate of the unrepentant I knew of. I have spent many years since that time studying the Bible, 30 years studying the Bible, in fact. When the Bible says that the wicked will perish, that is exactly what it means. The Bible says that the ungody will be destroyed. That is exactly what it means. The Bible goes on to say that the wicked will be no more.
Incidentally, the Bible never once makes the claim that "death is simply separation from God". Death is the state of "not living". Denying that by claiming "death is merely separation from God" is accepting the serpent's lie, "surely you will not die".
You need to understand this, and you won't, as long as you keep on claiming that I "slither". I only tell you what is written in the Bible.
At the time I am typing this, you still have not answered the question, "According to the Bible, what is the wages of sin?"
If you truly believe the Bible, this should not be a difficult question to answer. If you reject the Bible where it disagrees with your doctrine of torture, you can't answer the question. Why don't you give up the doctrine of torture and accept what the Bible plainly states, "the wages of sin is death"?
God is not sadistic, and the Bible doesn't say that He is. So give up your doctrine that claims that God is a sadistic torturer. Believe the Bible instead.