Justification of Eternal Punishment

Totton Linnet

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What kind of utterly incompotent and powerless god do you believe in, that he can only save some or most? Your god's not much of a saviour, is he? Definitely not the God of the bible!

God doesn't desire to save the unrepentant wicked, He wants to punish them.

I agree with Him


All liars will go to hell....you stupidly say God will torment them for a thousand years but not forever, He is kind but evidently not overkind.

Man will get his own choosings

They were not afraid to inflict pain and death on others

What about you, Totton, haven't you infliced 'pain and death' on others?

Totton Linnet

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A soul that has spent their life sated with wickedness is only worthy to be salted with fire.

The soul, the inner man is eternal, it goes into eternity in the state it leaves the body...there is then no opportunity to change.


A soul that has spent their life sated with wickedness is only worthy to be salted with fire.

The soul, the inner man is eternal, it goes into eternity in the state it leaves the body...there is then no opportunity to change.

Speaking from first-hand experience are you, Totton?


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Hall of Fame
You folks overflow with love and sweetness....for everyone except Christians who hold to bible truth.

and you say God is wicked....

Dont you know that hes nicer than God, that he would let a serial killer lose on law abiding citizens to show how nice he is?


You folks overflow with love and sweetness....for everyone except Christians who hold to bible truth.

and you say God is wicked....

You're the one who portrays Him as being wicked, by saying that He will torment souls eternally, in the fires of 'hell'.

Totton Linnet

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You're the one who portrays Him as being wicked, by saying that He will torment souls eternally, in the fires of 'hell'.

He says they will be tormented, God will not torment them. God designed hell for the devil and his angels.....man has chosen to follow the devil.

Men were not born with machine guns in their hands, girls were not born painted like Jezebel...sin has to be learned, it is an art, a lifestyle.

The first attempt we make at lying is a disaster, everybody can tell we are lying. To lie successfully takes a lot of practise.

We have to learn how to drink liquor, how to do sex.

We have to learn how to fight and to kill.

People make themselves evil, God didn't do it.


New member
We have shown you many times the relevant scriptures, you just slither around them.

Go in Peace, Totton. It will be well with you. That is, until you are destroyed on the Day of Judgment. Go in Peace, it will be well with you. You will not be able to slither when you have been destroyed. Go in peace, it will be well with you, until you are destroyed for denying God's Word. Go in peace. It will be well with you.

You just slither. You and I BOTH know that you have never once shown me any scripture that says the wicked will go to hell where they will be tormented alive forever, but you still LIE and claim that you have shown me scripture that says this. We BOTH know that NO such scripture exists in the Bible. You are such a liar. Don't you know that liars will never inherit the kingdom of God? You will be destroyed on the day of judgment. Unless you repent, you will perish. You will die and you will no longer exist. Go in peace, it will be well for you. Until the day of judgment when you will be destroyed.


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Ask and ye shall receive.
Revelation 20:11-15Modern English Version (MEV)

The Great White Throne Judgment
11 Then I saw a great white throne and Him who was seated on it. From His face the earth and the heavens fled away, and no place was found for them. 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God. Books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. The dead were judged according to their works as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one by his works. 14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.

Thanks. Re-read the question. This passage doesn't even come close to saying that the wicked will go to hell when they die where they will be tormented alive forever. It even says that being cast into the lake of fire is the second DEATH. This is what I have been saying, and what Totten has been slithering away from, like a deceitful snake.

If you know of ANY Scripture verse that ACTUALLY says "the wicked will go to hell when they die where they will be tortured or tormented alive forever while they are dead", I would be happy to see it.

Would you like me to show you some scriptures that say that the wicked will be destroyed? I would be happy to show them to you.


New member
Totton and Timotheos,

One of you believes in Hell - eternal conscious torment; the other believes in annihilation (destruction). Both of you are in the wrong. God is much, much, much more loving and merciful than you give Him credit for. Good news! He will not subject His beloved creatures to either of those cruel fates. The only fate for all mankind is total, complete and utter salvation - no single person shall be missing. Yes,not a single one shall be languishing in fiery hell, or a single one doomed to destruction. Shouldn't you give thanks to God, that all will be saved? Do you not want all to be saved?

I do want all to be saved, but I cannot just ignore scripture passages that plainly state that the wicked will be destroyed. Totten blatenly ignores what God's Word says, She has hardened her heart to the truth and I do not believe that she is a Christian. Jesus said of people like Totten, "Unless you repent, you will likewise perish". I can't ignore that and make myself believe that everyone will inherit eternal life, no matter how wicked they are. The scriptures say that God is not willing that any should perish, but for all to come to repentance. The fact of free will means that some will refuse to repent of their sins, and they will owe the wages of their sin, which is death. If they would only repent, they could have the gift of eternal life, but sadly, they refuse.


New member
You're the one who portrays Him as being wicked, by saying that He will torment souls eternally, in the fires of 'hell'.

Some people insist on having a god just as sadistic as they are.
I am sick and tired of tiptoeing around these sadistic thugs.

Totton Linnet

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God is just

I have not reported you for the things you are saying about me...I can fight my own battles. But I do object to you saying that God is cruel, wicked and sadistic.

I reported this post

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
You object to my references to snakes but my oh my your fangs are showing.

Your real nature is anger against the truth. The wicked, the slayers of children get a free pass to continue with you, you encourage them in their belief that when we die that is all their is, that they will never have to stand before God and answer for their deeds.

That makes you as bad as they are.


New member
God is just

I have not reported you for the things you are saying about me...I can fight my own battles. But I do object to you saying that God is cruel, wicked and sadistic.

I reported this post

I see that you are still slithering around the truth, telling your lies.
I do not say that God is cruel, wicked or sadistic. It looks like you are not only sadistic, you have a reading comprehension problem. God is not cruel, and He does not torture people in hell forever as you claim. People are perishing without God, and God sent His only begotten Son in order to rescue those who are perishing, he rescues them FROM perishing. He can rescue you from destruction. On the Day of Judgment and destruction of the ungodly, you will be destroyed. But God can rescue you from destruction, all He asks is that you repent and turn to Him. Turn away from your love of eternal torture and turn to God who rescues those who are perishing.

If there are any specific verses that I can explain to you, lets talk about them, without you accusing me of "slithering", which I have never done. Which verses do you think say "the wicked will go to hell when they die where they will be tortured alive forever"?


New member
You object to my references to snakes but my oh my your fangs are showing.

Your real nature is anger against the truth. The wicked, the slayers of children get a free pass to continue with you, you encourage them in their belief that when we die that is all their is, that they will never have to stand before God and answer for their deeds.

That makes you as bad as they are.

You are lying. I never said that they will never have to stand before God to answer for their deeds. In fact I believe just the opposite of that. Everyone will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment and destruction of the ungodly to stand before God to answer for their deeds. Those of us who have put our faith in Christ will receive eternal life, and those who reject Christ will perish. They will be destroyed just as the Bible says. You will have to stand before God and explain to Him why you are lying. If you do not repent, you will be destroyed on the Day of Judgment.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
You are as crooked as a corkscrew friend. I say the wicked will be turned into eternal punishment...that is Jesu's teaching. This is what you say is cruel and sadistic.

I am giving the message, but the message comes from Christ.

You lie, you say they will die and that is all. The bible says God will raise them from the dead and call them to judgement, if they have done well to an eternal inheritance, if they have done evil to eternal punishment.

If all God was going to do is pass annihilation upon them He would just leave them dead, but He raises them from the dead.

He fits them with new bodies.


Well-known member
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Some people insist on having a god just as sadistic as they are.
I am sick and tired of tiptoeing around these sadistic thugs.

God is just

I have not reported you for the things you are saying about me...I can fight my own battles. But I do object to you saying that God is cruel, wicked and sadistic.

I reported this post

is that the post you reported?

exactly what are you accusing him of?
exactly what is it based on?

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Give a rational excuse for a full grown man or woman taking a child from it's world of comfort and safety and brutalising it and killing it...explain why someone who did this is not deserving of hell fire?

Jesus said it were better for them that they would be cast into the sea...that is what you propose.