Justification of Eternal Punishment


New member
You ignore what the Bible says!!! Explain the reason of any kind of a second death if a first death accomplishes the same thing, i.e., total destruction????!!!! Dead is dead, right??? That is what you believe, right???!! So why a second death unless the soul can't die anymore in condemned man than one who is destined for eternal life??? As with the "unquenchable fire" of hell, Life in Heaven will never end.

I don't ignore what the Bible says. The reason that there is a second death is because everyone will have been resurrected from the first death, just as the Bible proclaims. (John 5:28-29)
Those who are dead and in their graves will hear the voice of Jesus Christ and come out and live. This is on the day the Lord returns, the day of judgment. Those who put their faith in Jesus Christ will come out of their graves and inherit eternal life. Those who rejected Christ will come out of their graves and they will be destroyed, just as the Bible says.

You claim that a soul can't die, you are mistaken because the Bible says that "the soul who sins shall die". Ezekiel 18:4
Acts 3:23 says that a prophet has been raised up like Moses, referring to Jesus Christ, and Peter says through the Holy Spirit that "every soul who does not listen to that prophet shall be destroyed from the people."


New member
Annihilationism is a false gospel and an old heresy read your bibles or Google it.


Are you saying that it is heresy to claim that the wicked will be destroyed?

But transgressors shall be altogether destroyed;
the future of the wicked shall be cut off. Psalm 37:38

He will repay them for their sins and destroy them for their wickedness; the LORD our God will destroy them. Psalm 94:23

The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish. Proverbs 14:11

Their destiny is destruction. Philippians 3:19

According to you, what the Bible says is heresy. Good Job. You cut off the branch you want to sit on. That's funny.


Well-known member
If men have no interest in the Gospel and rush on to judgment, that is not God's fault. The God who will condemn an unsaved sinner to eternal judgment is the very God who has purchased that sinner's salvation and mercifully called that sinner to repentance and faith.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Are you saying that it is heresy to claim that the wicked will be destroyed?

But transgressors shall be altogether destroyed;
the future of the wicked shall be cut off. Psalm 37:38

He will repay them for their sins and destroy them for their wickedness; the LORD our God will destroy them. Psalm 94:23

The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish. Proverbs 14:11

Their destiny is destruction. Philippians 3:19

According to you, what the Bible says is heresy. Good Job. You cut off the branch you want to sit on. That's funny.

one way or another
they want you to suffer

Word based mystic

New member
Jesus came to reconcile us to God, to save us from eternal damnation, by saying that the soul is annihilated is to say there is no point to Jesus sufferings.

Maybe they'll understand this.



yes Jesus came to save us from eternal damnation.
fully understood.

your assumptive supposition that
"by saying that the soul is annihilated is to say there is no point to Jesus sufferings"

is ridiculous. you stretch that one all the way to ridiculousness.
anything to justify the wicked soul having eternal life and being indestructible.

Jesus sufferings did many things including and especially to enable the lost to NOT have to suffer 2nd DEATH.

Jesus is the LIFE
Without Him you Do not have LIFE and
matthew 10:28 Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

How are the wicked (((Damned))) upon judgement day
What is the (punishment). Ummm pretty simple all throughout scripture old and new it is (death).
go ahead change the meaning of death to mean life and eternal life.

all to keep your greek based philosophy of indestructible soul alive.

ignore forever means till the end of the age.

ignore the scriptures that say in reference to the wicked soul things like (cease to be forever), perish (utterly destroy), vanish away into nothingness.

Word based mystic

New member
- - deleted- - - - - - -

I believe I mis-read you, everyday. Sorry. My Bad.

you apologize for mis-reading

yet i still wait for an apology for your personal attacks and unsupported accusations.

as i have mentioned 4 times before.

cross reference. once again.

for the third time.

i will ask you for an apology for.


first we will discuss your saying that you are not criticizing my character,
1. first you said I intentionally ((obfuscate)) in earlier posts.

I have no need nor desire to muddy the waters or make unclear, nor do i cover up or confuse.

I Don't need to.

2. Then in a more recent post You said i (condemned) you and others for taking the stance that the soul is indestructible.

I have never (condemned), judged you or others in their sincerity or their salvation.

3. Yet you earlier stated if I continue with believing the soul is destructible and does not have eternal life " I will not have a place in the fathers house"
this statement puts forth gnostic or perfection of doctrinal understanding as the means of maintaining salvation. NOT Good.

4. you just stated I was dishonest and I knew it.
calling me a liar and not even referring what i am lying about is not what I have seen your character in the past. But i am changing my mind.

you have much to apologize about.

I would never throw out the accusations you have done just because you disagree with certain points of doctrine on the wicked soul having eternal life or being imperishable.

but first i wanted to address your (obvious) character attack.

Word based mystic

New member

Jesus disagrees with me, you say? Surely you jest? The soul cannot ever die and you are simply are refusing understanding from the scriptures that explain why. No one can help you see that if refuse what is the truth about the rich man and Lazarus.

Try this out and tell me I'm wrong: The heroin addict without remedy, is a 'dead' man walking. Is that not a true statement of fact? How come the word 'dead' says it all about his condition?

rich man and lazarus does not prove that the soul is indestructible or imperishable.

(((his condition is waiting for judgement)))

eternal flame is designed for destruction, to destroy, consume, cause to perish = (utterly destroy) and death.
the fire does not regenerate for another round of death or that would be resurrection again and again.

there is no life or regeneration unless you are (IN CHRIST).

lazarus and the rich man proves there is to be a judgement day.

not that the soul is eternal, indestructible or imperishable.

way to stretch it.

((still waiting)) for apology for calling me liar (dishonest)
saying that i condemn you.
saying i intentionally confuse.


People who believe in the classical concept of hell need that belief to protect them from their own ignorance.


New member
You figure it out. I don't believe you are sincere enough to want to know or care.

I'd like to know. I believe that a soul can be destroyed. I'm not sure why you say "Get serious". Is that "Get serious, of course a soul can be destroyed" or "Get serious, of course a soul can't be destroyed"?

Cross Reference

New member
I'd like to know. I believe that a soul can be destroyed. I'm not sure why you say "Get serious". Is that "Get serious, of course a soul can be destroyed" or "Get serious, of course a soul can't be destroyed"?

Your desire is to dissolve by analysis the understanding of the word "destroy" given us in the eternal sense to understand. No thanks to your invite to make clear that for which you have no capacity to understand.


New member
Your desire is to dissolve by analysis the understanding of the word "destroy" given us in the eternal sense to understand. No thanks to your invite to make clear that for which you have no capacity to understand.

That is not my desire At All.
You can't even say if you believe that a soul can or can't be destroyed. And you claim that I have no capacity to understand? At least I know what I believe and I am able to put it into words, which are not coincidentally the same words that the Bible uses. The wicked will perish, they will be no more, and their destiny is destruction.

You don't have to believe what I believe. Believe whatever you want. If you want to believe that God tortures sinners in hell for all eternity, I'm not stopping you. A lot of people believe that. I find no evidence in the Bible for that view and a lot of evidence for the view that the wicked will be destroyed on the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly. But believe whatever makes you happy, If that is eternal torture, then believe that.