Jews Dont Even Keep The Law


Well-known member

I did not say that you are usurping authority. I do not even know what that means. What I am saying is that I am a male, a man, a Jew, even in Christ. You must read in context. What matters is that if you believe the truth you are in Christ, whether you are male or female it does not matter. I understand that you are female though you told me that your name is Abraham. Your picture indicates that you are a female. Paul said not to allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man. And that is what you are doing or trying to do.



You used the term "exercise authority". That means to take authority away, usurp, rule over. And you have no authority whatsoever (male or not) because you are not in any position of authority in the assemby (or out). Therefore, when you cite such a verse, you are using it in ERROR, and I'm correcting you. Whether you like it or not.

Paul was talking about church in elders, etc. We are not in a church with elders and deacons, so you are ripping a verse out of context in order to get me to shut up. It won't happen. I am not out of order, but you are in need of instruction. You have gone back to the law, and that is a grave error on your part.

Unlike in your chosen religion, there is no middle wall of partition between men and women, between Jews and Greeks. Put simply, you are on the wrong side of the Cross, and are simply trying to straddle the fence. That's why you seem to have quite a significant wedgie going on.

You're standing there with a stick trying to mix oil and water. Stir, stir, won't work.

Take my advice and seek out instruction instead of thinking you'll ever be in a position to give it.


I said
I don't think you understand just how mixed up you are. I really would like it if you would just move on and get off my threads. You have the comprehension of a fish. You say one thing and always do the opposite. You lie, your an antichrist. And an idiot. So just leave and get off my threads. You have bad mental problems. And I don't want to be talking to you when you loose it again.

It has been my pleasure to communicate with you on your thread. I do not believe that I have done anything wrong.




You used the term "exercise authority". That means to take authority away, usurp, rule over. And you have no authority whatsoever (male or not) because you are not in any position of authority in the assemby (or out). Therefore, when you cite such a verse, you are using it in ERROR, and I'm correcting you. Whether you like it or not.

Paul was talking about church in elders, etc. We are not in a church with elders and deacons, so you are ripping a verse out of context in order to get me to shut up. It won't happen. I am not out of order, but you are in need of instruction. You have gone back to the law, and that is a grave error on your part.

Unlike in your chosen religion, there is no middle wall of partition between men and women, between Jews and Greeks. Put simply, you are on the wrong side of the Cross, and are simply trying to straddle the fence. That's why you seem to have quite a significant wedgie going on.

You're standing there with a stick trying to mix oil and water. Stir, stir, won't work.

Take my advice and seek out instruction instead of thinking you'll ever be in a position to give it.

You do not know who you are talking to or what you are talking about. I am a Jew. I accept the TaNaKh and Matthew through Revelation. I do not need instruction from you a woman who has lied about her identity. You do not need to respect men as in authority over you when they communicate the Word of God, but you must accept your husband's authority over you. I am not in his position in your life. I speak as a Jew who knows Torah, the Word of God, and respects Paul as an Apostle to the Gentiles. You reject his word because you do not understand it. I do not go to Church. I go to the Congregation that I attend in Tacoma, Washington. It is called T'Shuvat Yisrael. I am Orthodox. I do not mix meat and dairy. Certainly you do not so misinterpret the Word of God that you desire others to stumble and men to listen to your instruction when you can't come to recognize that there are both men and women in the Body of Christ, the Body of Messiah, the Church. I am a member of the Body of Christ and I am a Jew of Israel as a proselyte and a convert to Judaism.




Well-known member

You do not know who you are talking to or what you are talking about. I am a Jew. I accept the TaNaKh and Matthew through Revelation. I do not need instruction from you a woman who has lied about her identity. You do not need to respect men as in authority over you when they communicate the Word of God, but you must accept your husband's authority over you. I am not in his position in your life. I speak as a Jew who knows Torah, the Word of God, and respects Paul as an Apostle to the Gentiles. You reject his word because you do not understand it. I do not go to Church. I go to the Congregation that I attend in Tacoma, Washington. It is called T'Shuvat Yisrael. I am Orthodox. I do not mix meat and dairy. Certainly you do not so misinterpret the Word of God that you desire others to stumble and men to listen to your instruction when you can't come to recognize that there are both men and women in the Body of Christ, the Body of Messiah, the Church. I am a member of the Body of Christ and I am a Jew of Israel as a proselyte and a convert to Judaism.



You're a PRETENDER and not a very good one. You're a waste of time and a disruptor. You're a wanna be Jew and never were a true believer. You're most of all delusional. I hope that I've spoken clearly enough for you...although I sincerely doubt it's possible for anyone to reach into that addled brain of yours. It's a sad case. One of the worst I've seen. :nono:

You're a child...not a man. I hope you manage to get a grip on yourself.


You're a PRETENDER and not a very good one. You're a waste of time and a disruptor. You're a wanna be Jew and never were a true believer. You're most of all delusional. I hope that I've spoken clearly enough for you...although I sincerely doubt it's possible for anyone to reach into that addled brain of yours. It's a sad case. One of the worst I've seen. :nono:

You're a child...not a man. I hope you manage to get a grip on yourself.

You do not know me. I am a man who is not your husband and who is forgiving you for what you have said about me and what you have said to me. You are forgiven.






It has been my pleasure to communicate with you on your thread. I do not believe that I have done anything wrong.



I said
lol That is why I want you off my thread. You have no comprehension. Everything you have said on my threads was evil. Go just leave. You are an antichrist.


Well-known member

You do not know me. I am a man who is not your husband and who is forgiving you for what you have said about me and what you have said to me. You are forgiven.




I don't accept forgiveness from the heathen. It's as bad as a curse and twice as worthless.

Save it for your pretend Rabbi.


Well-known member
I said
lol That is why I want you off my thread. You have no comprehension. Everything you have said on my threads was evil. Go just leave. You are an antichrist.

I agree.

It's pretty blatant the way he lies about it being his "pleasure to communicate" with you, and then to blatantly lie about "forgiving" me. Being a hypocrite and a liar to boot is certainly ungodly (at least).


I said
lol That is why I want you off my thread. You have no comprehension. Everything you have said on my threads was evil. Go just leave. You are an antichrist.

Your thread title is evil. It is untrue. I have addressed you about it.




I don't accept forgiveness from the heathen. It's as bad as a curse and twice as worthless.

Save it for your pretend Rabbi.

What you have said is not appropriate. You are living your life and speaking your words against God and men. You need Jesus to be your Rabbi.




Well-known member

Your thread title is evil. It is untrue. I have addressed you about it.



You're not a Jew. You are evil. I have addressed you about it.

If you say you are a hippo, it doesn't make you a hippo.
If you say your are a man, it doesn't make you a man.
If you say you used to be a Christian, and you now are a Jew, you are a lost wanna be man.

Life is difficult and you haven't yet found it.


I agree.

It's pretty blatant the way he lies about it being his "pleasure to communicate" with you, and then to blatantly lie about "forgiving" me. Being a hypocrite and a liar to boot is certainly ungodly (at least).

I cannot do more than post in order for you to see how I approach what I am doing on a thread. I must use words in a post for anyone to understand. I have devoted my life to serving God, Jesus, and my fellow man, living as God wants me to in the world that He has created. I do not live for myself, and I want others to know that my efforts are not for personal gain.




Well-known member

What you have said is not appropriate. You are living your life and speaking your words against God and men. You need Jesus to be your Rabbi.



No, I need Jesus to be my LORD and Saviour, AND HE IS. He is my Lord and my God.

You are lost and seeking. Still seeking, but never finding. That makes me sad for you. Even if you are obnoxious and a pain in the behind, I feel sorry for you. You've been seeking for a long time, and I've tried many times....just as others have, but you turn away in your own pride and blindness. Sad.


Well-known member

I cannot do more than post in order for you to see how I approach what I am doing on a thread. I must use words in a post for anyone to understand. I have devoted my life to serving God, Jesus, and my fellow man, living as God wants me to in the world that He has created. I do not live for myself, and I want others to know that my efforts are not for personal gain.



If that were true, Jacob, you would not be talking about yourself all the time. You're the only thing you talk about. It's all you, you, you and how you don't know anything else.


You're not a Jew. You are evil. I have addressed you about it.

If you say you are a hippo, it doesn't make you a hippo.
If you say your are a man, it doesn't make you a man.
If you say you used to be a Christian, and you now are a Jew, you are a lost wanna be man.

Life is difficult and you haven't yet found it.

You are incorrect. As a Christian I observed God's Law according to the Commandment or Instruction of Jesus. I am of Israel now, a Jew, and a citizen of the United States of America.

I accept the TaNaKh and Matthew through Revelation.

The New Covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It is God's law written on minds and hearts in Yeshua HaMashiach, Yeshua Messiah, Jesus the Christ.




No, I need Jesus to be my LORD and Saviour, AND HE IS. He is my Lord and my God.

You are lost and seeking. Still seeking, but never finding. That makes me sad for you. Even if you are obnoxious and a pain in the behind, I feel sorry for you. You've been seeking for a long time, and I've tried many times....just as others have, but you turn away in your own pride and blindness. Sad.

No. I used to reach out to Philosophers. People are always seeking and never coming to the knowledge of the truth. But I believe the truth of and about God and Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, my Messiah. I have a sound mind.




If that were true, Jacob, you would not be talking about yourself all the time. You're the only thing you talk about. It's all you, you, you and how you don't know anything else.

No. I do not hide my identity or what I am doing. But this is to serve others. If a person does not obey God they have no business teaching others. I can boast that I know God. But my good works are not something to boast about. They are not to earn salvation. No one can earn salvation by good works. They are to glorify God and that God would be glorified. Others will see your good works and glorify God in heaven. I understand delighting in a job well done. And it is a privilege and a joy to serve God and others. My salvation is in God my Savior and Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I am not married, but apart from my identity and what I do I do not talk about myself. I do not know if it would ever do any good to do so.





Your thread title is evil. It is untrue. I have addressed you about it.



I said
Your an idiot. What does this say?

24 Since we have heard that some who went out from us have troubled you with words, unsettling your souls, saying, 'You must be circumcised and keep the law'-- to whom we gave no such commandment--
Gal 6:13-16

13 For not even those who are circumcised keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh.

14 But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation.
16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.


You're not a Jew. You are evil. I have addressed you about it.

If you say you are a hippo, it doesn't make you a hippo.
If you say your are a man, it doesn't make you a man.
If you say you used to be a Christian, and you now are a Jew, you are a lost wanna be man.

Life is difficult and you haven't yet found it.

I said
I agree.



I cannot do more than post in order for you to see how I approach what I am doing on a thread. I must use words in a post for anyone to understand. I have devoted my life to serving God, Jesus, and my fellow man, living as God wants me to in the world that He has created. I do not live for myself, and I want others to know that my efforts are not for personal gain.



I said
Your an idiot. Your going to have to give account of every idle word that proceeds out of your mouth. And up to this point it has been deception, evil, guile, perversion. Don't you know that your own opinion is worthless. The only thing that counts is the Word of God. That you don't have abiding in you.

Matt 12:34-37
34 "Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
35 "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.
36 "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.
37 "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."