Jews Dont Even Keep The Law


I said
lol Think about it. If I was really seeking control, I wouldn't keep telling you to leave. There is no logic in your paranoia. Your paranoid. If I could get you off my thread I would do it. I told you before your demon won't let you go. He is using you to get revenge on me. I'm just glad he isn't in me anymore.

This is your control at work. You are psycho. I do not have paranoia. I do not have a demon. I belong to God. You control me by telling me to leave, and that is how you are justifying your sin and how you are justifying your desire to live in your sin apart from God and His Law. If you accept God's Law, let me know by sending me a private message. Telling me that you created threads for me and you want me to leave is one of the ways that you are controlling me. Are you trying to prove the statement that a Gentile cannot control a Jew false? You are living without God's Law, self-control, and you are not under control. Give God control of your life and you will not have to use false doctrine for camouflage. Bye. Shalom.





This is your control at work. You are psycho. I do not have paranoia. I do not have a demon. I belong to God. You control me by telling me to leave, and that is how you are justifying your sin and how you are justifying your desire to live in your sin apart from God and His Law. If you accept God's Law, let me know by sending me a private message. Telling me that you created threads for me and you want me to leave is one of the ways that you are controlling me. Are you trying to prove the statement that a Gentile cannot control a Jew false? You are living without God's Law, self-control, and you are not under control. Give God control of your life and you will not have to use false doctrine for camouflage. Bye. Shalom.



I said
lol Do us both a favor and get off my thread. Your not only paranoid but your getting really, really weird.


Well-known member
I said
lol Do us both a favor and get off my thread. Your not only paranoid but your getting really, really weird.

Sorry Squeaky. I didn't realize this was your thread and Jacob was the interloper. He can get quite annoying.



You are incorrect.

I said
ROFLOL Well there is one thing about that spirit of denial. He doesn't think before he answers. And apparently you don't think before you give into him.
Think about this how could that be incorrect. Its my statement about me what I can bear. Not you. So can you tell me where my level of to weird in others starts and ends?


I said
ROFLOL Well there is one thing about that spirit of denial. He doesn't think before he answers. And apparently you don't think before you give into him.
Think about this how could that be incorrect. Its my statement about me what I can bear. Not you. So can you tell me where my level of to weird in others starts and ends?


You said that I am very paranoid and I am not even paranoid.

The rest of what you said I do not understand or I do not understand what else you said or what you are asking.





You said that I am very paranoid and I am not even paranoid.

The rest of what you said

I do not understand or I do not understand

what else you said or what you are asking.



I said
lol You understood. Now your trying to cover up your blunder. Your fixing to get a lot worse. Your lies to cover up lies are getting bigger. Don't you see how that spirit of denial controls you and uses you.


I said
lol You understood. Now your trying to cover up your blunder. Your fixing to get a lot worse. Your lies to cover up lies are getting bigger. Don't you see how that spirit of denial controls you and uses you.

What did I understand?





I said
lol That is your reply. It is starting to make sense now, if your that ignorant over a little statement there is no way you could ever understand the bible. It also explains why you got kicked out of Christianity.

Matt 15:13
13 But He answered and said, "Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted.


Well-known member
I said
ROFLOL Well there is one thing about that spirit of denial. He doesn't think before he answers. And apparently you don't think before you give into him.
Think about this how could that be incorrect. Its my statement about me what I can bear. Not you. So can you tell me where my level of to weird in others starts and ends?

Most of us just give up on him. Personally, I think he's starving for attention, and plays stupid. When he was here before under the name untellectual, he wasn't nearly this obtuse.


I said
lol That is your reply. It is starting to make sense now, if your that ignorant over a little statement there is no way you could ever understand the bible. It also explains why you got kicked out of Christianity.

Matt 15:13
13 But He answered and said, "Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted.

No. A statement is not a question.




Most of us just give up on him. Personally, I think he's starving for attention, and plays stupid. When he was here before under the name untellectual, he wasn't nearly this obtuse.

I did not leave I just asked to use my name.




Most of us just give up on him. Personally, I think he's starving for attention, and plays stupid. When he was here before under the name untellectual, he wasn't nearly this obtuse.

I said
ROFLOL I remember that idiot. I think your right about that starving for attention. And I agree the dumb act is an act. He uses that to escape being questioned about what he has said. Really no one can be as stupid as he acts some times. Maybe that is what made him paranoid. Thanks for the information.



I did not leave I just asked to use my name.



I said
lol You are an idiot. That guile goes much deeper than I thought. Don't you know that no real Christian ever goes back to the old testament. They will fall from grace. And be subject to the whole entire old testament.

Gal 5:1-4

1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
2 Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing.
3 And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law.
4 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.


I said
ROFLOL I remember that idiot. I think your right about that starving for attention. And I agree the dumb act is an act. He uses that to escape being questioned about what he has said. Really no one can be as stupid as he acts some times. Maybe that is what made him paranoid. Thanks for the information.

No. I was told I was paranoid after the destruction of the World Trade Centers on 9-11-2001. I am not paranoid. I serve the one true God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.




I said
lol You are an idiot. That guile goes much deeper than I thought. Don't you know that no real Christian ever goes back to the old testament. They will fall from grace. And be subject to the whole entire old testament.

Gal 5:1-4

1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
2 Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing.
3 And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law.
4 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.

The old testament, as you call it, was not something to go back to.

