Jesus' word is the center of Christianity.


New member
Interesting. Well, thank you for thinking of me. I am an ex-dispensationalist.

In other words, you saw the word "Dispensationalism," up went whatever erroneous notions you formed in the past, and that was the end of that - bias won out your day once more.

There is no room for respecting that kind of ignorance in an individual. None.

You didn't even read the article.

Had you done that much, at least there would be a basis for exploring the differences in understanding you claim you are on here attempting to do.

I know. Because, having read it, I myself find a thing or more I do not necessarily hold to in the same way the writer of that article holds.

You have exposed yourself as not as open to learning from others as you assert.

The best to you in that...


New member
I would have to say, yes. The Bible tells us to "Rightly Divide" the word. Dispensationalism helps us to do that.

There you have it; had he understood at least enough about Dispensationalism, to still get it wrong, he would have known you are a Dispy - its basic thought is in almost your every post.


In other words, you saw the word "Dispensationalism," up went whatever erroneous notions you formed in the past, and that was the end of that - bias won out your day once more.

There is no room for respecting that kind of ignorance in an individual. None.

You didn't even read the article.

Had you done that much, at least there would be a basis for exploring the differences in understanding you claim you are on here attempting to do.

I know. Because, having read it, I myself find a thing or more I do not necessarily hold to in the same way the writer of that article holds.

You have exposed yourself as not as open to learning from others as you assert.

The best to you in that...

No, I have stated a fact of my history that is still true, if I was ever a dispensationlist. I grew up under dispensationalism and dispensational teaching. I found reason to disagree as soon as I heard something that did not make sense with what I had read from the Bible. Then I discovered there was more than what I had noticed, and that dispensationalism was bigger than the Bible. If you are of Israel, and you are a part of the church, you are also a part of the body of Christ. This is not a spiritual Israel. Being in the church does not exclude a person from being a part of Israel either.


Opportunity for what?

I cannot stop anyone from posting.

I just avoid responding to argumental posts.

I don't want you to be offended. I simply meant I can discuss this with you but maybe after seeing the wealth of your post someone else might want to post a response.


You would think you're the best and you were chosen by God and there was no way you wouldn't hear God's word and act
That's not the elect are chosen by God and no one knows who the elect are. And that you can't even know if you yourself are among the elect.

This is different from knowing you are among the elect and not knowing if you know anyone else who is. Or, knowing you are among the elect but only knowing some others who are elect, and whether or not you believe you should inspect fruit in another elect or another elect believer, a believer, and whether or not believers believe and what belief would make you of the elect if any.


No, I have stated a fact of my history that is still true, if I was ever a dispensationlist. I grew up under dispensationalism and dispensational teaching. I found reason to disagree as soon as I heard something that did not make sense with what I had read from the Bible. Then I discovered there was more than what I had noticed, and that dispensationalism was bigger than the Bible. If you are of Israel, and you are a part of the church, you are also a part of the body of Christ. This is not a spiritual Israel. Being in the church does not exclude a person from being a part of Israel either.

Matthew 21:43 NASB - 43 "Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people, producing the fruit of it.

patrick jane

That's not the elect are chosen by God and no one knows who the elect are. And that you can't even know if you yourself are among the elect.

This is different from knowing you are among the elect and not knowing if you know anyone else who is. Or, knowing you are among the elect but only knowing some others who are elect, and whether or not you believe you should inspect fruit in another elect or another elect believer, a believer, and whether or not believers believe and what belief would make you of the elect if any.



Matthew 21:43 NASB - 43 "Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people, producing the fruit of it.
Matthew 23:1-4 NASB - 1 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples, 2 saying: "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; 3 therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them. 4 "They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are unwilling to move them with so much as a finger.

patrick jane

Do you know if a person's belief causes (caused) that person to be elect or not?
Calvinists believe they ARE elect before they were born. They claim there is no way that they wouldn't accept Christ as Savior and Lord. They believe that many people were born to go to hell, that they were doomed before they were ever born; they have no chance of being saved.