Jesus SEPARATE from Jehovah; calls Jehovah "my God."

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New member
That's deceitful. Watchtower Society doctrine is that Jesus died for the sins of Adam.

Deceitful??? I won't say the words I'd like to call you. Watchtower doctrine is the doctrine of the Bible. Jesus died for EVERYONE'S sins, if everyone will just accept what he did. Everyone HAS sins because we inherited them from Adam. He couldn't make perfect, sinless children because he became imperfect and sinful. He PASSED DOWN sin to all his progeny. You don't get that?


New member
We were talking about this in our house meeting meshak last week :) Jesus was in the gardener and in the man on the road to emmaus. And people didn't realise it was him, because he was in a person.

Mary didn't know him until she heard his voice and he spoke to her personally, and the men didn't know him until he broke the bread, that's like sharing the word of God. And we know him when we hear his voice personally or the word of God in others.

How do you see it?

Who came up with that one? That's really stretching it.


New member
I mean physical as in tangible like this:

Luk 24:36 And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
Luk 24:37 But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.
Luk 24:38 And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
Luk 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.
Luk 24:40 And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet.
Luk 24:41 And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?
Luk 24:42 And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb.
Luk 24:43 And he took it, and did eat before them.

He evidently left the tomb in the same way He entered the room.
The seal and stone were no obstacle.

We don't know the nature and full abilities of His glorified body, nevertheless there is a continuity between the body in which He was born, lived and died and that body which came back to life and stood up. It's the same body having taken on the power of incorruptibility.
Believers will be resurrected in the same way. Phil 3:21

A physical body can't go through a locked door. Period. Your ideas require mental gymnastics! They aren't even of sound reasoning.

Isaiah 1:18


New member
Deceitful??? I won't say the words I'd like to call you. Watchtower doctrine is the doctrine of the Bible. Jesus died for EVERYONE'S sins, if everyone will just accept what he did. Everyone HAS sins because we inherited them from Adam. He couldn't make perfect, sinless children because he became imperfect and sinful. He PASSED DOWN sin to all his progeny. You don't get that?
You know perfectly well that Jesus died a "ransom" for Adam according to Watchtower theology.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
A physical body can't go through a locked door. Period. Your ideas require mental gymnastics! They aren't even of sound reasoning.

Isaiah 1:18

The reason you don't trust in the Scripture verses Steko posted is because you're not a member of The Body of Christ nor do you have the sealing and indwelling of The Holy Spirit. You're a member of The Jehovah Witness Cult. If you continue to reject The Grace Gospel, you will be judged by God for your works and be cast into The Lake of Fire.


New member
A physical body can't go through a locked door. Period. Your ideas require mental gymnastics! They aren't even of sound reasoning.

Isaiah 1:18
And... a stick can't turn into a snake...and, a universe can't be spoken into existence,...and a blind man doesn't gain his sight by rubbing mud on his eyes.However we believe because God says.


New member
Obviously Charles Taze Russell wasn't familiar with Quantum Physics (10 dimensions).
Actually, Charles Taze Russell never even heard of the "Early Church Fathers" and their writings.
Well, that's the price you pay for "recycling" 2nd Century heresies in the mid-1800s.


Eclectic Theosophist
Resurrection, rebirth, reincarnation......

Resurrection, rebirth, reincarnation......

Please consider the literal meaning of the word 'resurrection/anastasisia'.

Thank you.

There are a few who feel the resurrection is purely spiritual in nature, that it does not require the raising up again of a physical body, however transformed. In this case, the resurrection indicates a death within the soul and a resurrection within that same soul of a spiritual nature, it is a transformation of consciousness essentially, or the raising of the individual into the spiritual realm, with its accompanying spirit-body. We can consider 'resurrection' on multiple levels, figuratively speaking.

On that note, a belief in the literal physical resurrection of Jesus is unnecessary, but a belief that he died and was resurrected in the Spirit (spiritually) is something all can agree on, since it is the inner esoteric meaning of 'resurrection' that is essential, it is the rising up into a new life, a new birth, a transformation of the mortal putting on immortality, etc.

Do note that if we assume he was raised 'bodily' ( as it was stated in one of the creeds), this word can accommodate a spiritual body form. Thus the belief in Jesus resurrection is fundamentally sustained, but understood figuratively. This 'transformation' all will undergo, who are raised up in a new body, whether this be on earth or in the spirit-world.

We would also note that 'resurrection' also included the concept of 'rebirth' or 'reincarnation' in some earlier schools, and DO NOTE....that in the process of a reincarnation,...there is certainly a 'raising up' of the spirit-soul in a new body or new embodiment. I've treated these issues in my former thread on 'Reincarnation' and another of like subject. So our concept of 'resurrection' could be broadened to include other facets and feature of the spirit-soul being raised up in a new form or higher vibration of consciousness :)


New member
So our concept of 'resurrection' could be broadened to include other facets and feature of the spirit-soul being raised up in a new form or higher vibration of consciousness :)

Yeah, I read the Celestine Prophecy years ago. It vibrated my soul and now I am at this higher level.

Wait, now that I think about it, I don't know if it was the book or the Jose Quervo.

Hey, what a combination. :thumb:


Eclectic Theosophist
Yeah, I read the Celestine Prophecy years ago. It vibrated my soul and now I am at this higher level.

Wait, now that I think about it, I don't know if it was the book or the Jose Quervo.

Hey, what a combination. :thumb:

I read the Celestine Prophecy once upon a time as well, was okay. I however don't recommend the latter author! lol


Well-known member
He wasn't. There's no scripture that tells us anything about him being raised.

Matthew 11

Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.


Well-known member
Yeah, I read the Celestine Prophecy years ago. It vibrated my soul and now I am at this higher level.

Wait, now that I think about it, I don't know if it was the book or the Jose Quervo.

Hey, what a combination. :thumb:

That explains a lot! :dizzy:


Well-known member
The reason you don't trust in the Scripture verses Steko posted is because you're not a member of The Body of Christ nor do you have the sealing and indwelling of The Holy Spirit. You're a member of The Jehovah Witness Cult. If you continue to reject The Grace Gospel, you will be judged by God for your works and be cast into The Lake of Fire.
How do you know her heart? Also you reject the teachings of Jesus, I'd be more concerned with that of I were you before you judge others!
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