Jesus SEPARATE from Jehovah; calls Jehovah "my God."

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Look, I was studying with the JWs in the 1950s when I was a teen and they were using the King James.
They brain-washed my grandmother, as she was a lonely new widow and had no knowledge of the Bible.
How's that for a testimony? :)

BTW, where is Shadrach & Abednego?

This is what I mean. I am not a JW and you are assuming I am.

I happen to agree with many of the things they believe.

It is a grave sin to false witness.

BTW, you need to know JWs are not the only ones who are non trins.


New member
This is what I mean. I am not a JW and you are assuming I am.

I happen to agree with many of the things they believe.

It is a grave sin to false witness.

BTW, you need to know JWs are not the only ones who are non trins.

"if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck..."


New member
Beameup, Meshak isn't a Jehovah's Witness. She just has more sense than most people. :cool: About certain things.

I have answers, and I hope you read all of my recent posts.

I will say that yes, Jesus died for me as an individual for my sins.
That's deceitful. Watchtower Society doctrine is that Jesus died for the sins of Adam.


Well-known member
what are you talking about?

I know they believe Jesus died for the world and His Father resurrected Him and went back to heaven.

Did Jesus' physical body which died on the cross come back to life physically?


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Jesus became spirit after resurrection; that's what they believe and so do I.

Until you settle it in your heart that the Lord Jesus literally resurrected from death, you have no salvation and there's really no point in considering any other matter in the Bible. Christ's literal death, burial and resurrection is the starting place.


Get your armor ready!
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Until you settle it in your heart that the Lord Jesus literally resurrected from death, you have no salvation and there's really no point in considering any other matter in the Bible. Christ's literal death, burial and resurrection is the starting place.

Acts 2:27-31 KJV
(27) Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
(28) Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance.
(29) Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day.
(30) Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;
(31) He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.


Until you settle it in your heart that the Lord Jesus literally resurrected from death, you have no salvation and there's really no point in considering any other matter in the Bible. Christ's literal death, burial and resurrection is the starting place.

another twisted interpretation. Jesus was resurrected by His Father.

why do you think no one recognized Him after resurrected when He met His followers?


New member
So you still spread lie about me?

I've accurately portrayed you as a Jehovah Witness wannabe.
If Jesus has no body - did not raise from the dead - then you have no possibility of a resurrection.
So, your theology would be like most Jews, once dead, always dead... poof!

BTW, all the JWs "beliefs" are simply recycled heresies from the 1st and 2nd century.
The writings of the Early Church Fathers would quickly verify that...
but then the modern day cults were formed by ignorant uneducated folks.
Nothing new "under the sun".

All the sins ever committed against God were laid upon Jesus on the cross... and he still raised from the dead. That should give all true Christians comfort.
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Well-known member
another twisted interpretation. Jesus was resurrected by His Father.

why do you think no one recognized Him after resurrected when He met His followers?

Have you ever taken a step back and said to yourself, "Why should I believe what I've been taught without question? Perhaps I could learn something from someone who has a different view from what I've been taught."

If Christ didn't literally stand up physically and come back to life then we are all without hope.
If He did stand up physically and walk out of that grave and one doesn't believe it, then they are lost and without hope....until they decide to believe it.

Please consider.

2Co 5:20


Have you ever taken a step back and said to yourself, "Why should I believe what I've been taught without question?

Back at you, friend.

You have too many doctrines passed by RCC and you just take them.

You don't have answer why no one recognized Him after the resurrection. I have noticed it right away without JW pointed out. It is because I have been reading the Bible.


Well-known member
Back at you, friend.

Thank you. I considerate it a well meaning admonition.

You have too many doctrines passed by RCC and you just take them.

I am aware of what the RCC teaches, however there are Christian doctrines which existed before the RCC which you assume began with the RCC and they didn't.

You don't have answer why no one recognized Him after the resurrection.

Yes, I do. That was another assumption on your part.

I have noticed it right away without JW pointed out.

Yet, your conclusion is the same as JW...right?

It is because I have been reading the Bible.

I'm glad that you read it and I encourage you to keep on.

Please consider the literal meaning of the word 'resurrection/anastasisia'.

Thank you.


New member
If He did stand up physically and walk out of that grave...

By physically do you mean in a natural flesh and blood body?

Jesus couldn't walk out of the tomb in a physical body because the tomb was sealed until an angel rolled back the stone. And when the stone was rolled back Jesus was not in the tomb. Before the stone was rolled away the tomb was dark and probably a little stuffy. Who would want to stay in a tomb?


Thank you. I considerate it a well meaning admonition.

I am aware of what the RCC teaches, however there are Christian doctrines which existed before the RCC which you assume began with the RCC and they didn't.

Yes, I do. That was another assumption on your part.

Yet, your conclusion is the same as JW...right?

I'm glad that you read it and I encourage you to keep on.

Please consider the literal meaning of the word 'resurrection/anastasisia'.

Thank you.

My answer is still the same.

It has nothing to do with JW.


Well-known member
another twisted interpretation. Jesus was resurrected by His Father.

why do you think no one recognized Him after resurrected when He met His followers?
We were talking about this in our house meeting meshak last week :) Jesus was in the gardener and in the man on the road to emmaus. And people didn't realise it was him, because he was in a person.

Mary didn't know him until she heard his voice and he spoke to her personally, and the men didn't know him until he broke the bread, that's like sharing the word of God. And we know him when we hear his voice personally or the word of God in others.

How do you see it?
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