Living by the Spirit and not the law will cause us to be conformed to his image, Ephesians 2:10.
Which is the work He prepared for us before hand...
See? these are the works for us to do...not those that man through his church demands of us...
These are our fruits that reveal we are no longer under the law but stand on it...with it the Spirit separates us from the world to be more like Him...
Don’t kill
Don’t commit adultery
Don’t steal
Don’t lie
All remain descriptions of those who follow Him His way...because they are already His...not to become His
But notice these are what others adhere to as well...Buddhists Muslims etc all practice these as well but there are four others that they do not...1,2,3,4 out the 10 they do not practice...
So the laws you follow determine who you are...
You are not lawless and the Spirit keeps you from following Muslim law or Buddhist law... yes?
And instead causes you to follow Whose Law? Because you are His and WANT to...