No, the Holy Spirit will cause you to trust in Jesus as your savior.
Trying to be like Jesus is not trusting in Jesus. Trying to be like Jesus is a sign of legalism.
Tell it to Paul who said "copy me as I copied Christ"...exactly how did Paul copy Chirst?
And did Paul order to become saved?
Or because he already was...
Legalism is doing something in order to earn salvation...merit...these works our works for that purpose are like bloody tampons...blood which is issued involuntarily or uncontrollably
To have His faith...NOT FAITH IN HIM... is doing as He did, His faith/works because that's who you choose to be out of gratitude knowing what was already done for you...
The hebrews were saved from Egypt first and then given the Law...they then WANTED to keep it...(until they didnt)
Those that love Him realize that He saved us and now it is what we wish to identify ourselves as His...
We obey because we have faith first...
Just as the baby breathes not to become alive but because it already lives...
Do this and live...