Jesus, Paul and the Law

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Who's "we?" He instructed His Apostles, and His Apostles administrated His Church; you ought to heed their successors, the bishops/overseers/elders of the Church. They are authorized to teach what the Lord Jesus wants you to know, and do.

We is first and foremost the people of Israel. Jesus' disciples are included in this. Do you include anyone who reads these words? See Matthew 5.


New member
I've never heard of a single Church bishop/overseer/elder deny the Lord's resurrection (Easter). So, no worries.

Not even Satan denies that...

Work your yourself approved...establish the law...teach traditions we (first century disciples) taught...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The commandments of God are to be kept, observed, not disregarded or ignored.

Mot according to the apostle Paul. The commandments are no longer in effect for Christians. If you are one of these then the commandments are for you, 1 Timothy 1:9,10.


Mot according to the apostle Paul. The commandments are no longer in effect for Christians. If you are one of these then the commandments are for you, 1 Timothy 1:9,10.

The point is that if you are a sinner then the law is for you.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The point is that if you are a sinner then the law is for you.

Nor is the law for you if you are a Christian, because... "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17 and not by rules or laws and religion.

You are in conflict with the teachings of Paul.


Nor is the law for you if you are a Christian, because... "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17 and not by rules or laws and religion.

You are in conflict with the teachings of Paul.

No. Remember, Paul himself walked orderly, keeping the law.

What you have to remember is that the law not only points out sin, it instructs us in right living.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
No. Remember, Paul himself walked orderly, keeping the law.

What you have to remember is that the law not only points out sin, it instructs us in right living.

Only if you are one of those in 1 Timothy 1:9, 10.

Christians are Spirit led, not law led.


New member
Nor is the law for you if you are a Christian, because... "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17 and not by rules or laws and religion.

You are in conflict with the teachings of Paul.

It's not written that it's just faith to live...even Satan has faith...and believes...

The just have faith to live...please describe that life and and I will see if it is the faith of Him...not just in Him...

"copy me" said Paul "as I copy Christ"...was meant as a lifestyle

"Follow me" reveals the faith you keep by how you live and love...
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Robert Pate

Well-known member
If you are spirit led, you will strive to be like Jesus like following His examples instead of spreading lies about what Jesus teaches.

No, the Holy Spirit will cause you to trust in Jesus as your savior.

Trying to be like Jesus is not trusting in Jesus. Trying to be like Jesus is a sign of legalism.


New member
No, the Holy Spirit will cause you to trust in Jesus as your savior.

Trying to be like Jesus is not trusting in Jesus. Trying to be like Jesus is a sign of legalism.

Tell it to Paul who said "copy me as I copied Christ"...exactly how did Paul copy Chirst?

And did Paul order to become saved?

Or because he already was...

Legalism is doing something in order to earn salvation...merit...these works our works for that purpose are like bloody tampons...blood which is issued involuntarily or uncontrollably

To have His faith...NOT FAITH IN HIM... is doing as He did, His faith/works because that's who you choose to be out of gratitude knowing what was already done for you...

The hebrews were saved from Egypt first and then given the Law...they then WANTED to keep it...(until they didnt)

Those that love Him realize that He saved us and now it is what we wish to identify ourselves as His...

We obey because we have faith first...

Just as the baby breathes not to become alive but because it already lives...

Do this and live...


No, the Holy Spirit will cause you to trust in Jesus as your savior.

Trying to be like Jesus is not trusting in Jesus. Trying to be like Jesus is a sign of legalism.

Jesus says to follow Him.

Why do you work against Jesus?

You are anti-Christ.


New member
Jesus says to follow Him.

Why do you work against Jesus?

You are anti-Christ.

Ouch...but yes what does “trusting Jesus” actually mean? But that you change your evil according to Him His way...

Or are we allowed to live as though there is no Law and He will forgive willful/known sin?

“If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left,”

“Go and sin no more” was instructed and expected after the believing trusting and faith...

Or was the teaching “continue your adulteries knowing you are under grace and there is no more law”...?


Ouch...but yes what does “trusting Jesus” actually mean? You change your evil according to Him His way...

Or are we allowed to live as though there is no Law and He will forgive willful/known sin?

“If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left,”

“Go and win no more” was instructed and expected after believing and faith...

Or was the teaching “continue your adulteries knowing you are under grace and there is no more law”...?

I was talking to Robert, not you.


New member
I was talking to Robert, not you.

I know...

I was merely commenting to you about some thoughts I think when I hear "we are to trust Jesus"

how often I hear "we are no longer under law"..."legalizing"..."judiazer"... etc...

Not desiring a real reversal of our path, or spreading of the good news gospel which is that the means to be saved are available if we just trust and obey...oh and true fellowship with our fellow man is exactly anti christ...

Even Satan believes...but does not follow
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