Jesus is God.


Well-known member
Thanks for sharing such a precious testimony.

When we pursue God to know Him, to learn His ways, will be the way we will learn what is the normal Christian life intended for us by God from the beginning. Born of the Spirit, indwelt by the very life Jesus expressed while on Earth which contained the Life of His Father [now our indwelling] He gave Himself unto. In other words: The Life of the Earthbound Jesus, full of allegiance as a son unto His Father was the forerunner of what our new birth from above is given to demonstrate both in giving and receiving.. As Paul puts it: "I...Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church:" Colossians 1:24 (KJV) . . Which we are. . . and delighted to call my sister. . .:)))

Now that's what I call the truth :)

We may agree and disagree on things, but I will never treat you or others with contempt. I know I don't know everything, and I'm definitely no better than others, some will have much more understanding than me. I don't know everything that you believe yet, but so far I agree with your posts, but there may be times that we don't agree. And I see someone has suggested that I may not agree with you, well who knows, maybe we will see some things differently. But I won't ever say that you or anyone else are demons or that your going to hell, or that your unsaved, I always think of the thief on the cross, who was saved in his last hours, so there's hope for everyone including me as I don't see myself am eternally saved until God decides after my last breath, but I do know that I'm being saved daily through Christ by the spirit, do long as i keep my faith and heart in God and obey him. I hope that all know God one day, and we have a chance until that last breath we breathe.

I'm not perfect myself, and I know that if God wasn't with me, I'd be so wrapped up in myself and this world, that have no time for anyone else, I'm ashamed of my flesh. I'm far from perfect so how can I judge another by what they believe. The word of God does that in all of us. With his two edged sword he cuts and cleans our hearts and cuts and cleans those we speak to too. I've been cut to the heart a few times on here. And I've taken it to myself. I know that it was meant for me, even though it wasn't directed me.

By the way. This(below) is worded so well, that's exactly how I see Christ within

Born of the Spirit, indwelt by the very life Jesus expressed while on Earth which contained the Life of His Father [now our indwelling]

Thank you for your post, it was uplifting to read :)


Eclectic Theosophist
Jesus, the Son/Sun of God......God is Light

Jesus, the Son/Sun of God......God is Light

Now that's what I call the truth :)

We may agree and disagree on things, but I will never treat you or others with contempt. I know I don't know everything, and I'm definitely no better than others, some will have much more understanding than me. I don't know everything that you believe yet, but so far I agree with your posts, but there may be times that we don't agree. And I see someone has suggested that I may not agree with you, well who knows, maybe we will see some things differently. But I won't ever say that you or anyone else are demons or that your going to hell, or that your unsaved, I always think of the thief on the cross, who was saved in his last hours, so there's hope for everyone including me as I don't see myself am eternally saved until God decides after my last breath, but I do know that I'm being saved daily through Christ by the spirit, do long as i keep my faith and heart in God and obey him. I hope that all know God one day, and we have a chance until that last breath we breathe.

I'm not perfect myself, and I know that if God wasn't with me, I'd be so wrapped up in myself and this world, that have no time for anyone else, I'm ashamed of my flesh. I'm far from perfect so how can I judge another by what they believe. The word of God does that in all of us. With his two edged sword he cuts and cleans our hearts and cuts and cleans those we speak to too. I've been cut to the heart a few times on here. And I've taken it to myself. I know that it was meant for me, even though it wasn't directed me.

By the way. This(below) is worded so well, that's exactly how I see Christ within

Born of the Spirit, indwelt by the very life Jesus expressed while on Earth which contained the Life of His Father [now our indwelling]

Thank you for your post, it was uplifting to read :)

Hi marhig and all following,

Our spiritual unity in God/Christ is what is essential, while diversity may exist in certain intellectual concepts or constructs. We are all born of the same Spirit, that Spirit is one.

If you've read my first post here, you'll see I'm presenting more from a Unitarian position but also a more skeptical view of challenging the doctrine of Jesus being 'God'. It doesn't matter IMO whether one leans more Unitarian or Trinitarian or some other more liberal Christology since God looks at the heart and searches one's inner being, his thoughts, intentions, disposition, etc. It is the Christ within and our communion with God that is most important, how we live, serve and treat one another.

I had 2 former threads on historical Unitarianism and Arianism and find the development of Christian doctrine most interesting, but hold to a much more liberal interpretation of Jesus divinity and humanity (mix it up as you like), since there is much more to explore and research beyond a narrow dogmatic explanation of Jesus debated over and finally credalized by contending church councils whose motives were not always wholly pure and free of impending socio-political influences. Note that any religious group can decide what is 'orthodox' or 'heretical' for themselves....which makes it hard to rule out such measures as being self-serving.

Anyways, beyond the study of religious truths and universal principles...much of the Unitarian/Trinitarian debate is old hat, besides bordering tedious. A deeper philosophical research and innovation of thought is more fruitful IMO than a full on battle of apologetics from the 'orthodox' since most are unwilling to give up their claim to 'doctrinal correctness'. So it's just another ride on the hamster wheel :) Also, God probably doesn't care for much of the dogma being worshipped or defended anyways, but golden calves can be hard to give up.

I think it's better to let the light of Christ shine thru you than prove Jesus is God by some formula or apology, unless one is interested in studying the matter himself, at which point he can make up his own mind wherever the evidence leads, or lack thereof. In the meantime proclaiming ' Jesus is God' won't amount to much to the average person who is not religious or did not grow up in church, while it remains a more important subject to the apologists themselves, perhaps to the point of indulgence ;)


Well-known member
Look at that, a false accuser who called me arrogant, and who gave us all a FALSE sermon on filthy rags has failed to answer and explain anything.

How are we filthy rags to God?

This is how I see that our flesh is as filthy rags before God. Myself especially so!

Isaiah 64

But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

Jesus had a garment woven from the top to the bottom, no holes nothing that could be picked at, he was covered with a garment of righteousness of God, pure as holy.

Our righteousness is as filthy rags, we are proud, self willed, full of filthy fleshy desires and lust, Jesus had a garment woven and perfect full of Gods wisdom and understanding. With a fleshly mind we are filthy in Gods sight taken away by iniquity. We need to be covered in the garment of Christ, given by God, woven, strong, whole and pure, and we need our filthy rags removed, (which is our self righteous fleshly nature) and we need to be washed in the holy word of God and covered with the his righteousness, without Christ and the indwelling spirit of God, we are dead men walking.

Christ has saved those who truly follow him and they will then deny themselves, walk the walk, obey God and partake in Christ sufferings baring our cross and becoming willing living sacrifices, and if we have this covering of God that Christ was clothed in, the pure garment of righteousness, then God sees our past sins no more, he has forgiven those who turn away from this world of sin and obey him. Jesus saved us by bringing us the holy living God and he was in his express image of God in every way, he never sinned, and by laying down his life and becoming a witness to the truth, he came as a bright and shining light to show us the true way. And we are saved by the grace of God through faith and we must have true repentance and he gave us a chance to know the only living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and now through Gods grace, he is the God of me, who doesn't deserve his mercy and grace

I am truly blessed

Micah 7

He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.

Zachariah 4

And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment

Revelation 3

Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.
He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches

God's Truth

New member
This is how I see that our flesh is as filthy rags before God. Myself especially so!

Isaiah 64

But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

Jesus had a garment woven from the top to the bottom, no holes nothing that could be picked at, he was covered with a garment of righteousness of God, pure as holy.

Our righteousness is as filthy rags, we are proud, self willed, full of filthy fleshy desires and lust, Jesus had a garment woven and perfect full of Gods wisdom and understanding. With a fleshly mind we are filthy in Gods sight taken away by iniquity. We need to be covered in the garment of Christ, given by God, woven, strong, whole and pure, and we need our filthy rags removed, (which is our self righteous fleshly nature) and we need to be washed in the holy word of God and covered with the his righteousness, without Christ and the indwelling spirit of God, we are dead men walking.

Christ has saved those who truly follow him and they will then deny themselves, walk the walk, obey God and partake in Christ sufferings baring our cross and becoming willing living sacrifices, and if we have this covering of God that Christ was clothed in, the pure garment of righteousness, then God sees our past sins no more, he has forgiven those who turn away from this world of sin and obey him. Jesus saved us by bringing us the holy living God and he was in his express image of God in every way, he never sinned, and by laying down his life and becoming a witness to the truth, he came as a bright and shining light to show us the true way. And we are saved by the grace of God through faith and we must have true repentance and he gave us a chance to know the only living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and now through Gods grace, he is the God of me, who doesn't deserve his mercy and grace

I am truly blessed

You do not speak what the Word of God says. You speak made up things.

Stay close to God by staying close to the TRUTH.

Jesus is the Truth.

Jesus does not say what you say about us and filthy rags.

God's Truth

New member
God does not say that our obedience is as a filthy rag.

The Jews used to have to give BLOOD offerings for their sins---so that they could make themselves RIGHTEOUS BEFORE GOD.

God did NOT like it that the Jews would sin, give a BLOOD SIN OFFERING BUT NOT REALLY BE SORRY FOR THEIR SINS, their sins that they kept doing.

Those BLOOD offerings became as FILTHY THROW AWAY, BLOODY MENSTRUAL RAGS to the Lord.

God's Truth

New member
The Jews who had to do a righteous act of giving a sin offering, which included offering BLOOD, but God did not like it that they would sin then give a sin offering and not really be sorry for their sins; which made the blood offering as a throw away menstrual bloody rag. Not being truly sorry for the sin is what made the righteous act of sacrificing animals as a filthy rag.

Isaiah 64:6 All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

Our righteous act of FAITH in Jesus is a filthy rag if we do not OBEY HIM.

You teach the filthy rag scripture with error.

Now tell me where God says our obedience is like filthy rags.

God's Truth

New member
God does not say that our obedience is as a filthy rag.

The Jews used to have to give BLOOD offerings for their sins---so that they could make themselves RIGHTEOUS BEFORE GOD.

God did NOT like it that the Jews would sin, give a BLOOD SIN OFFERING BUT NOT REALLY BE SORRY FOR THEIR SINS, their sins that they kept doing.

Those BLOOD offerings became as FILTHY THROW AWAY, BLOODY MENSTRUAL RAGS to the Lord.

THE BLOOD OFFERINGS were as menstrual blood on a rag (a rag a women would use on her menstrual cycle). THAT is NOT an acceptable blood offering.


Well-known member
Hi marhig and all following,

Our spiritual unity in God/Christ is what is essential, while diversity may exist in certain intellectual concepts or constructs. We are all born of the same Spirit, that Spirit is one.

If you've read my first post here, you'll see I'm presenting more from a Unitarian position but also a more skeptical view of challenging the doctrine of Jesus being 'God'. It doesn't matter IMO whether one leans more Unitarian or Trinitarian or some other more liberal Christology since God looks at the heart and searches one's inner being, his thoughts, intentions, disposition, etc. It is the Christ within and our communion with God that is most important, how we live, serve and treat one another.

I had 2 former threads on historical Unitarianism and Arianism and find the development of Christian doctrine most interesting, but hold to a much more liberal interpretation of Jesus divinity and humanity (mix it up as you like), since there is much more to explore and research beyond a narrow dogmatic explanation of Jesus debated over and finally credalized by contending church councils whose motives were not always wholly pure and free of impending socio-political influences. Note that any religious group can decide what is 'orthodox' or 'heretical' for themselves....which makes it hard to rule out such measures as being self-serving.

Anyways, beyond the study of religious truths and universal principles...much of the Unitarian/Trinitarian debate is old hat, besides bordering tedious. A deeper philosophical research and innovation of thought is more fruitful IMO than a full on battle of apologetics from the 'orthodox' since most are unwilling to give up their claim to 'doctrinal correctness'. So it's just another ride on the hamster wheel :) Also, God probably doesn't care for much of the dogma being worshipped or defended anyways, but golden calves can be hard to give up.

I think it's better to let the light of Christ shine thru you than prove Jesus is God by some formula or apology, unless one is interested in studying the matter himself, at which point he can make up his own mind wherever the evidence leads, or lack thereof. In the meantime proclaiming ' Jesus is God' won't amount to much to the average person who is not religious or did not grow up in church, while it remains a more important subject to the apologists themselves, perhaps to the point of indulgence ;)

What a great post, yes we should be more God and spirit focused, continued arguing isn't good, maybe we should share what we've seen in God and what we've heard

I went for a walk with my husband last week around a mountain, by the sea, and the sun was starting to set. It was coming down low, and as it came closer to the sea, a path of light started forming, from the sun, right up to the edge of the water. And I saw that when the spirit of God comes close to the earth (which is us) he shows is a path of light that directs us straight back to him, I saw that the path was on the sea, and the sea is like the world, and Satan through the flesh and desires of this world wants pull us in and put the spirit to death in our hearts. And just like the sea, the deeper we go, the more chance we have being pulled in. Also the sea was vast, but the path of light narrow, just as is the way that leads is into life.

We saw this path of light in Jesus, he became low and humble like the setting sun and he gave us a pure path of light showing is the way back to God. And if we walk in the light we won't be pulled in by the world.

Then my husband and I started walking and we noticed that the path didn't stay where we had just left, but it stayed with us, and the path of light across the sea stayed shining directly to us as we walked around the mountain, and I thought that God never leaves us or forsakes us, through Christ and by the indwelling spirit he will always be there to show is the way.

Then i thought about those behind and in front of us, they would see the same path as we were looking at, but they would be in a different place to us. They would see the path that we saw when a were walking earlier, and I thought that it was the same path for all those who belong to God. And I thought that if I had of stayed in my house and not gone to the mountain, then I wouldn't have seen the glorious vision, and I realised that we must come out and turn toward the living God, look for Jesus and listen to him and obey him, and we will all see this path of light. And that light is in every one of us who belong to the living God.

This is a picture that I took :)

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Well-known member
The Jews who had to do a righteous act of giving a sin offering, which included offering BLOOD, but God did not like it that they would sin then give a sin offering and not really be sorry for their sins; which made the blood offering as a throw away menstrual bloody rag. Not being truly sorry for the sin is what made the righteous act of sacrificing animals as a filthy rag.

Isaiah 64:6 All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

Our righteous act of FAITH in Jesus is a filthy rag if we do not OBEY HIM.

You teach the filthy rag scripture with error.

Now tell me where God says our obedience is like filthy rags.
I don't know where you got that I said about our obedience being as filthy rags, I was talking about our self righteousness when we are wrong before God.

I'm not going there with you anymore. I've said all that I have to say about this. I know in my heart what I have to do before God, and I only have him to answer to.

God's Truth

New member
I don't know where you got that I said about our obedience being as filthy rags, I was talking about our self righteousness when we are wrong before God.

I'm not going there with you anymore. I've said all that I have to say about this. I know in my heart what I have to do before God, and I only have him to answer to.

You spoke error about the filthy rag scripture.

Don't give your rendition of the Truth, for God's Truth is better.


New member
There is really only one issue - and it can best be seen by your answer to this simple question

Can Jesus fully function without an incarnated deity - just like you, I and all men are able to fully function without an incarnated deity?


Well-known member
If there are three, and there is! Then Jesus is God the Father BECAUSE THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD.


And then who is his father he is praying to?

"For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of Y-H-W-H our God for ever and ever."
Micah 4:5


Well-known member
The trinity doctrine is false, but God is triune.


Where is that written in the Bible?

"Hear Israel, Y-H-W-H is our God, Y-H-W-H is ONE!" Deut 6:4

"Listen, Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One" Holman Christian Standard Bible

"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one." English Standard Version

"Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!" New American Standard Bible

"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one." New International Version

"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one!" New King James Version"

"And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, "Which commandment is the first of all?" Jesus answered, "The first is, `Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, THE LORD IS ONE; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' The second is this, `You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these." And the scribe said to him, "You are right, Teacher; you have truly said that HE IS ONE, and there is no other but he; and to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the strength, and to love one's neighbor as oneself, is much more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices." And when Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, "You are not far from the kingdom of God."" Mark 12:28-34 Revised Standard Version

“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one." .... "You are right in saying that God is one" New International Version

"Here is the most important one. Moses said, 'Israel, listen to me. The Lord is our God. The Lord is one." .... "You are right in saying that God is one." New International Readers Version

"Jesus answered: Listen, Israel! The Lord our God, The Lord is One." .... "You have correctly said that He is One," Holman Christian Standard Bible

"Jesus answered, The first is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God, the Lord is one:" .... "thou hast well said that he is one;" American Standard Version

"Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one." New King James Version

"Jesus answered, "The most important is, 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one" .... "You have truly said that he is one," English Standard Version

"Jesus said, "The first in importance is, 'Listen, Israel: The Lord your God is one;" .... "A wonderful answer, Teacher! So lucid and accurate—that God is one" The Message

"‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one." .... “You are right in saying that God is one" New International Version

"Now an intermediary implies more than one; but GOD IS ONE." Gal 3:20 Revised Standard Version

"Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but GOD IS ONE" King James Version

"A mediator, however, implies more than one party; but GOD IS ONE." New International Version

"Now an intermediary implies more than one, but GOD IS ONE." English Standard Version

"Now a mediator is not a mediator of one; but GOD IS ONE." American Standard Version

"and the mediator is not of one, and GOD IS ONE" Youngs Literal Translation

"You believe that GOD IS ONE; you do well." James 2:19 Revised Standard Version

"thou -- thou dost believe that GOD IS ONE; thou dost well," Youngs Literal translation

"Thou believest that GOD IS ONE; thou doest well:" American Standard Version

"You believe that GOD IS ONE; you do well." Holman Christian Standard Bible.

"*Thou* believest that GOD IS ONE. Thou doest well." Darby Translation.

"It’s good that you believe that GOD IS ONE." Common English Bible

"You believe that GOD IS ONE; you do well." English Standard Version

"You believe that GOD IS ONE; you do well." Amplified Bible

"You believe that GOD IS ONE You do well;" New American Standard Bible

So the Bible teaches clearly that God is ONE.

"And J-e-h-o-v-a-h shall be King over all the earth: in that day shall J-e-h-o-v-a-h be one, and his name one." Zach 14:9 American Standard Version

"And the LORD shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be— “The LORD is one, And His name one." New King James Version

"And the LORD will be king over all the earth. On that day the LORD will be one and his name one." English Standard Version

"And the Lord shall be King over all the earth; in that day the Lord shall be one [in the recognition and worship of men] and His name one." Amplified Bible


Well-known member
Deut. 6:4 Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our Eloheem[PLURAL] is one[SINGULAR] Jehovah.


Wrong. "Hear O Israel, Y-H-W-H is our elohiem (singular), Y-H-W-H is ONE!"

From the FIRST (from the BEGINNING) I (the ONE SENT) have not spoken in secret, from the time it took place (when it ALL happened), I (the ONE SENT) was there. And now the Lord GOD (the Father) has sent Me (the Son), and His Spirit." Isaiah 48:12-16

Wrong again:

>> Who are the three divine personalities Isaiah 48:11-18 (Yeshaiah Hanavi) speaks about? "Listen to me, O Jacob, Israel, whom I have called: I am he; I am the first and I am the last. (Only God is eternal.) My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens (the Creator is speaking)-, . . . And now the Sovereign Lord (one divine
personality) has sent me (the speaker is eternal and the Creator, and therefore a second divine personality), with his Spirit (a third divine personality).

## The writer here conveniently leaves out the key passage that explains this verse, he gives there '……'
Here is the whole passage: "Listen to me, O Jacob, Israel, whom I have called: I am he; I am the first and I am the last. My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens,Assemble all of you and hear! Who among them has declared these things? The LORD (in the Hebrew Y-H-W-H) loves him, he shall perform his purpose on Babylon, and His arm shall be against the Chaldeans. I, even I have spoken and called him, I have brought him, and he will prosper in his way. Draw near to me, hear this; from the beginning I have not spoken in secret from the time it came o be I have been there. And now my lord (adoni) LORD (Y-H-W-H) has sent me with his Spirit. Thus says the LORD (Y-H-W-H) your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, …

Here is my comment:

"Listen to me, O Jacob, Israel, whom I have called: I am he; I am the first and I am the last. My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens, [this is God speaking] Assemble all of you and hear! Who among them has declared these things? The LORD (in the Hebrew Y-H-W-H) loves him, he [here is the part left out by the other guy. Here is spoken ABOUT God, in the third person, that means that here already is not God speaking, but somebody else (Isaiah) ABOUT God] shall perform his purpose on Babylon, and His [again third person] arm shall be against the Chaldeans. I, even I have spoken and called him, I have brought him, and he will prosper in his way. Draw near to me, [also this is Isaiah speaking; a fysical human being can not draw near to God] hear this; from the beginning I have not spoken in secret from the time it came to be [this speaks about the decree against Sancherib] I have been there. And now my lord (adoni) LORD (Y-H-W-H) has sent me [the me is Isaiah] with his Spirit. [the spirit of God is the power of God, that makes Isaiah a prophet. It is not a separate God] Thus says the LORD (Y-H-W-H) [again in the third person, not God is speaking here but Isaiah] your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, …"

You do not believe your own Tanach rejecting your Suffering Servant.

The suffering servant is ISRAEL. For the finer details look here:

Where is the altar where you offer your lamb to cover your sin?

We don't cover our sins with lambs.

Who is your high priest that your lamb can be approved for sacrificing?

Where is your Temple where you must go three times a year?

You are a very religious man, Elia, but very UNsaved exactly as the ones who demanded that Jesus the Christ, the Suffering Servant, be crucified because He did not fit their idea of God's Savior.

He didn't fit the idea of the messiah. He didn't fulfil the messianic prophecies.

And not JC, but the one and only true God Y-H-W-H who is one is my savior:

saiah 43: 3: "For I am Y-H-W-H thy God, the Holy one of Israel, thy saviour."

Isaiah 43:10-11: "Before Me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me, even I, I am Y-H-W-H, and beside Me there is no saviour."

Isaiah 45:21-22: "... I Y-H-W-H, and there is no God else beside Me, a just God and a saviour, there is no saviour beside Me. Look unto Me and be you saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God and there is none else."

Hosea 13: 4: "Yet I am Y-H-W-H thy God, and thou shall know no God but Me, for there is no saviour beside Me."

"Serve Y-H-W-H! And if it seems evil to you to serve Y-H-W-H, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell.
But as for me and my house, we will serve Y-H-W-H!”

Joshua 24:14-15


Well-known member
Israel is as lost as you are, Elia, for Israel is NOT the Suffering Servant and Israel has rejected her Suffering Servant because she rejected God's way as it did not fit with her desire.


You think that your "messiah" is the suffering servant in Isaiah 53. So then my question is: How many times is the messiah called "the servant of God" in the Tanach?

Please give the texts to back up your answer.

"O Y-H-W-H, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, 'Surely our fathers have inherited lies, worthlessness and unprofitable things.' Will a man make gods for himself, which are not gods?"
Jeremiah 16:19


Well-known member
From the FIRST (from the BEGINNING) I (the ONE SENT) have not spoken in secret, from the time it took place (when it ALL happened), I (the ONE SENT) was there. And now the Lord GOD (the Father) has sent Me (the Son), and His Spirit." Isaiah 48:12-16

Also Isaiah 42:1 and Isaiah 61:1


For Isaiah 42, look here:

"For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of Y-H-W-H our God for ever and ever."
Micah 4:5