Jesus is God.


Well-known member
Stupid lies you repeat from liars. It does NOT say we are as filthy rags to God. I do not know how many times I already explained that scripture to you about filthy rags and you still repeat as you were taught by demons.

You don't realise, the people you judge as demons who I meet with, have the softest hearts of anyone I've met, and love and care for many, caring for those that many people would walk past, you should be careful what you say, we believe in Christ and love God, just because we don't believe as you do, doesn't mean we're demons, what if you're wrong? Have you ever thought of that? Probably not. Jesus was nothing like you, you keep going on you and how right you are and about the trinity, yet it's not in the Bible, no trinity, no triune God, and no God the son. Yet you want me to believe you? Why should I? I believe Jesus. And he said the God was the only true God and his God and he's the son of God. That's it, that's what I believe because I believe Jesus Christ.

By the way, I never once said that Christ doesn't dwell in the heart, you just don't understand me because you're so caught up in your own self righteousness! Your so right and every one else is wrong and evil, you don't look at the heart of others, we're all at different levels of understanding in God and all have different gifts, and he loves us all, he just wants those who don't know him back, and he wants all of us to truly love him. God is love. And his love should be pouring from our hearts. And sometimes, some who don't know God as well as others could have the best hearts going, and his could raise them up higher than those who think so highly of themselves.

So you told me what the scripture means about the filthy rags and I have to believe you if not, I'm taught by demons, who do you think you are? Our flesh is filthy rags in the sight of God, God only wants to see the life of his son in us and through us, he wants our flesh gone and replaced by the blood of Christ which is his life in us.

May God forgive you for what you've said, you need to get a full length mirror and take a long hard look at yourself before you judge others like you do especially people you've never even met. I tell people what I believe, but I don't say that they have to believe as I do, we all have a choice to make. Jesus said to his deciples that if people didn't listen to him, then they should brush the dust from their feet and walk away. They weren't to take in any false flesh doctrine, and to me the trinity is false it's not in the Bible and I don't have to believe it just because you do. There is one God and one God only, the almighty living God!

When Jesus told the desciples at the last supper, that one would betray him, they didn't accuse everyone else, "they said it's it I lord" that's how I live, I look at me first, because I know that my flesh is a whole lot worse than many others. It's only by the grace of God and through Christ that I am turning from my sinful ways, i don't call everyone demons, because the wrong spirit enters into the heart of all of us at some point, we are the dust that Satan crawls in and feeds off, if he can, just like he wanted to sift Peter as wheat, he will do that to us too if he can, so we need God with us always. So none of us are better than others, it's only God cleansing our hearts by his indwelling spirit that is saving any of us, so maybe you need to do a bit of heart searching before you accuse people who belong to God as being demons. And take look at yourself because you'll be far from perfect, even if you think you don't sin and are perfect!

By the way, they said Jesus had a demon in him, so I'm in good company!

God's Truth

New member
You don't realise, the people you judge as demons who I meet with, have the softest hearts of anyone I've met, and love and care for many, caring for those that many people would walk past, you should be careful what you say, we believe in Christ and love God, just because we don't believe as you do, doesn't mean we're demons, what if you're wrong? Have you ever thought of that? Probably not. Jesus was nothing like you, you keep going on you and how right you are and about the trinity, yet it's not in the Bible, no trinity, no triune God, and no God the son. Yet you want me to believe you? Why should I? I believe Jesus. And he said the God was the only true God and his God and he's the son of God. That's it, that's what I believe because I believe Jesus Christ.

By the way, I never once said that Christ doesn't dwell in the heart, you just don't understand me because you're so caught up in your own self righteousness! Your so right and every one else is wrong and evil, you don't look at the heart of others, we're all at different levels of understanding in God and all have different gifts, and he loves us all, he just wants those who don't know him back, and he wants all of us to truly love him. God is love. And his love should be pouring from our hearts. And sometimes, some who don't know God as well as others could have the best hearts going, and his could raise them up higher than those who think so highly of themselves.

So you told me what the scripture means about the filthy rags and I have to believe you if not, I'm taught by demons, who do you think you are? Our flesh is filthy rags in the sight of God, God only wants to see the life of his son in us and through us, he wants our flesh gone and replaced by the blood of Christ which is his life in us.

May God forgive you for what you've said, you need to get a full length mirror and take a long hard look at yourself before you judge others like you do especially people you've never even met. I tell people what I believe, but I don't say that they have to believe as I do, we all have a choice to make. Jesus said to his deciples that if people didn't listen to him, then they should brush the dust from their feet and walk away. They weren't to take in any false flesh doctrine, and to me the trinity is false it's not in the Bible and I don't have to believe it just because you do. There is one God and one God only, the almighty living God!

When Jesus told the desciples at the last supper, that one would betray him, they didn't accuse everyone else, "they said it's it I lord" that's how I live, I look at me first, because I know that my flesh is a whole lot worse than many others. It's only by the grace of God and through Christ that I am turning from my sinful ways, i don't call everyone demons, because the wrong spirit enters into the heart of all of us at some point, we are the dust that Satan crawls in and feeds off, if he can, just like he wanted to sift Peter as wheat, he will do that to us too if he can, so we need God with us always. So none of us are better than others, it's only God cleansing our hearts by his indwelling spirit that is saving any of us, so maybe you need to do a bit of heart searching before you accuse people who belong to God as being demons. And take look at yourself because you'll be far from perfect, even if you think you don't sin and are perfect!

By the way, they said Jesus had a demon in him, so I'm in good company!

I cannot even bring myself to read your nonsense. Where did I say you had a demon?

I said you repeat what false teachers teach you. The Bible is the one who says false teachings are from demons.

Show now where the scripture says WE ARE FILTHY RAGS. YOU said that lie, now prove it is not a lie.

God's Truth

New member
Notice that I asked Marhig to prove with scripture what she says about God seeing us as filthy rags, but instead of showing us with scripture where God says that she instead gives some pathetic scolding to me about something I never even said or did.


Well-known member
I cannot even bring myself to read your nonsense. Where did I say you had a demon?

I said you repeat what false teachers teach you. The Bible is the one who says false teachings are from demons.

Show now where the scripture says WE ARE FILTHY RAGS. YOU said that lie, now prove it is not a lie.
I've been cooking my tea and have just seen your post!

Isaiah 64

But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
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God's Truth

New member
I have debated people for many years and want to show how they are still influenced by false teachers about God's Truth.

Marhig says we are as a filthy rag to God.


Marhig's false teachers say that, and she is doing the works of the demons who are responsible for false teachers.

1 Timothy 4:1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

God's Truth

New member
I've been cooking my tea and have just seen your post!

Isaiah 64

But we are all as an unclean*thing, and all our righteousnesses*are*as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

How ignorant, just as I said you would say...see my previous post.


Well-known member
Notice that I asked Marhig to prove with scripture what she says about God seeing us as filthy rags, but instead of showing us with scripture where God says that she instead gives some pathetic scolding to me about something I never even said or did.
You said I repeat what I hear from liars and I've been taught by demons, you don't even know the hearts of people who I hear from never mind calling them liars and demons. Listen to yourself judging me for not posting, and I was busy! I have a family and a life and I have to cook and feed them, what is wrong with you? Are you always so arrogant, your even acting like a child at school telling everyone to look that I haven't answered you. You need to grow up.

God's Truth

New member
I have explained this that scripture to Marhig before, but she cannot even consider what another says because she is ensnared to only say and believe what false teachers/false doctrines from demons say.

God's Truth

New member
You said I repeat what I hear from liars and I've been taught by demons, you don't even know the hearts of people who I hear from never mind calling them liars and demons. Listen to yourself judging me for not posting, and I was busy! I have a family and a life and I have to cook and feed them, what is wrong with you? Are you always so arrogant, your even acting like a child at school telling everyone to look that I have answered you. You need to grow up.

You are the arrogant one, not me, as you claim.

You took some time out from preparing your tea to give us A FILTHY RAGS sermon from YOUR FALSE TEACHERS, teachers who preach falseness from demons.

Tell me, how are we as filthy rags to God?

God's Truth

New member
I think you should consider yourself to be an exception in that as you belive yourself the exception in all else you think.

I have told no one they are not saved, but YOU HAVE. You are the evil one who is guilty of everything you falsely accuse me of being.

Just as Jesus careful how you judge, for the way you judge others, You will be judged.


Well-known member
I have explained this that scripture to Marhig before, but she cannot even consider what another says because she is ensnared to only say and believe what false teachers/false doctrines from demons say.
I am here you know, you don't have to announce it to everyone. By the way, you may have said what you think it means, it doesn't mean you're right. None of us are perfect, and we all don't know everything in God, Even though you seem to think that you do. But at least I'll hold my hands up and admit it, I'm not perfect and I don't know everything, but God will show me what i need to know in his time. God will be my judge, not you. I won't be answering any more of your posts on this subject!

God's Truth

New member
I am here you know, you don't have to announce it to everyone. By the way, you may have said what you think it means, it doesn't mean you're right. None of us are perfect, and we all don't know everything in God, Even though you seem to think that you do. But at least I'll hold my hands up and admit it, I'm not perfect and I don't know everything, but God will show me what i need to know in his time. God will be my judge, not you. I won't be answering any more of your posts on this subject!

Look at that, a false accuser who called me arrogant, and who gave us all a FALSE sermon on filthy rags has failed to answer and explain anything.

How are we filthy rags to God?

God's Truth

New member
False teachers have been saying for many years that we are as filthy rags.

The Bible says false teachings are from demons.

So then, what does the scripture about filthy rags say?

Does it say what the demons say?

Does it say we are nothing but filthy rags to God?

No, it does not.