Jesus is God.

God's Truth

New member
Then you show me God the son, or triune God in the Bible!

The trinity doctrine is false, but God is triune.

Tell me, since you say Jesus IS NOT GOD, who is that besides God, BECAUSE GOD SAYS THERE IS NO OTHER BESIDE HIM.

Exodus 9:14
"For this time I will send all My plagues on you and your servants and your people, so that you may know that there is no one like Me in all the earth.

Deuteronomy 4:35
"To you it was shown that you might know that the LORD, He is God; there is no other besides Him.

God's Truth

New member
Marhig says there are three but that Jesus is not God. According to Marhig there is only one God and two next to Him that are like Him. So then, how is Jesus like God and besides Him but not be Him? Impossible, for the scriptures do not contradict themselves, because GOD SAYS there is NO ONE LIKE HIM that is besides Him.

Cross Reference

New member
She is still searching for God? According to you!?

She has found Him.

You are evil telling me I am not saved. You know you tell me that because I preach tongues have ceased.

No. I tell you that because you are a willful liar and haven't asked for forgiveness from God or anyone else whose words you have used against them when you knew they were speaking the truth.

And you still do it.

God's Truth

New member
Yes the mind of Christ is an obedient mind, so listen to him when he says there is only one true God John 17:3

1 Corinthians 2:16 for, "Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ.

That's true, if we don't have the mind of Christ, we won't know God! We have to believe and have faith and love God and obey him as he did before God will look at us. It says we we are filthy rags to God. God wants to see his son in us, he wants us to be willing to be a living sacrifice, just as his son was, and to be ready to lay down our lives and do his will.

This is having the mind of Christ!

Stupid lies you repeat from liars. It does NOT say we are as filthy rags to God. I do not know how many times I already explained that scripture to you about filthy rags and you still repeat as you were taught by demons.

God's Truth

New member
No. I tell you that because you are a willful liar and haven't asked for forgiveness from God or anyone else whose words you have used against them when you knew they were speaking the truth.

And you still do it.

You are as an insane person and a deceitful person. What is the lie I said about you? Was it that I said tongues speaking is false? lol

I have lied about no one, and for you to insist that I have proves there is something wrong with you.

Show where I have lied. Show it now accuser.

God's Truth

New member
Let Cross Reference the accuser prove I have lied about her/him. Let her do it now or be exposed for the very thing she accuses me of...lying.

Cross Reference

New member
Let Cross Reference the accuser prove I have lied about her/him. Let her do it now or be exposed for the very thing she accuses me of...lying.

You prove it to everyone everytime you post a reply. If you were a true Christian you would know your sin because you would know Him who convicts. But you don't and that is evident. So sad.

God's Truth

New member
Cross Reference, your tongue speaking is false.

I can prove it easily with the scriptures.

Just as you saying Jesus is not God is false.

Tell me why God the Father would want us TO BOW TO A MAN?

Come on, tell us, false teacher and accuser.

God's Truth

New member
Marhig, are you looking for the filthy rags scriptures to post, scripture and explanation your false teachers taught you about that scripture?