Jesus is God !


New member
Sure can.



Paul clearly differentiates The Way worship from unitarian Jewish worship.

Start rebutting scripture...nobody wants to hear your meritless ranting...

If you did not realise what I said comes from scripture it just shows again your lack of knowledge of the scriptures.

And I would rebut your understanding of the scriptures but you have not used any that show there is a trinity. You just follow the traditions of men and is the reason you cannot explain the trinity, because they cannot either.


Well-known member
Grown ups learn to think for themselves.
Doesn't matter which group. They are all small.

And no, you can't think on the things of God, grown-up though you may esteem yourself to be, by yourself. We are called to a Body, not lone-rangering. If you miss that, it is skeptical you got anything else right all on your own so it is just you all by yourself with an opinion like anybody and his cousin has.


New member
Doesn't matter which group. They are all small.

And no, you can't think on the things of God, grown-up though you may esteem yourself to be, by yourself. We are called to a Body, not lone-rangering. If you miss that, it is skeptical you got anything else right all on your own so it is just you all by yourself with an opinion like anybody and his cousin has.

Well Lon you can be the puppet of others if you choose, I will think for myself. And yes we are a body, but you do not believe I am a part of that body, thus you seperate Christ.


New member
Those in Christ will not die. My body will die, but that's not me.
A human tent can die. A spirit cannot.

Jesus died, but His Spirit did not.

Is that not the same as saying that Christ, who according to you is the one true God, did not die?

scripture would disagree with you.


New member
If you did not realise what I said comes from scripture it just shows again your lack of knowledge of the scriptures.

And I would rebut your understanding of the scriptures but you have not used any that show there is a trinity. You just follow the traditions of men and is the reason you cannot explain the trinity, because they cannot either.

You have yet to bring forth any scriptures for your position in our discussion.


Well-known member
Sorry none of those scriptures proclaim Gods body died but His spirit did not.

Seems to me it says that Jesus Christ died. That would be Jesus the Man and Christ the spirit. Christ, being only the image of God is dieable. If Jesus did not completely die, our faith is in a false saviour.

Wile E. Coyote

New member
Seems to me it says that Jesus Christ died. That would be Jesus the Man and Christ the spirit. Christ, being only the image of God is dieable. If Jesus did not completely die, our faith is in a false saviour.
Spirits don't die. The scripture says that Samuel "died" and was "buried." Yet Samuel was called up from sheol by the medium of Endor and he conversed with Saul. If Samuel's spirit was dead then the medium had the power to give life which cannot be.


Well-known member
Spirits don't die. The scripture says that Samuel "died" and was "buried." Yet Samuel was called up from sheol by the medium of Endor and he conversed with Saul. If Samuel's spirit was dead then the medium had the power to give life which cannot be.

We are not discussing Samuel, we are talking about Jesus Christ, he died, body and spirit.

My God can not die. But my Lord did. Spirits can die.

You say Jesus is deity, yet he died. Explain how deity can die?


Well-known member
We are not discussing Samuel, we are talking about Jesus Christ, he died, body and spirit.

My God can not die. But my Lord did.

You say Jesus is deity, yet he died. Explain how deity can die?

Luke 23:43 And Jesus said to him, Truly I say to you, Today you shall be with Me in Paradise.

Please read your bible and stop making things up!


New member
Hall of Fame
The parable of the rich man and lazarus - the rich man died, his spirit did not, he was shown in Abraham's bosom - alive.

Christ was in paradise, alive, the theif on the cross alive.

The second death is the end of spiritual life, happens later.

1 peter 3:19 shows Christ preaching to the souls in abrahams bosom before being resurrected

The previous verse says it all:

1 Peter 3:18 For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit


Well-known member
We are not discussing Samuel, we are talking about Jesus Christ, he died, body and spirit.

My God can not die. But my Lord did. Spirits can die.

You say Jesus is deity, yet he died. Explain how deity can die?

His body (temple) died (was destroyed), but He raised it again. Only the body dies, Keypurr. The spirit and soul live on to the judgment. Since Christ will be the Judge, we can rest assured He won't be thrown in the Lake of Fire.

Ecclesiastes 12:7
Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

Unlike the disciples, you don't believe what Jesus said. :nono:

John 2:19-22
Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? But he spake of the temple of his body. When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.