Jesus is God !


Well-known member
Your problem is you do not understand that Christian does not mean Trinity. Christian is a belief in God and the son he sent. It is trying to follow the Lord in the manner you see him.
It is being made one by Jesus.
TOL is a Christian site, not a Trinity site.
:doh: Follow the Enyart links. It's been posted several times on here.

The good folks at the Denver church allow us to share our thoughts without dictation from them. These are my kind of people, folks who care what you may have to say.
There is iron sharpening iron, and then there is abuse. You arians rub until you see sores and then claim "cancer!" in His church. :doh:

You jump to your own conclusions about people Lon, trust me, your conclusions are way off base. You have met more than your match for stubbornness.
You've tried to get away from your reason for starting that thread.
You even told me because you found it 'interesting.' I didn't. End of story.
You can stick your head in the sand if you wish but the Jesus story was on all the TV networks. People are interested in that stuff if you disagree count the number of posts on my thread. I did not ask them to believe it, I stated that I didn't think it was so, yet implied that I took it as gospel.
There you go. You 'implied you took it as gospel.' Sad, but true. No need to guess when you are explaining exactly what I 'read your mind' about.

Why are you here if you are not interested in what others think about God?
Not to cause roadrash in the body, that's for sure.

Are you here to teach and not learn? If so, your in the wrong place for most of us in sharing are trying to learn. You do not need a piece of paper to know God, all you need is a pure heart, an open mind and the ability to see what God MIGHT be telling us in his words.
It's not a 'might' for you. It is your own homemade koolaid.
If my skin seems thin it because of your attitude. Your education has made your head swell. Now you even question the Phd in Theology at Harvard.
You bet I do. It isn't relevant to Christians. King is out of touch except with the $.
Talk about arrogance. You do to her what I do to you, I guess your in the same boat I am in. At times we are to sure of ourselves.
No. "We," we as the body have already come together and denounced King's rubbish. I could and would not do it alone. You do.

Share the quilt.
You by yourself vs 'we.' I ridiculed the thread and the entertainment of such absurdity. You took it personally. Okay, I'm fine with that. We are getting personal and however problematic you find that, it is still more important to me than that thread.

I wish you well. :wave2:
Thanks. I wish you'd realized there is a difference between personal and corporate belief in God. I am part of a body.


Well-known member
It is being made one by Jesus.

:doh: Follow the Enyart links. It's been posted several times on here.

There is iron sharpening iron, and then there is abuse. You arians rub until you see sores and then claim "cancer!" in His church. :doh:

You've tried to get away from your reason for starting that thread.
You even told me because you found it 'interesting.' I didn't. End of story.

There you go. You 'implied you took it as gospel.' Sad, but true. No need to guess when you are explaining exactly what I 'read your mind' about.

Not to cause roadrash in the body, that's for sure.

It's not a 'might' for you. It is your own homemade koolaid.

You bet I do. It isn't relevant to Christians. King is out of touch except with the $.

No. "We," we as the body have already come together and denounced King's rubbish. I could and would not do it alone. You do.

You by yourself vs 'we.' I ridiculed the thread and the entertainment of such absurdity. You took it personally. Okay, I'm fine with that. We are getting personal and however problematic you find that, it is still more important to me than that thread.

Thanks. I wish you'd realized there is a difference between personal and corporate belief in God. I am part of a body.

For the record Lon, I have NEVER been banned on TOL. So I guess Mr. Knight thinks I stay within the bounds of the site HE runs.


Well-known member
Dan 7:13-14- Son of Man is also God !

Dan 7:13-14

13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.

14 And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.

We know that Jesus Christ, the Son of Man is also God because of the Everlasting Kingdom given Him, one in which all people shall serve Him ! The word serve here is the word pĕlach (Aramaic) and means:

to serve, worship, revere, minister for, pay reverence to

a) (P'al)

1) to pay reverence to

2) to serve

This word to serve means to Worship Him and its NT equivalent would be the word latreuō which is the word worship 3 times !

And this Son of Man's Dominion given Him is Everlasting, which is also Parallel to that of God Most High Only in Dan 7:27

27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

Also Dan 4:34

34 And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation:

Yes, the Son of Man in His Deity, is the Most High God ! It could not be made more plainer from these text considerations ! There is only One Everlasting Dominion and Kingdom and that is Christ's !

2 Pet 1:11

For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

In the greek it is The Everlasting Kingdom of Our Lord, the definite Article indicating that it is only one Everlasting Kingdom ! And its the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Most High God/ Man !
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New member
Dan 7:13-14

13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.

14 And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.

We know that Jesus Christ, the Son of Man is also God because of the Everlasting Kingdom given Him, one in which all people shall serve Him ! The word serve here is the word pĕlach (Aramaic) and means:

to serve, worship, revere, minister for, pay reverence to

a) (P'al)

1) to pay reverence to

2) to serve

This word to serve means to Worship Him and its NT equivalent would be the word latreuō which is the word worship 3 times !

And this Son of Man's Dominion given Him is Everlasting, which is also Parallel to that of God Most High Only in Dan 7:27

27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

Also Dan 4:34

34 And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation:

Yes, the Son of Man in His Deity, is the Most High God ! It could not be made more plainer from these text considerations ! There is only One Everlasting Dominion and Kingdom and that is Christ's !

2 Pet 1:11

For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

In the greek it is The Everlasting Kingdom of Our Lord, the definite Article indicating that it is only one Everlasting Kingdom ! And its the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Most High God/ Man !

This same everlasting kingdom Jesus delivers up to the Father. and this happens after His glorification, not while He was on earth.


New member
I can only give you the Truth, cannot give you Faith to believe it !

What is truth? NOT your words, but the words of Jesus and what Jesus proclaims is that He is the SON of God.

Jesus states MY God and your God, MY Father and your Father.

Jesus state the Father is greater then I

You talk about an everlasting kingdom, well how did Jesus obtain this kingdom? Jesus said All things that the Father hath are mine:

Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God;

Jesus came from God and went to God, Jesus is NOT God.

You guys just don't get it, even Jesus' life was given to Him of the Father.

For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;

It is ironic that Jesus persistently proclaims He is the SON of God, He came from God, His life was given to Him by God, that He has a God and you guys say no that is not right, Jesus is God.

The irony is you guys think you know more about Jesus Christ then Jesus knew about Himself.


Well-known member
For the record Lon, I have NEVER been banned on TOL. So I guess Mr. Knight thinks I stay within the bounds of the site HE runs.
Neither have I, yet the board is Open Theist as well and I am not.

I'm not a one-trick pony against that.

You arians love this fighting/debating banter to exclusion of nearly everything else unless it is yet another far left wack theory of like contentiousness.

Single-issue preaching is a banning offense on many websites, so congrats, not this one. :up:


New member
Because you don't believe it. He is rather the son of man to you.
Being a son of God makes one a....[/QUOTE]

LOL it is not me that does not believe it.

So by that reasoning all christians are also the one true God.:p


New member
Your problem is you do not understand that Christian does not mean Trinity. Christian is a belief in God and the son he sent.

Pops...Have you even read the Holy Bible?

To be a true Christian means that you worship the Creator as Triune.

You don't do this, hence you are not a Christian.

Don't worry, Mormons also think that they are Christian.


Well-known member
Pops...Have you even read the Holy Bible?

To be a true Christian means that you worship the Creator as Triune.

You don't do this, hence you are not a Christian.

Don't worry, Mormons also think that they are Christian.

Kid, you have not been able to show me that God is triune. Folks made him triune about sixty years after they made Jesus God. Up until then it was just the father as God and Jesus as Lord.

Thank God you will not be the one to judge me.


Well-known member
Neither have I, yet the board is Open Theist as well and I am not.

I'm not a one-trick pony against that.

You arians love this fighting/debating banter to exclusion of nearly everything else unless it is yet another far left wack theory of like contentiousness.

Single-issue preaching is a banning offense on many websites, so congrats, not this one. :up:

Who is a single-issue preacher? I have posted on lots of issues. I not sure that I am an true arian.


New member
Kid, you have not been able to show me that God is triune.

How about the 24 Trinitarian rendered English translations that you claim to use...? are the odd one out...pops...

Folks made him triune about sixty years after they made Jesus God.

Jesus has always been God according to scripture, pops.

Had you studied scripture, then you would be cognizant of this...

Up until then it was just the father as God and Jesus as Lord.

Then who is Malek Yahweh?


Thank God you will not be the one to judge me.

Judgment is only for those perishing, pops.

The fact that you think that you are going to be judged means that you will not enter Heaven.

The Righteous are not judged.


Well-known member
How about the 24 Trinitarian rendered English translations that you claim to use...? are the odd one out...pops...
You have no proof of that all of them were trins.
And I like being the odd man. It shows that I do not get lead around by my nose.

Jesus has always been God according to scripture, pops.

Had you studied scripture, then you would be cognizant of this...

Many folks disagree with this so it is not cut and dry.

Then who is Malek Yahweh?

I think it was a Praying Mantis or a mesenger from the OT.


Clang, Clang

Judgment is only for those perishing, pops.

The fact that you think that you are going to be judged means that you will not enter Heaven.

The Righteous are not judged.

I'm not worried abut it Apple, but you should be.


New member
Pops...Have you even read the Holy Bible?

To be a true Christian means that you worship the Creator as Triune.

You don't do this, hence you are not a Christian.

Don't worry, Mormons also think that they are Christian.

Same idiotic statment Cruciform made. When will people learn Christian simply means a follower of Christ, not a follower of some doctrine