Jesus is God !


Well-known member pops.

Gill has about the same rudimentary level of scriptural understanding that you do. On a scale of 1 to 10, you have a 1, and Gill perhaps a 2.

At least Gill attempts to haphazardly use original language study tools…whereas yours lies collecting dust because you are too interested in firing-off your next ignorant post rather than taking time to study…

Ugghh......yes Apple7 and she is smarter than you too.

No one listens to you Apple, your theology has gone sour. If you only knew one tenth of what you think you know you would not speak as you do.


Well-known member


Friend, remember he is still a child. May he getting excited about Santa coming in a couple of months, got to get his list ready.


New member pops.

Gill has about the same rudimentary level of scriptural understanding that you do. On a scale of 1 to 10, you have a 1, and Gill perhaps a 2.

At least Gill attempts to haphazardly use original language study tools…whereas yours lies collecting dust because you are too interested in firing-off your next ignorant post rather than taking time to study

No sooner had I said this, then you made it come true....!



Well-known member
God has already told us Lon:

God tells us that Jesus is God's son

So where do you think I got this information from?

Luk 1:30-32 GW
(30) The angel told her, "Don't be afraid, Mary. You have found favor with God. You will become pregnant, give birth to a son, and name him Jesus. He will be a great man and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David.

1Th 1:10 GW
(10) and to wait for his Son to come from heaven. His Son is Jesus, whom he brought back to life. Jesus is the one who rescues us from God's coming anger.
No. I have no problem at all with any scripture. You do. Remember...Was With and Was God? It is both. You are the one disagreeing with God here, not me.


Well-known member
You forget that I lived your beliefs for many years. And as far is scripture, Gill is more understanding of scripture than you are. She is not chained to the errors of the church.
Listen up. "Agreeing with you" does not 'smarter make. It simply means she agrees with your independence. Jesus never came down and corrected His church. You and she are trying without a lick of authority from Him to do so. That leaves you as the usurper of His church.

One must learn before one accepts. You talk foolishness sometimes Lon.
Sometimes, for stupid stuff like this, I think you one of the most willfully stubborn, ignorant people on the planet. Your comment has very little to do with ignorance but instead what pleases Keypurr whether God is pleased with it or not. Romans 1 warns you against it, but you won't stop.
Our intellect is what we have to reason with. You think anyone who just does not swallow all the tradition of church are wrong. You are so wrong Lon. If you had your way we would all be in a straight line, how boring that would be.
No..."Was with God and was God..." remember? You are the usurper of His word, not me. And with no authority from Him whatsoever to change what that means.
I brought up the Jesus was married thing because it was in the news. You can stick your head in the sand if you wish but some folks found it of interest. I am glad that I am me and not you.

Of course you found it interesting and I didn't. :doh: I found it for what it was and you were duped enough to 'entertain' the idea and 'find it interesting.' "The Son of Man has no place to lay His head!" Get a grip. You are no bible scholar and should have stayed in the church where you belonged instead of deciding for yourself, without any authority from God, to ditch. You are a church/school dropout!


New member
Jesus Shows His Father Is
Not the "God" of
the Old Testament

And the Father, the One sending Me, has Himself borne witness concerning Me. You have neither heard His voice at any time, nor have you seen His form. And you do not have His Word abiding in you, for the One whom that One sent, this One you do not believe.
You search the Scriptures, for you think in them you have everlasting life. And they are the ones witnessing concerning Me. And you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.
I do not receive glory from men; but I have known you, that you do not have the love of God in yourselves. I have come in the name of My Father, and you do not receive Me. If another comes in his own name, you will receive that one.
Do not murmur with one another. No one is able to come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up in the last day.
It has been written in the Prophets (Isa. 54:13),They "shall" all "be taught of God." So then everyone who hears and learns from the Father comes to Me; not that anyone has seen the Father, except the One being from that deity, He has seen the Father.
Jesus said to him, I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you do know Him, and have seen Him.
And Philip said to Him, Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us. Jesus said to him, Am I so long a time with you, and you have not known Me, Philip? The one seeing Me has seen the Father! And how do you say, Show us the Father? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The Words which I speak to you I do not speak from Myself, but the Father who abides in Me, He does the works. Believe Me that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me; but if not, believe Me because of the works themselves.
John 5:37-43, 6:43-46, 14:6-11
There is a difference between the "Father" Jesus speaks of in the NT and the "God" (YHVH, aka: Yahweh, or Jehovah) referred to in the OT. As these passages indicate, "God" and "the Father" (or "my Father") are two dissimilar concepts which can be inferred from the context of the word "God" within the Bible.

Because Jesus' Father lives in him, people who believe and have faith in Jesus' teachings discern the character and nature of his Father when they look at Jesus (see John 10:30, where "are one" is a later translator's misconstruction of the Greek words εν εσμεν (one are); i.e., "one" in character, nature, and common interests).

In short, the "God" of the OT and "my father" of whom Jesus spoke are different and unique supernatural entities, and one has no connection with the other.


Well-known member
Jesus Shows His Father Is
Not the "God" of
the Old Testament

There is a difference between the "Father" Jesus speaks of in the NT and the "God" (YHVH, aka: Yahweh, or Jehovah) referred to in the OT. As these passages indicate, "God" and "the Father" (or "my Father") are two dissimilar concepts which can be inferred from the context of the word "God" within the Bible.

Because Jesus' Father lives in him, people who believe and have faith in Jesus' teachings discern the character and nature of his Father when they look at Jesus (see John 10:30, where "are one" is a later translator's misconstruction of the Greek words εν εσμεν (one are); i.e., "one" in character, nature, and common interests).

In short, the "God" of the OT and "my father" of whom Jesus spoke are different and unique supernatural entities, and one has no connection with the other.
"Your mind is too little to be left wandering alone."
Listen to those with bigger brains than your own. This 2nd grade fodder gains none of our attention and we see it as the rubbish it is-a construct of your imagination. You are novelty in your own mind and none of us cares. You=wrong. All of the rest of us=correct and better thinkers. Grow up and learn to follow along. MTh? I hardly think so.

Wile E. Coyote

New member
Listen to those with bigger brains than your own


New member
Jesus Shows His Father Is
Not the "God" of
the Old Testament

There is a difference between the "Father" Jesus speaks of in the NT and the "God" (YHVH, aka: Yahweh, or Jehovah) referred to in the OT. As these passages indicate, "God" and "the Father" (or "my Father") are two dissimilar concepts which can be inferred from the context of the word "God" within the Bible.

Because Jesus' Father lives in him, people who believe and have faith in Jesus' teachings discern the character and nature of his Father when they look at Jesus (see John 10:30, where "are one" is a later translator's misconstruction of the Greek words εν εσμεν (one are); i.e., "one" in character, nature, and common interests).

In short, the "God" of the OT and "my father" of whom Jesus spoke are different and unique supernatural entities, and one has no connection with the other.

Entirely incorrect.

The TSKS rule of Greek grammar mandates that 'God' and 'Father' have the same referent...such it is in passages such as these...1 Cor15.24, Gal 1.4, Col 2.2, etc, etc...


New member

Joh_3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.


New member
1Ti 1:17 Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Here Paul tells you plainly who JESUS CHRIST IS:

1Ti 6:14 That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:
1Ti 6:15 Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;
1Ti 6:16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

I mean you wont even find a passage in all the Old Testament's declarations of JEHOVAH,as glorious as that declaration of JESUS CHRIST by Paul in the New Testament!


New member
You=wrong. All of the rest of us=correct and better thinkers. Grow up and learn to follow along. MTh? I hardly think so.
If you can't discredit someone with credible evidence to the contrary, then you discredit them personally? Have you even bothered to consult and examine any of the extra-biblical documentary evidence which supports what I posted? Or are you comfortable with posting belittling insults and your apparent "God said it and that settles it" attitude?

Because of your derogatory comments toward me personally, you are 1) reported, and 2) hereforward ignored.


New member
Entirely incorrect.

The TSKS rule of Greek grammar mandates that 'God' and 'Father' have the same referent...such it is in passages such as these...1 Cor15.24, Gal 1.4, Col 2.2, etc, etc...[/quote]
  1. You incorrectly presume that I know little or nothing of Greek grammer.
  2. Your response is rooted in proto-orthodox (Jewish-Christian) Pauline theology and not the teachings of Jesus. The two are not now, nor have they ever been, compatible.

Wile E. Coyote

New member
Entirely incorrect.

The TSKS rule of Greek grammar mandates that 'God' and 'Father' have the same referent...such it is in passages such as these...1 Cor15.24, Gal 1.4, Col 2.2, etc, etc...[/quote]
  1. You incorrectly presume that I know little or nothing of Greek grammer.
  2. Your response is rooted in orthodox Pauline theology and not the teachings of Jesus. The two are not now, nor have they ever been, compatible.
Denying is not refuting. If you know Greek grammar then refute Apple. Btw, I took Greek so think real good before you post.

Apple is correct my friend.


New member
If you know Greek grammar then refute Apple. Btw, I took Greek so think real good before you post.
Good for you. Perhaps you're a more worthy opponent who is atypical of the type of posters frequently seen on TOL?

See #2 in my last post and note: I'm not disputing the Greek wordings in either Paul's personal opinions or Apple's comment, just the pro-Jewish theology upon which they are obviously based.