Jesus Christ is God Almighty, Jehovah


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Consider what an awesome creation Christ is. Highest of all created beings. First of all creatures. So good that God created everything through Christ.

If you created something beautiful and useful would you receive the glory for creating it?

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So if Jesus Christ is a created being, then why was his ministry on earth so self-focused, instead of being focused on God? A created being does not tell people to "worship Me," "abide in Me" etc., (see for more examples) because created beings are not worthy of being worshipped.

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What is God's name?

For the time being we can call him Father, we don't have to address him by his name which he has not yet shared with us.

However, Jesus said, "I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name." (Revelation 3:12)


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And the Spirit provided a body for the Word through Mary with her consent.
Yep, but that spirit did not enter the body of Jesus until Jesus was baptized. The spirit was SENT, not born. The spirit took the form of man, not a baby. The baby had to grow in wisdom, Christ came with the wisdom of his Father.

Proof that Acts 10:38 is reasonable true.

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So if Jesus Christ is a created being, then why was his ministry on earth so self-focused, instead of being focused on God? A created being does not tell people to "worship Me," "abide in Me" etc., (see for more examples) because created beings are not worthy of being worshipped.

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Jesus was far from self-focus. He came and glorified his Father. He came to serve his God. Jesus never said to worship me. Jesus was a man, all men are creations. Christ is the express image of God, all images are creations. Christ is the first born of all creatures, all creatures are creations.

You need to deal with what is written without assuming anything. Disguard your traditions and seek truth.

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Jesus was far from self-focus. He came and glorified his Father. He came to serve his God. Jesus never said to worship me. Jesus was a man, all men are creations. Christ is the express image of God, all images are creations. Christ is the first born of all creatures, all creatures are creations.

You need to deal with what is written without assuming anything. Disguard your traditions and seek truth.

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I think you need to actually read that site, and go through the verses on it. Christ was extremely self-centered, and rightly so.

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Yep, but that spirit did not enter the body of Jesus until Jesus was baptized. The spirit was SENT, not born. The spirit took the form of man, not a baby. The baby had to grow in wisdom, Christ came with the wisdom of his Father.

Proof that Acts 10:38 is reasonable true.

Acts 10:38 refers to power, do you believe this was the power to usurp another person's soul?

Soul snatching is just wrong, it's a form of stealing.

It is written the soul that sins shall die. This is based on the presumption of one soul per body.


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Acts 10:38 refers to power, do you believe this was the power to usurp another person's soul?

Soul snatching is just wrong, it's a form of stealing.

It is written the soul that sins shall die. This is based on the presumption of one soul per body.
Who is usurping a soul?

Jesus was born to accept the spirit Christ.

That was part of his purpose to be born.
The other part was to die on the cross.

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Jesus was born to accept the spirit Christ.

Aren't we all? Paul said that a person who does not have the Spirit of Christ is not his.

The Savior did not just have the Spirit of Christ, he is the Spirit of Christ.

Jesus was born twice just as we must be.

Hebrews 1:6 But when He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says: “Let all the angels of God worship Him.”

Again means once more.

Jesus is the first of the firstborn.


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Aren't we all? Paul said that a person who does not have the Spirit of Christ is not his.

The Savior did not just have the Spirit of Christ, he is the Spirit of Christ.

Jesus was born twice just as we must be.

Hebrews 1:6 But when He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says: “Let all the angels of God worship Him.”

Again means once more.

Jesus is the first of the firstborn.

Spirit, spirit, spirit of, in the spirit, a spirit?

The word spirit can be confusing. It might help to study the three Hebrew words translated as spirit.

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Can a created being die for the sins of mankind? No.

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Yes, for by men sin came into the world and by a man it will leave. Only a man could be the Lamb of God. Jesus was a man. Christ did not want to be sent to become flesh for he knew what he was expected to endure. Being a form of God yet a creature he could die as a man.

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