Islam And Global Domination

Greg Jennings

New member
Quote: "Bush said he believes that both Christians and Muslims worship the same God."

Most people are ill informed. Allah was and is a Pagan god worshiped by the Pagan Arabs. Allah is the short form of Alilah.

Do you think anyone believes you? Take a hint: Bush wasn't a superb prez, but he's about 1000X smarter and more educated than you. He knows what he's talking about.


New member
It is my opinion that most Muslims do not know all of what is in their Quran. I have no doubt that many actually think Islam is the religion of peace. Turkey was once a Christian strong hold, now it is 98% Muslim. The Muslims waged a 400 year war against Turkey until they won. The Muslims are prepared to do the same with America and the EU. That is why they have as many children as they can, in order to wage continual war.
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Greg Jennings

New member
Thanks for the bump, now take off your blindfold.

Here are the two possible options:

1. You either don't understand or dont care to find out the truth behind Islam's history and origins
2. Every highly educated person out there who has intensely studied this religion and others related to it is wrong about Islam

What seems more likely to you? I know logic ain't your strong suit, but this is a layup

Greg Jennings

New member
It is my opinion that most Muslims do not know all of what is in their Quran. I have no doubt that many actually thing Islam is the religion of peace. Turkey was once a Christian strong hold, now it is 98% Muslim. The Muslims waged a 400 year war against Turkey until they won. The Muslims are prepared to do the same with America and the EU. That is why they have as many children as they can, in order to wage continual war.

If you honestly think that Islam has a snowball's chance in Hell of taking any major western country, you need to get back on your meds now

Greg Jennings

New member
It doesn't need to take over. It just needs to create enough fear. Look at London.

Enough fear to do what? Surely you can see that ISIS isn't doing Islam any favors, right? Anti-Islam sentiment is a high as it's ever been and they are largely responsible


New member
Enough fear to do what? Surely you can see that ISIS isn't doing Islam any favors, right? Anti-Islam sentiment is a high as it's ever been and they are largely responsible

Islam is a kingdom divided against itself, and it will be utterly destroyed. Praise the Lord for that!


New member
You gonna answer my question?

I thought you picked up the implication. I'll spell it out.

ISIS (Islamic state) is killing other Muslims, which of course those Muslims don't like. But ISIS is also trying to bring in a caliphate, which many Muslims do like. So of course there's going to be a lot of anti-ISIS sentiment in Muslim communities. But Islam is a religion of deception, so there is also going to be a lot of phony anti-ISIS sentiment by those who secretly wish it success.

In other words, Islam is based on a lie, and the end result is Muslims kill each other and everyone else. And I'm glad it will one day be destroyed.

Greg Jennings

New member
I thought you picked up the implication. I'll spell it out.

ISIS (Islamic state) is killing other Muslims, which of course those Muslims don't like. But ISIS is also trying to bring in a caliphate, which many Muslims do like. So of course there's going to be a lot of anti-ISIS sentiment in Muslim communities. But Islam is a religion of deception, so there is also going to be a lot of phony anti-ISIS sentiment by those who secretly wish it success.

In other words, Islam is based on a lie, and the end result is Muslims kill each other and everyone else. And I'm glad it will one day be destroyed.

That doesn't answer the question of "Enough fear to do what?"


New member
It doesn't need to take over. It just needs to create enough fear. Look at London.

Huh? What's that supposed to mean? (Don't tell me you trust Donald Trump's random utterances ... You can't trust someone whose name means Lord of Flatulance)
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New member
Enough fear to get the government to suppress people's freedom. They've already had some success, getting guns banned and such.

Greg Jennings

New member
Enough fear to get the government to suppress people's freedom. They've already had some success, getting guns banned and such.

Why would they want governments to suppress people's freedoms in places where they are trying to travel to? The countries with gun bans in Europe had them way before Islamic migrants were a talking point


New member
Why would they want governments to suppress people's freedoms in places where they are trying to travel to? The countries with gun bans in Europe had them way before Islamic migrants were a talking point

You might want to read up on Islamic history. Islamic terrorism was a problem long before guns were even conceived.