Islam And Global Domination


Well-known member
Why then do you have it that you are a Protestant Christian?

Because my denomination was one of the original protestants. The term "Old Catholic" was first used in 1853 to describe the members of the See of Utrecht who did not recognize any infallible papal authority. Later Catholics who disagreed with the doctrine of Papal Infallibility as made official by the First Vatican Council (1870) had no bishop and so joined with Utrecht to form the Union of Utrecht.


Well-known member

There are Millions of Muslems in the USA and Europe.

There are only 9 years left before Armageddon

when the Muslem hordes will be destroyed.

Nope, President Obama is not Muslim. Those who set times for events that our Lord declared even He did not know are quite, quite wrong.


New member
Because my denomination was one of the original protestants. The term "Old Catholic" was first used in 1853 to describe the members of the See of Utrecht who did not recognize any infallible papal authority. Later Catholics who disagreed with the doctrine of Papal Infallibility as made official by the First Vatican Council (1870) had no bishop and so joined with Utrecht to form the Union of Utrecht.
People are protestant for scriptural reason, not internal church politics. You are confusing people.


New member
Nope, President Obama is not Muslim. Those who set times for events that our Lord declared even He did not know are quite, quite wrong.

I'll disagree with you Obama is not a Muslim...

Obama was registered at a Catholic school in Jakarta as “Barry Soetoro” and was listed as having Indonesian nationality and a member of the Muslim religion. In a conversation with George Stephanopoulos in September 2008, Obama spoke of “my Muslim faith. Obama also stated:

“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”

“Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”

“The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”

I do agree that no one knows the specific time frame occurring to Tribulation, war, nor when Jesus comes for HIS people.


Well-known member
Have you never made a slip in speech? Especially when tired? I know I have and I suspect that you have too. Moreover President Obama self identifies as a Christian.


Dear kiwimacahau,

I voted for Obama both times, and I wish I'd never right now. I wish that he would be impeached. He is in favor of Muslims over Christians, it seems. How was I to know his stand on Israel was so bleak. And by the way, you would think that one of the two witnesses/ prophets of God that stand before the God of the whole earth (see Rev. 11:4KJV) as the two olive trees and candlesticks, might have an idea about when Armageddon will happen by seeing the signs of the times like Jesus foretold. Jesus told us not even He would know the day or hour. I do not even know the month, to boot and I doubt that Jesus does either. But one thing that God has assured me is that it will occur by the end of this year. So He gave me a glimpse of when it will be. I asked Him if I could tell others, and He said Yes!! So I was EXTREMELY grateful for that. Much of what He's told me I have not been able to share with people because it is secret until the seventh angel sounds (see Rev. 10:7KJV). "And when the seventh angel sounds, the mystery of God shall be finished, as He hath declared to His servants, the prophets."

There's more going on than you have any idea about. Almost EVERYTHING that God said He would do before Jesus Returns has been done. There is little left to do. It was done already because it is symbolic and you all did not recognize much of it. For example, when Mt. St. Helens erupted, in the Bible it says, and I saw an angel with a key open the bottomless pit, etc. and the sun was darkened, and the moon did not give her light and neither did the stars {See Rev. 9:1,2KJV}. And after that, the Arabs (with long hair like women and like scorpions) hiked up the gas prices every few days, stinging the people who had to buy gas, etc. I could tell you so much. But you'd probably rather not believe me. I am not trying to be preachy here. Just honest and humbly yours.



New member
Over the years I have asked Muslims I have met, who is a infidel? They all answered, a Non-Muslim. The Quran contains about 109 verses that call for Muslims to war against nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic world rule. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites,' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

We are told daily by Muslims that they are at war against Christianity and Democracy. I see no reason to not believe them, do you?

So I guess we are all waiting for our turn to come some day. It is against Western laws to war against any religion. Islamic nations do not have any such laws.


New member
Islam will not dominate he world. The world religion will be the religion that worships the Anti-Christ after he is declared god in the temple. If any religion is leading the world toward global religion, it s Judaism. And all the other false religions will join them.


New member
Islam will not dominate he world. The world religion will be the religion that worships the Anti-Christ after he is declared god in the temple. If any religion is leading the world toward global religion, it s Judaism. And all the other false religions will join them.

The Anti-Christ says that he is Christ.


New member
The Anti-Christ says that he is Christ.

Right. He will be accepted as the Messiah and worshipped by the jews. And based on the concept of the worldwide religion, will obviously be accepted as the Imam of Islam, the Buddha and various other alleged figures in false religions.


New member
Get this, Muslims are coming to Europe fleeing oppression from other Muslims. Then when they do, they would like for us to convert to their way of thinking. I think, not!


New member
It cost money and lives to fight a war. How come the Muslims do not do more, it's their fight also. Isis is about 25,000 men, Iraq's army is about 250,000 men. So why are they running from Isis and leaving behind their weapons and supplies for Isis? Do you want us to spend our money and lives for people like that?


Islam And Global Domination

Who will rule the world, Sunni's or Shia's?
Sunni and Shia Islam are the two major denominations of Islam, along with other Islamic Factions.
As with Mohammad, terrorism was a way of life, a means to wealth and political power. It is a way through the religion of Islam for terrorist to rise to power.
So who do you think will be the one to dominate the world? I'm telling you the truth, it will be none of these.

It will be none of these because in both sects, the percentage of the population that actually engages in terrorism is, contrary to what you think, infinitesimally small


New member
It will be none of these because in both sects, the percentage of the population that actually engages in terrorism is, contrary to what you think, infinitesimally small

It is the goal of Islam to dominate the world, for which can only end bad. I agree, it will be none of those in the long run. The fighters may be few, but they have lots of support.


New member
Islam is the fulfillment of this prophecy.

Revelation 6:4
Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.


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Hall of Fame
Islam is the fulfillment of this prophecy.

Revelation 6:4
Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.

the rider is mohammed