Is the Law of Moses good or bad?


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I believe you are saying that you tried to observe the Law but you failed in doing so. I can relate to that if this is what you are saying. But does God still want you to obey Him? And if so, how?
He means "we", as in, humans.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Please explain what you mean. Can you give an example of what you mean?

Before the flood, He said no death penalty for murder, which He overturned when Noah got off the Ark.

He told Peter in a dream to eat in apparent breach of Mosaic regulations, saying: "Do not call unclean what I have made clean."

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I believe you are saying that you tried to observe the Law but you failed in doing so. I can relate to that if this is what you are saying. But does God still want you to obey Him? And if so, how?

Yes, in all things.



Before the flood, He said no death penalty for murder, which He overturned when Noah got off the Ark.

He told Peter in a dream to eat in apparent breach of Mosaic regulations, saying: "Do not call unclean what I have made clean."

What do you see before the flood?

Yes, Peter had a vision. The Gentiles were no longer unclean.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Okay. Do you believe this applies to the Law of Moses, that you should do, or to all things that you do? Do you observe the Law of Moses?

I do not pay attention to the strict Law of Moses but do to the Decalogue.


I do not pay attention to the strict Law of Moses but do to the Decalogue.

I believe you are saying that you pay attention to the Ten Commandments but not the rest of the Law.

With the Ten do you support the death penalty for any of these? Do you believe that there is any penalty for you if you do not observe them? Any particular commandment is there a penalty if you do not observe it?

Also, homosexuality is spoken against in the New Testament, but it is in the Law that we find the commandment against it. Is there a punishment for it? Do you consider this the strict Law of Moses? Or, do you not?



Why are you stingy with thanks? Is it not customary to thank a poster around here for responding to your questions?

I’ve just noticed, that while I thank others, you people don’t thank back. Are Christians supposed to be stingy and judgemental?

Anyway, remember that huge post of yours you wanted me to respond to? I noticed that I asked you a question that you didn’t answer. It was one question but you asked me to respond to a post that could take 45 minutes of work. I’ll ask again. This time with less prose and extreme succinctness.

Do you pick and choose what you believe from the Bible? Do you accept some verses and incorporate them into your faith, but reject others if they don’t suit you?


You seem to have the terms "peacemaker" and "pacifist" confused.

A pacifist is one who does not want any conflict of any kind, even if it means that they themselves will be subjugated to tyranny.

A peacemaker is one who acknowledges that some conflict is necessary, and that peace will not come about by disarmament.

I never used the term pacifist. I don’t know why you’re attributing it to me.

First of all, You're on a Christian board. Please do not be vulgar when attributing things to God.

Second, not only did He not rebut "eye for an eye" punishments, but He reaffirmed them.

No, he did not. He made it clear that eye for an eye was wrong, as divorce was also and I already posted the verses. Your issue is with Jesus not me.

The Babylonians got it from the Israelites.

You are mistaken. The Babylonian Code precedes Moses by several hundred years. 750 if memory serves, and that has already been demonstrated in this thread.

Yet you have yet to show us where Jesus contradicted the Law.

I have shown it on at least three occasions in this thread.

Oh, by the way, would you mind answering this question? I'd appreciate it.

Are you familiar with the term Gish Gallop? Please look it up. That’s what you did to me with this post of yours that you asked me to respond to. You have about two dozen different points and questions, seemingly intended to confuse the issue?

To answer your question...according to Jesus, you resist not the evil person.

Anyone attempting to kill me or my family gets killed now or I die trying. If God has an issue with that, I guess we’ll just have to work that one out at a later time.

PS. I will say that I did not answer every point in this post. If you think I missed something important, state it specifically and I will address it.


No, he did not. He made it clear that eye for an eye was wrong, as divorce was also and I already posted the verses. Your issue is with Jesus not me.
An eye for an eye judgment is equity in judgment. He did not speak against it but about the way that it is thought of. People tend to think vengeance and taking matters into their own hands. There may for example be payment for the wrong suffered.