Is the Law of Moses good or bad?


An eye for an eye judgment is equity in judgment. He did not speak against it but about the way that it is thought of. People tend to think vengeance and taking matters into their own hands. There may for example be payment for the wrong suffered.

An eye for an eye is not equity in judgement it is brutal restitution. It’s payback. You know what the problem with it is, besides everything?

Here’s another reason why it’s not equity in judgement. A person may put out your eye on accident. But when you give retribution of kind, you do it on purpose. You meant to do it.

Ghandi said an eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

Jesus said an eye for an eye should never be done and one should love not only ones neighbors, but also ones enemies.

Bright Raven

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I believe you are saying that you pay attention to the Ten Commandments but not the rest of the Law.

With the Ten do you support the death penalty for any of these? Do you believe that there is any penalty for you if you do not observe them? Any particular commandment is there a penalty if you do not observe it?

Also, homosexuality is spoken against in the New Testament, but it is in the Law that we find the commandment against it. Is there a punishment for it? Do you consider this the strict Law of Moses? Or, do you not?

Genesis 9:6 speaks to the death penalty. Romans 1:26-28 speaks to the inappropriateness of homosexuality


An eye for an eye is not equity in judgement it is brutal restitution. It’s payback. You know what the problem with it is, besides everything?

Here’s another reason why it’s not equity in judgement. A person may put out your eye on accident. But when you give retribution of kind, you do it on purpose. You meant to do it.

Ghandi said an eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

Jesus said an eye for an eye should never be done and one should love not only ones neighbors, but also ones enemies.

You do not understand that for eye for an eye judgment you need a judge. It is never revenge or retribution. That is why I say equity in judgment. It is not payback. It is judgment that is equal in kind or monetary depending on the situation. In other words, if your eye is injured the person doesn't get off scott free.


Romans 1:32 NKJV - who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.


New member
Scripture says that the Law is good. But we often think of it as bad. Why is this so?

There is something that the Law cannot do, save you. But Jesus can do that (save you). So is the Law inferior to Jesus? I am talking about the Law of Moses. God's law is also found in the New Covenant, but people debate about if there should be any punishment or penalty for wrong done.

How is the Law good? In that it points out sin. Is this sin all sin that can be repented of? Can a person repent of anything and be saved? What do you think? If we did not have the Law could we still point out sin?

Also, is it bad to preach the Law in light of the preaching of Jesus?

Shalom (Peace).

And what Laws did Moses make. If you are talking about the first five books of the OT, well I hate to beat a dead horse but most biblical scholars and theologians agree that these five books are the work of many Hebrew sources. And I quote;

The consensus of scholarship is that the stories are taken from four different written sources and that these were brought together over the course of time to form the first five books of the Bible as a composite work. The sources are known as J, the Jahwist source (from the German transliteration of the Hebrew YHWH), E, the Elohist source, P, the priestly source, and D, the Deuteronomist source. ... Thus, the Pentateuch (or Torah, as it is known by Jews) comprises material taken from six centuries of human history, which has been put together to give a comprehensive picture of the creation of the world and of God's dealings with his peoples, specifically with the people of Israel. (Professor John Riches of the University of Glasgow).[35]

Now I am not saying that Moses did not get these laws from God himself (pretty much had to to describe the Beginnings) but "God's" words have been amended and edited by mortal men. So we start with something that is already flawed. Oh almost forgot, Happy Lent everyone.

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And what Laws did Moses make. If you are talking about the first five books of the OT, well I hate to beat a dead horse but most biblical scholars and theologians agree that these five books are the work of many Hebrew sources. And I quote;

The consensus of scholarship is that the stories are taken from four different written sources and that these were brought together over the course of time to form the first five books of the Bible as a composite work. The sources are known as J, the Jahwist source (from the German transliteration of the Hebrew YHWH), E, the Elohist source, P, the priestly source, and D, the Deuteronomist source. ... Thus, the Pentateuch (or Torah, as it is known by Jews) comprises material taken from six centuries of human history, which has been put together to give a comprehensive picture of the creation of the world and of God's dealings with his peoples, specifically with the people of Israel. (Professor John Riches of the University of Glasgow).[35]

Now I am not saying that Moses did not get these laws from God himself (pretty much had to to describe the Beginnings) but "God's" words have been amended and edited by mortal men. So we start with something that is already flawed. Oh almost forgot, Happy Lent everyone.

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It is good to hear from you. I don't know that what you present is correct, but it is good to keep an open mind if you can.

I have read the Torah and Torah commentary. It is excellent to read.


You do not understand that for eye for an eye judgment you need a judge. It is never revenge or retribution. That is why I say equity in judgment. It is not payback. It is judgment that is equal in kind or monetary depending on the situation. In other words, if your eye is injured the person doesn't get off scott free.

If that’s what it was, it’d be fine. You should pay restitution if you harm someone on accident. You pay money you don’t chop off body parts.


If that’s what it was, it’d be fine. You should pay restitution if you harm someone on accident. You pay money you don’t chop off body parts.

Right. There is literature that supports you in Jewish thought.


Death Penalty for homosexuality; Leviticus 20:13

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 NKJV - Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

I wonder if this includes people who have committed homosexual acts or those who are inclined toward homosexuality.


I was just thinking about what it would be like to have many wives. In one sense that’s kinda cool. Of course, the Law of Moses allowed for many wives. One could lawfully have as many wives as one wished to have or one could afford.

Can you imagine? Having a wife who just does your feet, and another for your back.

Sigh. But that doesn’t fit today. It is no longer appropriate to have more than one wife, or to purchase wives. It is no longer acceptable to own women as property.

Anyway, isn’t that kind of pagan? To have so many wives and everything?


It is interesting that among the “lower primates” a “harem” is the norm. For every silverback gorilla, there are five to fifteen female gorillas that he mates with. We know this from the science of observation.


I was just thinking about what it would be like to have many wives. In one sense that’s kinda cool. Of course, the Law of Moses allowed for many wives. One could lawfully have as many wives as one wished to have or one could afford.

Can you imagine? Having a wife who just does your feet, and another for your back.

Sigh. But that doesn’t fit today. It is no longer appropriate to have more than one wife, or to purchase wives. It is no longer acceptable to own women as property.

Anyway, isn’t that kind of pagan? To have so many wives and everything?
Good thoughts there. You are in the right direction.

Romans 2:15 NASB - in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them,
It is interesting that among the “lower primates” a “harem” is the norm. For every silverback gorilla, there are five to fifteen female gorillas that he mates with. We know this from the science of observation.


Active member
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 NKJV - Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

I wonder if this includes people who have committed homosexual acts or those who are inclined toward homosexuality.

Good work there Jacob for bringing "And such were some of you" to light. On that note I now think that only those who are inclined towards homosexuality are guilty of the death penalty.