Is the Law of Moses good or bad?


Active member
Jacob, do you believe that it is holy to keep slaves, purchase wives, and/or slaughter people to take their land away?

Are those actions holy?
Jeez that was a long time ago. It was something to with evolution. Don't blame christian. Blame the prime mates. We didn't fully evolve then.


I don’t wish to put words into your mouth, so I don’t know exactly how you mean that, but no, I would not agree that all noble teachings come from Jesus. There are many, many noble truths that come from great thinkers besides Jesus. Loving your enemies is a great teaching. But I think it applies to more than that. If one loves one’s enemy, then it stands to reason that one should love everyone, not just their enemies.

Of course. there are many things apply to this teaching. There is not religion teach this.

It is not loving to slaughter ones enemies and their children, so the OT Law is in conflict with Jesus teachings in this regard.

Remember Jesus says He came to fulfilled the Law?

How do you read it?



Mormons are fake "Christians" that believe in a fake Jesus Christ.

You saying so doesn't make it so. As you so often remind us.

We didn't evolve, period.

Yes, we did and its a fact not even in dispute except by those who cannot face facts because of their religious indoctrination.

Evolve means change over time, and people have certainly done that.


Remember Jesus says He came to fulfilled the Law?

How do you read it?


Your blessing be returned to you.

Yes. I do remember this of course. I think fulfill means to complete. So, I guess I probably read it the way you are implying.


and magic underwear! :banana: should pretty much just never call anyone a troll again. You can't even handle the simplest of questions, but like others around choose mockery.

Which is pretty much what a twelve year old does.


How is Smith different than Muhammad?

Are you asking rhetorically? Well, let's see....both are people....human beings, just like all of us, and they both claim to have experiences with God. Both of these experiences led to new religions.

So, they are not that different when you get down to it. But of course, that misses the point entirely - which is namely - a person's faith should be able to examined and tested. If this can't be done then a person is most likely make-believing.

And listening to some people's closed minded religious programmed condition around here..... there's alot of make believing going on.

But whatever. As I said. If make-believing makes one a better person - then make believe all day long in my book.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond should pretty much just never call anyone a troll again. You can't even handle the simplest of questions, but like others around choose mockery.

Which is pretty much what a twelve year old does.

you have demonstrated nothing that indicates you deserve anything other than mockery

much like the mormons and their magic underwear :darwinsm:


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You saying so doesn't make it so. As you so often remind us.



Wait, Guyver, are you a Mormon?

Yes, we did and

First of all, If you don't use the "Reply with Quote" button, and leave the open-quote tag, it won't notify the person you're quoting, and it's much easier to mis-attribute posts.


its a fact

Saying it doesn't make it so.

not even in dispute except by those who cannot face facts because of their religious indoctrination.

Saying it's religious indoctrination doesn't make it so.

In fact, it's religious indoctrination that causes people to reject the fact that we were created in God's image.

There's plenty of evidence that we did NOT evolve.

Evolve means change over time, and people have certainly done that.

This is what is called "moving the goalposts."

No one has argued that species do not change over time.


"Evolution" refers to one species becoming another through genetic mutations.


So what if I were a Mormon Christian. Do you think you would mock me any more than you already do?

Let's see....what did Jesus say about that brood of vipers.....hmmmn....thinking, thinking.....oh I remember.

Ooops. Forgot. Jesus words mean nothing to dispensationalists. Never mind then. later.


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So what if I were a Mormon Christian.

One is either Mormon or they are a Christian.

The two are mutually exclusive.

Do you think you would mock me any more than you already do?


Let's see....what did Jesus say about that brood of vipers.....hmmmn....thinking, thinking.....oh I remember.

The fact that He called a group of people a "brood of vipers" should tell you something...

Ooops. Forgot. Jesus words mean nothing to dispensationalists. Never mind then. later.


Nice straw man.

Care to make an actual argument? or should I ban you for being a troll?