Is the Law of Moses good or bad?


nothing else will work, because guyver isn't here to learn, he isn't here to have an honest conversation

like all trolls, he's here seeking attention and believes he'll get that by insulting the people here, and their beliefs, and God

He is challenging your conventional faith.


That’s why it’s so important to consider what words mean, and really contemplate the nature of a thing rather than just accepting what people say things mean. Muslims may think it a holy act to chop the heads off Christians in their faith in God and definition of holy.

I call that evil, not holy.

Holy, as I see it is something that reflects the best things in life as it pertains to faith in God. Truth. Righteousness which is right doing. Something beautiful, something pure, something uncorrupted....that is holy.

When Paul says that the Law is holy he is correct. To not understand how it is so is not his or my problem.


btw - if you want to get the measure of guyver, go to his profile page, search on find latest started threads

open each one and look at the OP

There are approximately 16 million Mormons worldwide, and their religion is growing.

Mormons believe not only the King James Bible is the Word of God, but they also believe that the Book of Mormon, given to Joseph Smith by the Angel Moroni is also the Word of God.

Mormons are Christians. They believe in Jesus Christ.

Now, if some Mormon missionaries came to your door and began to encourage you to join their faith, because they have the most recent revelation of God in the world, would you believe it and join up?

If not, why wouldn't you? Would you just assume that it is a false religion, or would you investigate it for yourself to see if it has any merit? How would you go about investigating it?

If your beliefs are not able to be examined, and they can't hold up to scrutiny, what good are they?


When Paul says that the Law is holy he is correct. To not understand how it is so is not his or my problem.

Jacob, do you believe that it is holy to keep slaves, purchase wives, and/or slaughter people to take their land away?

Are those actions holy?


Jacob, do you believe that it is holy to keep slaves, purchase wives, and/or slaughter people to take their land away?

Are those actions holy?

But what you present does not accurately reflect what I find in the history of the nation of Israel and the Bible.

There is more to God's Law than this.

I would love to be married, but alas I am not. I do not own a slave. I have not slaughtered anyone. Do I know how I will come to be married if I marry? No, I do not. It makes sense to not own a woman as property. Will I ever exchange money for a wife? I do not know. I have not thought that through.


But what you present does not accurately reflect what I find in the history of the nation of Israel and the Bible.

There is more to God's Law than this.

I would love to be married, but alas I am not. I do not own a slave. I have not slaughtered anyone. Do I know how I will come to be married if I marry? No, I do not. It makes sense to not own a woman as property. Will I ever exchange money for a wife? I do not know. I have not thought that through.

Thank you for your response. I’m sorry that you’re not married, but I hope God in his grace will provide you your soul mate, as he has been so gracious to do for me.

Anyway, on the topic, I have a much more firm opinion about it than you do. For, while it would be enormously exciting to the flesh and lustful nature to have slaves that one may do anything they please with, I understand that this would be a violation of righteousness.

I don’t need the Bible to tell me it’s wrong, because I already know it. The fact that the Bible doesn’t tell me it’s wrong, and actually states that it is right is a real problem for me. It’s not something I accept as true, so I have the freedom to dismiss it.

The religiously endoctinated don’t have this freedom. They are bound by beliefs that hamper their ability to view a thing clearly, by its nature.

But, whatever.....different strokes for different folks. I saw this guy last night who had ridiculously awesome strokes. He could crush it down the fairway 300 yards. He was an old retired guy but he was really good. I hope to compete with him on a good day for me. But, that’s an aside, so...see you later.


Thank you for your response. I’m sorry that you’re not married, but I hope God in his grace will provide you your soul mate, as he has been so gracious to do for me.

Anyway, on the topic, I have a much more firm opinion about it than you do. For, while it would be enormously exciting to the flesh and lustful nature to have slaves that one may do anything they please with, I understand that this would be a violation of righteousness.

I don’t need the Bible to tell me it’s wrong, because I already know it. The fact that the Bible doesn’t tell me it’s wrong, and actually states that it is right is a real problem for me. It’s not something I accept as true, so I have the freedom to dismiss it.

The religiously endoctinated don’t have this freedom. They are bound by beliefs that hamper their ability to view a thing clearly, by its nature.

But, whatever.....different strokes for different folks. I saw this guy last night who had ridiculously awesome strokes. He could crush it down the fairway 300 yards. He was an old retired guy but he was really good. I hope to compete with him on a good day for me. But, that’s an aside, so...see you later.

Well, thank you. As for slavery or what we find in the Bible instead there is a difference between what the Bible says and what the world at that time was saying. That is how I understand it, without much by way of fact though. So whether this is corrections, a better way, or a way for something to exist meaning if God actually wanted a way for people to be taken care of, it's a much different conversation than if slavery in the United States was justified or permitted or allowed for any good reason for example.

Are you familiar with the Hebrew Slave / Hebrew Servant and the Bond-Slave / Bond-Servant? As stated in Torah I mean is the question.


Well, thank you. As for slavery or what we find in the Bible instead there is a difference between what the Bible says and what the world at that time was saying. That is how I understand it, without much by way of fact though. So whether this is corrections, a better way, or a way for something to exist meaning if God actually wanted a way for people to be taken care of, it's a much different conversation than if slavery in the United States was justified or permitted or allowed for any good reason for example.

Are you familiar with the Hebrew Slave / Hebrew Servant and the Bond-Slave / Bond-Servant? As stated in Torah I mean is the question.

Yes. I am familiar with it. What would you like to say about it?


My point is that all noble teachings come from Jesus because He tells us to love your enemy.

Only Bible teaches that. It is even in the OT.

I don’t wish to put words into your mouth, so I don’t know exactly how you mean that, but no, I would not agree that all noble teachings come from Jesus. There are many, many noble truths that come from great thinkers besides Jesus. Loving your enemies is a great teaching. But I think it applies to more than that. If one loves one’s enemy, then it stands to reason that one should love everyone, not just their enemies.

It is not loving to slaughter ones enemies and their children, so the OT Law is in conflict with Jesus teachings in this regard.


Active member
There are approximately 16 million Mormons worldwide, and their religion is growing.

Mormons believe not only the King James Bible is the Word of God, but they also believe that the Book of Mormon, given to Joseph Smith by the Angel Moroni is also the Word of God.

Mormons are Christians. They believe in Jesus Christ.

Now, if some Mormon missionaries came to your door and began to encourage you to join their faith, because they have the most recent revelation of God in the world, would you believe it and join up?

If not, why wouldn't you? Would you just assume that it is a false religion, or would you investigate it for yourself to see if it has any merit? How would you go about investigating it?

If your beliefs are not able to be examined, and they can't hold up to scrutiny, what good are they?
How is Smith different than Muhammad?