Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment biblical or not?


New member
Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment (ECT) biblical or not?

Which verses in the Bible support ECT and which verses in the bible support the doctrine that the wicked perish instead?

Matthew 25:46 for the former and nothing for the later.


Lazy afternoon

If you worshipped 'God' you would recognize true principles which 'God' would not violate due to his nature. Again, we ask you how is 'God' condemning souls to an eternity of punishment and torments without no any way 'just' or 'moral'? Especially when these souls are still 'living' and 'conscious' which means they still may have have the ability and capacity to repent and respond to 'God'...which would be Love's eternal will. What is Love's etrernal nature and will?

You are left with the conundrum of proving these souls CANNOT repent, and are either continuously choosing to reject salvation, or that God has condemned them regardless of their an eternity of eternal depression and misery...essentially an eternally hopeless and purposeless existence.



That woman who had visions of going to hell with Jesus and seeing the sufferings of people who supposedly were asking Jesus to save them, is just lying visions, and much of the churches swallowed it hook line and sinker.



New member
I did not give you many verses because I doubt that you could understand them.

You think that the children of the wicked in 25 will all be passed over to the side of the righteous with their children, which is just a fairy tale of your mind.

1Co 7:14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.

All verses need to be considered in order to arrive at the truth.

The only hope for Christians to see their offspring who die young is to be faithful to Christ to the end.

Your idea fuels unbelievers to abort, neglect or kill their children so they go to Heaven. Hitler would be pleased with you.

The false idea that God eternally tortures the unsaved in hell, causes people to turn their backs to such a "God".


I'm not 100% on what you are implying here. Are you advocating that being sanctified is the same as being saved? Please read v16.
This sounds like a RCC doctrine to me. Children are judged on their own merit, and if they have NOT reached the age of accountability before they die, then they will NOT be judged on what they do NOT know.
Also please note what Paul says in v12.


Eclectic Theosophist
busting 'hell'........

busting 'hell'........

That woman who had visions of going to hell with Jesus and seeing the sufferings of people who supposedly were asking Jesus to save them, is just lying visions, and much of the churches swallowed it hook line and sinker.


The mind can draw up many of its own imaginations influenced by various sources, but some dreams and visions can be divinely impressed. I imagine you speak of Mary Baxters book, she had one on 'heaven' too. In the greater realms of Spirit...there are various degrees and spheres of more 'heaven' or 'hell-like' states, - souls go to those spheres that correlate to their own soul's development or vibration. Remember,....there is no existence or condition of existence outside of consciousness. - in consciousness there are infinite worlds without end, of endless variation,...all things are possible.

Kevin Williams at does a good review of her experience and concludes it was not a NDE (dear death experience), see for yourself here. Otherwise, Kevins website is the best for NDE and Afterlife studies online :) - I highly recommend it. My former 'NDE and Afterlife' thread was deleted, but may begin a new one soon.




Well-known member

As I've covered already and which no one has a sensible explanation, the belief that God condemns souls to an eternal punishment and eternity of torment, to no end, purpose or immoral, unjust, insane. However they would rather believe a few passages literally as the 'word of God' than sound reasoning, which also brings up other philosophical problems and implications, revealing an 'inept' theology, a tryannical 'god'.

These ancient and reknown spirits speak agains ECT (compiled in The Spirit's Book) -

"Set yourselves, by every means in your power, to combat and to annihilate the idea of eternal punishment, which is a blasphemy against the justice and goodness of God, and the principal source of the skepticism, materialism, and indifferentism that have invaded the masses since their intelligence has begun to be developed. When once a mind has received enlightenment, in however slight a degree, the monstrous injustice of such an idea is immediately perceived; reason rejects it, and rarely fails to confound, in the same ostracism, the penalty against which it revolts and the God to whom that penalty is attributed. Hence the numberless ills which have burst upon you, and for which we come to bring you a remedy. The task we point out to you will be all the easier because the defenders of this belief have avoided giving a positive opinion in regard to it; neither the Councils nor the Fathers of the Church have definitely settled this weighty question. If Christ, according to the Evangelists and the literal interpretation of His allegorical utterances, threatens the guilty with a fire that is unquenchable, there is absolutely nothing in those utterances to prove that they are condemned to remain in that fire eternally.

"Hapless sheep that have gone astray! behold, advancing towards you, the Good Shepherd who, so far from intending to drive you forever from His presence, comes Himself to seek you, that He may lead you back to the fold! Prodigal children! renounce your voluntary exile, and turn your steps towards the paternal dwelling! Your Father, with arms already opened to receive you, is waiting to welcome you back to your home!"


"Wars of words! wars of words! has not enough blood been already shed for words, and must the fires of the stake he rekindled for them? Men dispute about the words 'eternal punishments,' 'everlasting burnings;' but do you not know that what you now understand by eternity was not understood in the same way by the ancients? Let the theologian consult the sources of his faith, and he, like the rest of you, will see that, in the Hebrew text, the word which the Greeks, the Latins, and the moderns, have translated as endless and irremissible punishment, has not the same meaning. Eternity of punishment corresponds to eternity of evil. Yes; so long as evil continues to exist among you, so long will punishment continue to exist; it is in this relative sense that the sacred texts should be interpreted. The eternity of punishments, therefore, is not absolute, but relative. Let a day come when all men shall have donned, through repentance, the robe of innocence, and, on that day, there will be no more weeping, wailing, or gnashing of teeth. Your human reason is, in truth, of narrow scope; but, such as it is, it is a gift of God, and there is no man of right feeling who, with the aid of that reason, can understand the eternity of punishment in any other sense. If we admit the eternity of punishment, we must also admit that evil will be eternal; but God alone is eternal, and He could not have created an eternal evil, without plucking from His attributes the most magnificent of them all, namely, His sovereign power; for he who creates an element destructive of his works is not sovereignty powerful. Plunge no more thy mournful glance, Oh human race! into the entrails of the earth, in search of chastisements! Weep, but hope; expiate, but take comfort in the thought of a God who is entirely loving, absolutely powerful, essentially just."



Again, far beyond the more limited and stringent theological interpretations built on particular verses constructed within a particular culture-context and metaphor....the principles of reason, spiritual intelligence, justice, mercy and wisdom prevail...and trump the inferior assumptions of feeble minds unillumined by such principles. 'God', that divine and glorious perfect Being holds an even higher standard than derived human concepts of the same values and moral laws, let alone being the quintessential Being of all goodness and wisdom.

Blog-portal on ECT here


Yea the cure for any soul begins with love, and not a threat of punishment which only widens the gap between reconciliation.

The collective rule of fear the church once enjoyed is coming to an end.

Blessings, Zeke.


Eclectic Theosophist
divine goodness.........

divine goodness.........

Yea the cure for any soul begins with love, and not a threat of punishment which only widens the gap between reconciliation.

The collective rule of fear the church once enjoyed is coming to an end.

Blessings, Zeke.

Yes, the purveyors of eternal punishment when seeing the abject horror or their assumption of God and terrible theologies, soon dispense with such dogmas to their soul's relief, and at last fall into the bosom of a most good and wise Creator, whose justice and mercy are perfectly mediated with respect to the good and welfare of all souls.


Lazy afternoon

I'm not 100% on what you are implying here. Are you advocating that being sanctified is the same as being saved? Please read v16.
This sounds like a RCC doctrine to me. Children are judged on their own merit, and if they have NOT reached the age of accountability before they die, then they will NOT be judged on what they do NOT know.
Also please note what Paul says in v12.

What is the age of accountability and when is it?

Is a child going to Heaven until a certain age then they are going to hell?

These things are only inventions of man to get all children who die young into Heaven. It is plain humanism.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If you worshipped 'God' you would recognize true principles which 'God' would not violate due to his nature. Again, we ask you how is 'God' condemning souls to an eternity of punishment and torments without no any way 'just' or 'moral'? Especially when these souls are still 'living' and 'conscious' which means they still may have have the ability and capacity to repent and respond to 'God'...which would be Love's eternal will. What is Love's etrernal nature and will?

You are left with the conundrum of proving these souls CANNOT repent, and are either continuously choosing to reject salvation, or that God has condemned them regardless of their an eternity of eternal depression and misery...essentially an eternally hopeless and purposeless existence.



Sentimental vs Scriptural arguments?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
What does the word Soul mean anyway? Ψσυχε means literally breath english, and yet it is translated as soul in english.

Soul has a range of meaning. Our understanding of what Scripture teaches about 'soul' (varies with context; JWs are wrong to assume only one meaning) affects our understanding of sin, salvation, destiny, purpose, abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, etc.


Soul has a range of meaning. Our understanding of what Scripture teaches about 'soul' (varies with context; JWs are wrong to assume only one meaning) affects our understanding of sin, salvation, destiny, purpose, abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, etc.
It doesn't have those qualities in the NT. It does in hellenistic writing where the human breath contained the human intelligence. Why do translators want to mislead on such a trivial issue?


Well-known member
If we could 'rationalize' or reason and reach God that way, He'd never have bothered inspiring His Word through the holy prophets. His Word Alone is the way to restore what was lost in the garden of Eden: relationship. People think that they can 'outhink' God and end up worshiping an idol of their own imagination, rather than coming into a relationship with Him by believing that He doesn't lie and simply trusting in His Word. Through relationship with God we can come just as close to Him as we are willing to strive for. He doesn't limit us, we limit ourselves. One thing we should do is pray that He would increase our hunger for Him.


New member
Children are blessed and important to Jesus.

Children are blessed and important to Jesus.

What is the age of accountability and when is it?

Is a child going to Heaven until a certain age then they are going to hell?

These things are only inventions of man to get all children who die young into Heaven. It is plain humanism.


The age of accountability is known by God. That's all that counts. As a parent it was my job to ensure my kids were raised up in the way they should live and they accepted Jesus when they became aware of who He was.

Jesus spoke of NOT keeping children from Him and how we need to be like children in order to come into the kingdom. Adults seem very loath to accept Jesus as their Savior.

You sound like you're very anti RCC. This belief is NOT just prat of the RCC doctrines, it is evident in the Bible.


BTW, how about answering my questions?


New member
Hall of Fame
I did not give you many verses because I doubt that you could understand them.

You think that the children of the wicked in 25 will all be passed over to the side of the righteous with their children, which is just a fairy tale of your mind.

1Co 7:14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.

All verses need to be considered in order to arrive at the truth.

The only hope for Christians to see their offspring who die young is to be faithful to Christ to the end.

Your idea fuels unbelievers to abort, neglect or kill their children so they go to Heaven. Hitler would be pleased with you.

The false idea that God eternally tortures the unsaved in hell, causes people to turn their backs to such a "God".


Actually its the doctrine of annihilation that teaches freedom from accountability - atheists already believe they are nothing but worm food after death so hey do what they want and answer to no one.

You give them what they want - teaching that there is no punishment and no accountability. They will just cease to exist. And under that scenerio, hey why not just please the flesh all you want.

Your False witness is noted. No reason for me to listen to anything else you have to say.

Jesus said before He spoke to them, they had no sin. One is not accountable for sin unless they know what it is.

I suppose you believe that the mentally diseased suffer hell, unless their parents were saved too. You ignore that we are accountable for ourselves.


Eclectic Theosophist
misrepresenting God

misrepresenting God

Sentimental vs Scriptural arguments?

No, I'm proposing the principles of reason, justice, mercy, spiritual intelligence, common sense. You're 'terms' above are falsely applied here, since my essential points shared previously stand on their 'principles'. To call these principles 'sentimental' and dismiss them for your literal dogmatic interpretation is feeble, since you still cannot explain or justify how 'God' could inflict and sustain eternal punishment with no resolve, end or purpose...which violates the very precepts of justice, love or wisdom, relative to his divine will, which is in essence eternally good, beneficent and ever merciful.

Any sentient being looking at your interpretation of the concerned passage or concept itself, would find such most unjust. An eternity of punishments upon souls, being kept tormented alive forever and ever TO NO END is insane.

All written previously stands against the doctrine of ECT as primitive, backward and furthermore against the very will of God. It is an atrocity....and a retardation of correct theology, a misrepresentation of 'Real God', a twisted caricature of Deity.

Just on a philosophical level, Spritism as codified by Alan Kardec presents a more reasonable theology of sin, duration of punishments for sin, which is merely a transgression of natural and spiritual laws, and the corrective aspect of suffering which furthers a soul along the path of life, by the law of progress. Therefore souls in this understanding only suffer in proportion to their sins, and in equal measure, - they are not punished by an wrathful God for all eternity, for temporal sins, and are quite able thru such suffering to learn thereby, and expiate their sins, making reparation for such...and getting back into harmony with God and his laws (does God's will ever change in relation to his children?).

From another perspective, the concept of 'soul-death', assuming souls can truly 'die' (become extinct, disintegrated, destroyed) a more merciful provision than ECT, but here one must learn further the metaphysics behind soul-death, which extend beyond ordinary assumptions which are explained better in works like the Urantia Papers.

No matter what happens to souls, whether they are more or less eternal in nature (but only become 'immortal' IF they receive the 'new birth' of the Spirit and become partakers of the divine-nature), or if they can choose a final death and extinction of existence thru the whole-hearted embrace of iniquity and rejection of 'God', the laws of God govern and sustain every movement and conclusion of activity in these proceedings....with perfect justice and mercy, goodness and wisdom.

The Bible does not contain the total revelation or totality of information concerning soul-destinies, which is why other religious/spiritual writings and revelation-sources further illumine and make more replete our survey of such subjects. (A wise researcher considers all valid and pertinent sources of info. and revelation about a subject he is studying).

Sadly, you're still left with a monstrous 'god' who inflicts endless torments and eternal punishments to no end. I dont see how this makes your 'god' any more glorious, beautiful, or just....or inspires a soul to love such a 'god', let alone worship such a being.



New member
No, I'm proposing the principles of reason, justice, mercy, spiritual intelligence, common sense. You're 'terms' above are falsely applied here, since my essential points shared previously stand on their 'principles'. To call these principles 'sentimental' and dismiss them for your literal dogmatic interpretation is feeble, since you still cannot explain or justify how 'God' could inflict and sustain eternal punishment with no resolve, end or purpose...which violates the very precepts of justice, love or wisdom, relative to his divine will, which is in essence eternally good, beneficent and ever merciful.

Any sentient being looking at your interpretation of the concerned passage or concept itself, would find such most unjust. An eternity of punishments upon souls, being kept tormented alive forever and ever TO NO END is insane.

All written previously stands against the doctrine of ECT as primitive, backward and furthermore against the very will of God. It is an atrocity....and a retardation of correct theology, a misrepresentation of 'Real God', a twisted caricature of Deity.

Just on a philosophical level, Spritism as codified by Alan Kardec presents a more reasonable theology of sin, duration of punishments for sin, which is merely a transgression of natural and spiritual laws, and the corrective aspect of suffering which furthers a soul along the path of life, by the law of progress. Therefore souls in this understanding only suffer in proportion to their sins, and in equal measure, - they are not punished by an wrathful God for all eternity, for temporal sins, and are quite able thru such suffering to learn thereby, and expiate their sins, making reparation for such...and getting back into harmony with God and his laws (does God's will ever change in relation to his children?).

From another perspective, the concept of 'soul-death', assuming souls can truly 'die' (become extinct, disintegrated, destroyed) a more merciful provision than ECT, but here one must learn further the metaphysics behind soul-death, which extend beyond ordinary assumptions which are explained better in works like the Urantia Papers.

No matter what happens to souls, whether they are more or less eternal in nature (but only become 'immortal' IF they receive the 'new birth' of the Spirit and become partakers of the divine-nature), or if they can choose a final death and extinction of existence thru the whole-hearted embrace of iniquity and rejection of 'God', the laws of God govern and sustain every movement and conclusion of activity in these proceedings....with perfect justice and mercy, goodness and wisdom.

The Bible does not contain the total revelation or totality of information concerning soul-destinies, which is why other religious/spiritual writings and revelation-sources further illumine and make more replete our survey of such subjects. (A wise researcher considers all valid and pertinent sources of info. and revelation about a subject he is studying).

Sadly, you're still left with a monstrous 'god' who inflicts endless torments and eternal punishments to no end. I dont see how this makes your 'god' any more glorious, beautiful, or just....or inspires a soul to love such a 'god', let alone worship such a being.


So you don't believe what Jesus said in Matthew as per my post #721?

Lazy afternoon

Actually its the doctrine of annihilation that teaches freedom from accountability - atheists already believe they are nothing but worm food after death so hey do what they want and answer to no one.


Punishment comes before annihilation.

You give them what they want - teaching that there is no punishment and no accountability. They will just cease to exist. And under that scenerio, hey why not just please the flesh all you want.

No . You never read my posts properly as you also do not read the Bible correctly. You are sloopy.

Your False witness is noted. No reason for me to listen to anything else you have to say.


Jesus said before He spoke to them, they had no sin. One is not accountable for sin unless they know what it is.

So you think the wicked will not be held accountable for their sin who lived before Jesus spoke to them.

I suppose you believe that the mentally diseased suffer hell, unless their parents were saved too. You ignore that we are accountable for ourselves.

More supposings from you.

Mentally diseased people will not be saved if they do not believe in Christ and live accordingly, while mentally diseased people who do not believe in Christ will be anniahilated with little or no punishment.

Punishment always comes before destruction in the Bible (after death)

Babies of the wicked who die young will perish forever with them, but it is unlikely that they will even be raised from the dead at all.

Only the babies of the righteous will be given back to stand with their parents to be saved, but that is a judgment God has yet to make in each case.
