Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment biblical or not?


New member
you should be banned for copying that post
tim should be banned for posting it

ECTists like to claim that Conditionalists "cherry pick" a few scriptures to back up our case. It is very helpful to see just how extensive the scriptural case against eternal conscious torture really is. It helps to show just how much Scripture has to be ignored to believe in eternal torture. There is much much more than just what I posted, I only posted the tip of the iceberg.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
ECTists like to claim that Conditionalists "cherry pick" a few scriptures to back up our case. It is very helpful to see just how extensive the scriptural case against eternal conscious torture really is. It helps to show just how much Scripture has to be ignored to believe in eternal torture. There is much much more than just what I posted, I only posted the tip of the iceberg.

put it in a blog
link it


New member
There is no language change from the shame is theirs to
the contempt is not theirs , in that verse
I checked into this, and you are partially correct.

חֶרְפָּה cherpah, translated as shame, refers to a person or thing which is despised (Gesenius' Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon), specifically the scorn held for an enemy.

So, both the despising (mistranslated as shame) and the contempt are held by God towards His enemies.

holding dahmer in contempt is crazy ,
There is nothing crazy about holding Dahmer in contempt.
What he did is contemptible.

according to you he will not exist
and that makes you crazy for holding nothing in contempt .:chuckle:
When they are thrown into the lake of fire, their body and soul will be destroyed, but the memory of them will forever be despised and held in contempt.

the way I read it is there are only 2 kinds of people who awake,
1 .those with everlasting life
2.those that have everlasting contempt and shame
You seem to believe that both kinds will be given everlasting life, but only one kind gets to enjoy it.
That is not what the verse states.
The verse states that only one kind gets life, the other kind is held in contempt and scorned forever.


New member
ECTists like to claim that Conditionalists "cherry pick" a few scriptures to back up our case. It is very helpful to see just how extensive the scriptural case against eternal conscious torture really is. It helps to show just how much Scripture has to be ignored to believe in eternal torture. There is much much more than just what I posted, I only posted the tip of the iceberg.

In your story Tim, the devil gets off scot-free.

to get off scot-free (to get away without penalty; to beat the rap)

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Eclectic Theosophist
making the most of your TOL Blog

making the most of your TOL Blog

put it in a blog
link it

Yes, good advice,...I often do this in my TOL Blog, write an article, commentary or list an archive of posts in a blog entry...then you can link people to it. I don't know how long a post you can make in a blog entry,...but you can give it a go :)


Eclectic Theosophist
scot free? not really......

scot free? not really......

In your story Tim, the devil gets off scot-free.

to get off scot-free (to get away without penalty; to beat the rap)


Besides the insanity on ECT already shared here (blog post of earlier archived posts from this thread, and additional comments/links), I haven't seen anywhere where Tim lets the devil go scot free. All actions have their consequences and and such judgments are meted out in perfect fairness, justly and mercifully, if any being could repent or return to God, affording them salvation. If a being has reached a point of no return, and embraced iniquity whole-heartedly (and is beyond repentance), then the end result or fruit of such is 'death', so that 'death' is the consequence(penalty). The 'death' is final, eternal in that sense, in that the soul is disintegrated, terminated, wiped out, no more. The same powers that can create or form a soul, can also uncreate or disintegrate a soul.


Well-known member
Here is your first objection.

We are discussing Matthew 7:13
This verse says that the way is wide that leads to destruction. Clearly if you take this verse at face value it means that the wicked will be destroyed. You express some frustration because you think that "destruction" might mean "eternal torment". Can you see that if someone is eternal tormented that they cannot also be destroyed? I mean, it is impossible to torment someone who has been destroyed, right? If I wanted to torment a dog (and I certainly do NOT!) then I would not first burn the dog to ash and THEN start kicking it! Words have meanings. If we start to deny the meanings of words, then we can come up with any doctrine that pleases us. This is not the way to read Scripture.
But you expressed doubt that destruction in Matthew 7:13 means the complete death of the person who is destroyed. It always helps to look at the context. You should look at the context for every verse I post, as the context also proves that what I am saying is correct. The context for Matthew 7:13 is two gates. One gate leads to destruction. You say that you don't know whether that means eternal torment or death. Look at the context, the OTHER gate leads to life. So the context indicates that the gate that leads to destruction leads to the opposite of life, which is death. Complete destruction, not eternal life in hell being tormented alive.
Yes, context is very important. I was hoping that you would look at my post's points in context with each other. Too much to ask? I gave several instances where "death" or "destruction" don't mean "total annihilation forever". I'm not saying it can't, but it doesn't always. That weakens your case that everywhere you see "destruction" you get to replace with "total annihilation". I agree with you that the two gates are giving opposite results, and one is "life", then the other is "death". Which can be equated with "destruction". So if "death" is the opposite of life, and it is appointed unto man ONCE to die, and then comes judgment (Heb 9:27). Then your "destruction", which you say equals "death", in context allows for a judgment AFTER destruction. Thus "destruction" is not "total annihilation".
It is very helpful, since this is the very thing that ECTists always forget!
ALL of these verses say that the wicked will be destroyed, they will perish, they will die, they will go to their deaths, they will be burnt to ash and blown away, and they will be no more. They all agree. AND NONE of them say that the wicked will be given eternal life and tormented alive forever. That was the whole point of posting them. The Bible does not say that the wicked will be given eternal life in hell for the purpose of being tormented alive forever while they are dead.

I want to comment on your other objections, but I will do it in a later post so this does not get too long. There are some very real problems with your objections.
I hope you will comment on my objections and not just repeat the same things you've been repeating ad nauseum.

And, yes, I'm sure there are some real problems with my objections. I hope you won't then focus on something else besides those problems like you did above. Try not to just repeat the same thing over and over again, but respond to my objections.

Also--try reading them all first. I think it will help.

Oh, and one more thing. Try not to just repeat the same thing over and over again.

Did I mention that I think you would do better if you didn't just repeat the same thing over and over again?

(See how it feels?)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I hope you will comment on my objections and not just repeat the same things you've been repeating ad nauseum.

Try not to just repeat the same thing over and over again, but respond to my objections.

Oh, and one more thing. Try not to just repeat the same thing over and over again.

Did I mention that I think you would do better if you didn't just repeat the same thing over and over again?



Well-known member
you should be banned for copying that post
tim should be banned for posting it

Drama Queen try outs again? you come close to winning but you still lack something that would put you over the top. Maybe its that surname and artificial persona you are living under there dead-man talking.


Eclectic Theosophist


Yes, context is very important. I was hoping that you would look at my post's points in context with each other. Too much to ask? I gave several instances where "death" or "destruction" don't mean "total annihilation forever". I'm not saying it can't, but it doesn't always. That weakens your case that everywhere you see "destruction" you get to replace with "total annihilation". I agree with you that the two gates are giving opposite results, and one is "life", then the other is "death". Which can be equated with "destruction". So if "death" is the opposite of life, and it is appointed unto man ONCE to die, and then comes judgment (Heb 9:27). Then your "destruction", which you say equals "death", in context allows for a judgment AFTER destruction. Thus "destruction" is not "total annihilation".

Still continuing from my last reflections here :)

Since the terms are not wholly defined in their minutest exactness and detail from various passages (I've contended the bible is not perfect in this regard), all you have are the primary terms of 'life' and 'death' to work with, while all else inbetween or in 'context' are merely 'speculative'. At best then, all you have are conjectures based on whatever passages say (by way of 'translation' then 'interpretation'), but its still just a subjective interpretation assumed, conditioned by one's own bias, opinion and preference...granted the data available and how one CHOOSES to interpret it. - then you still have your own faculties of logic, reason, conscience, intelligence to decide what is the best or most probable translation, add whatever 'inspiration' may be granted as well.

As far as heb. 9:27 goes,....I gather that's speaking of physical death, then afterwards judgment, so this doesn't refer to the 'second death'.

way 2 go

Well-known member
I checked into this, and you are partially correct.

חֶרְפָּה cherpah, translated as shame, refers to a person or thing which is despised (Gesenius' Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon), specifically the scorn held for an enemy.

So, both the despising (mistranslated as shame) and the contempt are held by God towards His enemies.
it says there are two kinds of people awakening

Dan 12:2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,
some to everlasting life,
some to shame and everlasting contempt.

but at least you have both on the same side,
now you just have to get the fact that it is talking
about the two kinds of people awakening

you could just say this whole verse is about God

I am running out of crazy ideas of how to interpret this verse

Christians have shame and everlasting contempt
God has shame and everlasting contempt
every one but the sinners have shame and everlasting contempt.



New member
there's a name for you tards? :chuckle:

Please do your homework BEFORE you object to the truth.

There is only eternal life in Christ, and nowhere else. The only way to HAVE eternal life is on the condition that you received eternal life from Christ. Therefore, Immortality is CONDITIONAL upon receiving Jesus Christ. This doctrine is called "Conditional Immortality".

This is what the Bible teaches, contrary to the ECTist doctrine that everyone receives eternal life, some in heavenly bliss and the rest in hellish torture.


New member
In your story Tim, the devil gets off scot-free.

to get off scot-free (to get away without penalty; to beat the rap)


I'm sorry, but you are wrong. The devil will be destroyed on the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly. I don't see how you can claim that being completely destroyed is the same thing as getting off scot-free. That doesn't make any sense whatsoever, and it simply is not true. You ECTists will claim ANYTHING to try to support your weak case, won't you? Please explain clearly how being completely destroyed is the same thing as "getting off scot-free".


New member
Yes, context is very important. I was hoping that you would look at my post's points in context with each other. Too much to ask? I gave several instances where "death" or "destruction" don't mean "total annihilation forever". I'm not saying it can't, but it doesn't always. That weakens your case that everywhere you see "destruction" you get to replace with "total annihilation". I agree with you that the two gates are giving opposite results, and one is "life", then the other is "death". Which can be equated with "destruction". So if "death" is the opposite of life, and it is appointed unto man ONCE to die, and then comes judgment (Heb 9:27). Then your "destruction", which you say equals "death", in context allows for a judgment AFTER destruction. Thus "destruction" is not "total annihilation".

I hope you will comment on my objections and not just repeat the same things you've been repeating ad nauseum.

And, yes, I'm sure there are some real problems with my objections. I hope you won't then focus on something else besides those problems like you did above. Try not to just repeat the same thing over and over again, but respond to my objections.

Also--try reading them all first. I think it will help.

Oh, and one more thing. Try not to just repeat the same thing over and over again.

Did I mention that I think you would do better if you didn't just repeat the same thing over and over again?

(See how it feels?)

You agreed that context is important, yet you still ignored the context of Matthew 7:13-14. Since one group enters LIFE through the narrow gate, the group entering DESTRUCTION through the wide does not ALSO enter life, life being tortured in hell. Therefore, although you might be able to scrape together support for the idea that destruction might not mean complete destruction in some other contexts, in THIS context it does mean complete destruction. We can look at other contexts later, right now we are dealing with the context of Matthew 7:13-14. The context does not allow the interpretation of eternal non-destruction with torture in hell.