The '
law of compensation' is a universal law of nature. I use the term 'karma' to generally refer to this principle, whether or not there are different 'naunces' from an eastern religious perspective compared to western traditions,....
the principle of 'cause/effect' and 'act/consequence' still follows,
wherever any thoughts, words or actions have a conditional effect upon the soul. A broader understanding then of the term 'karma' is essential here, because it includes all aspects or nuances where 'act' & 'consequence' follows. I've explained it earlier
here (and elsewhere) with a link on the
'law of compensation' from the Padgett messages which puts it into a more 'biblically' oriented context. - Again,...wherever there is genuine 'freedom of choice' and '
personal responsibility'...the universal law of compensation is involved, since all 'actions' produce 'results/effects'.
Again,...being a more eclectic spiritualist, I employ universal terms to religious and spiritual principles which are all-inclusive as they pertain to the subject involved. As far as what I see as problematic about ECT, has been shared earlier thru-out this thread
here (quite amply). - An RCC perspective doesn't necessarily solve the problem, except to be more 'charitable' by adding 'purgatory' into the equation. Otherwise, Spiritualist doctrine more rationally and universally covers a more tenable view, besides speculations arising from various schools over
how 'free will' and the extension of God's eternal mercy factors into providing salvation for souls.
No single religious 'cult' or 'denonimation' has a monopoly on 'God'.