Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.


New member
Apparently you think reading a verse in context isn't important to your understanding. That God is a spirit means He is unseen. We cannot bow down before Him or kiss His feet. He is a spirit being.

John 4:23-24 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.​

So, since God is a spirit being, we must worship Him in spirit. We bow down to Him spiritually....not physically. Until you grasp this concept, there is no point in going on to higher things about our great God and His nature.
You have got to be kidding me.

As if saying GOD is spirit is somehow wholly opposite of saying that GOD is a spiritual being.

What is sad is that you are soooo much sharper than that.

But of course me going any further in this line of thought will cause you to cry that I imagine terrible things about you, when the fact is that you are acting in a not so edifying manner ma'am.



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New member
How many times do I have to tell you that I did tell you that you do not know my gender after you called me sister?

Now let's talk about the scriptures and doctrines.
How many times did you tell me compared to how many times I called you ma'am or sister or referenced you as a woman?

It is okay that you are a woman. I still believe you to be able to edifying others, and to guide them. I am not bound to the literal written letters of the law any more than you, or any other actual believer.

I'm gonna stop pointing okay?

peace sister

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God's Truth

New member
How many times did you tell me compared to how many times I called you ma'am or sister or referenced you as a woman?

It is okay that you are a woman. I still believe you to be able to edifying others, and to guide them. I am not bound to the literal written letters of the law any more than you, or any other actual believer.

I'm gonna stop pointing okay?

peace sister

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Call me a man or a woman, makes no difference to me.

But you don't know for sure.


Well-known member
So GOD is spirit but not the same spirit as the Holy Spirit of GOD?

You have got to be kidding me.

As if saying GOD is spirit is somehow wholly opposite of saying that GOD is a spiritual being.

But that isn't what you said. Is it Pops? :rolleyes:

I was showing you there is a difference between God being called a spiritual being (which is what the verse was talking about), and the Holy Spirit. The fact that you and your mentor refuse to understand something so basic is mind-boggling. Stunning, actually. :noway:

God's Truth

New member
But that isn't what you said. Is it Pops? :rolleyes:

I was showing you there is a difference between God being called a spiritual being (which is what the verse was talking about), and the Holy Spirit. The fact that you and your mentor refuse to understand something so basic is mind-boggling. Stunning, actually. :noway:

It isn't mind blowing for me when I think of you because I understand the hold false doctrines have on people.

You would have to be willing to give up all your beliefs for God's Truth.

Many people would not ever do that.


Well-known member
How many times did you tell me compared to how many times I called you ma'am or sister or referenced you as a woman?

It is okay that you are a woman. I still believe you to be able to edifying others, and to guide them. I am not bound to the literal written letters of the law any more than you, or any other actual believer.

I'm gonna stop pointing okay?

peace sister

And you've been saying that for how many pages? :chuckle:

Ma and Pa Kettle. :popcorn:


New member
I do NOT.

When I spoke of a drunk and adulterous man leading one to Jesus, I was not talking about the Qur'an and its Prophet. I was talking about a man who helped lead me to Jesus. The point I was making it that the man did good speaking to me about Jesus, but it does not mean that man is in a good denomination and is a good person over all. What I mean is, once you did get led to the Bible, you should keep growing in knowledge and not deny that the Qur'an speaks of Jesus differently. I know you are grateful for the Qur'an, and I am grateful for the friend who led me to Christ, but I am grateful too that I can see where his error is in his life personally and doctrinal.
My point is that we are not to judge. Especially when we only know conjecture on a thing. My point is that the Quran is laden with truth after truth, and that though I initially only recognized one sort, as in the Law and history of GOD and past affairs, and the condition of the masses; but even now when I do go back to it, it is unraveling deeper truths on a further level; similarly to how the bible still does at times and did when I was moved to the point of .......let's just say "moving". My point is that I don't owe the "old man" a thing; and I surely don't owe a book anything. I owe GOD almighty every fiber of my existence though, and am thankful for it. That includes being ever thankful to GOD for the manifold truth in all His Holy writ.

I didn't really catch your point though. Could you word it differently or perhaps use a different analogy?

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God's Truth

New member
My point is that we are not to judge. Especially when we only know conjecture on a thing. My point is that the Quran is laden with truth after truth, and that though I initially only recognized one sort, as in the Law and history of GOD and past affairs, and the condition of the masses; but even now when I do go back to it, it is unraveling deeper truths on a further level; similarly to how the bible still does at times and did when I was moved to the point of .......let's just say "moving". My point is that I don't owe the "old man" a thing; and I surely don't owe a book anything. I owe GOD almighty every fiber of my existence though, and am thankful for it. That includes being ever thankful to GOD for the manifold truth in all His Holy writ.

I didn't really catch your point though. Could you word it differently or perhaps use a different analogy?

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I was giving my real life for instance. So no, I will not use an analogy.

Here is just some straight talk:

When you have been saved by God, give up all the false teachings.

You should be able to admit that the Qur'an has a different God and Jesus.

The Christian God is a Father of a Son named Jesus.

The Islamic God does not. The Islamic Jesus is not.

You hold onto falseness like Glorydazed and her ilk.


New member
There is only one God upheld in Islam, and Jesus in the koran can only likewise be a servant, messenger, prophet and messiah, of that One God. There is no other 'God' in reality besides what one assumes.

That Jesus is presented somewhat differently in the koran than the NT, doesnt make that presentation false by affiliation. The koran affirms the revelation of God in the torah and the gospels but does not accept changes, additions or embellishments added to those writings, holding to its own interpretation as the promised fulfilment of prophetic revelation thru Mohammed.

Millions of muslims love their religion, its culture, traditions, scriptures, do other faiths. The Abrahamic religions all come from the same root-tradition, and assumably the same 'God'.
So which do you think may not be of GOD?

Do the labors of the few stand for the whole of said religion, or only sects?

Thank you.

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God's Truth

New member
My point is that we are not to judge. Especially when we only know conjecture on a thing. My point is that the Quran is laden with truth after truth, and that though I initially only recognized one sort, as in the Law and history of GOD and past affairs, and the condition of the masses; but even now when I do go back to it, it is unraveling deeper truths on a further level; similarly to how the bible still does at times and did when I was moved to the point of .......let's just say "moving". My point is that I don't owe the "old man" a thing; and I surely don't owe a book anything. I owe GOD almighty every fiber of my existence though, and am thankful for it. That includes being ever thankful to GOD for the manifold truth in all His Holy writ.

I didn't really catch your point though. Could you word it differently or perhaps use a different analogy?

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I said the same thing as you for awhile when I got in the false Mormon religion. They have extra books that I thought really explained some things where the Bible did not.

The Mormon denomination is a church of demons.

God's Truth

New member
I hear ya. I can't believe how you hold onto all your false beliefs. :chew:

Good grief, you think Jesus' words when he walked the earth are not for us to obey.


If you don't have sense enough to not say something as false as that, then what kind of reasoning can be done with you?


New member
It's like night and day.

Yes, millions unsaved because they believe in another Jesus than the Holy Scriptures reveal.
Right along with a bunch of other pagan religions.

Under what pretense do you describe Islam as pagan?

I got a a piece of art work you just reminded me of.

You might like it.

It may not load. I couldn't manage to pull it directly off my photos for some reason. So I screenshot it and cropped it.

Anyway it is thought provoking artwork.

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New member
There's absolutely nothing wrong with repenting after believing.

But repenting alone does not one save.

No, GT, the problem is that you can't accept God's grace, but instead try to work for your salvation.

So, you request to hear other people's testimonies, but refuse to provide your own?

That's called hypocrisy, hypocrite.

You did no such thing. The verses you provided did not say that the dietary law was repealed.

I am asking not for verses that do not say that the dietary law was repealed, but for verses that do say the dietary law was repealed.

You have not provided the verses I'm asking for.

And you can't, because they don't exist. The dietary law was never repealed.

No, GT, you responded to my post, but you did not answer my question.

I asked, "Are you now saying that you don't ever lie?"


And you can't, because they don't exist. The dietary law was never repealed.

She did indeed provide those texts a few days ago.

They plainly say that any food item whatsoever that one eats is safe for them.

They also say that not the things that go in, but those that we produce, are capable of harming us or steering us away from the Truth.

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New member
Call me a man or a woman, makes no difference to me.

But you don't know for sure.
No ma'am; I am wholly certain.

It is sorta irrelevant, except for that whole disingenuous thing you're working right now. I don't like how it looks on you.

You and Ms Tam, speak as women together, but you think others are wholly blind.

I see way much more than you give me credit for I assure you.

What is sad is that there actually was a point when I thought you may have been male, but that was cleared up between us long ago.

I am waiting on the within context pm that shows you are being truthful. I have given you permission to use it openly.

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