Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.


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The father and the Son and the Holy Spirit exist at the same time.
Of course.
But you have the Father as only one person that changes modes and thus ends up with the Father speaking to and interacting with Himself.
But they are distinct from each other and interact with each other.
The Father speaks from heaven (not the Holy Spirit or the Son) while the Holy Spirit descends (not the Father or the Son) while the Son is being baptized (not the Father or the Holy Spirit) by John in the Jordan River.


New member
Don't get too excited, Pops. I simply used the wrong term.

I was talking about those who believe the Father stopped being the Father to become the Son, and then stopped being the Son to become the Spirit. I can't remember what they're called right now, but it fits God's Untruth even though she denies it.
I'm glad you cought the error.

It is good that you make a division between Son and FATHER.

It is all the doing of the FATHER and by the FATHER. It indeed was the Spirit of the FATHER that Jesus had from conception to some level. Do you think His pleasing the FATHER is why He was filled wholly with the Spirit? Do you think He was filled at the time of His baptism?

Just curious on your own thoughts.

Not too much in the mood to full on argue.

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New member
where do you think you have corrected me explain yourself
Why must you take as me attempting to correct you?

Salvation is of the faithful to GOD.

Do you believe any was safe before Abraham?

We do agree that Jew means faithful to GOD/SPIRIT/WORD, right?

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New member
That Word you claim was given, was God from the beginning, and that Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

"That God never needed a Son..." Like God never needed a part of Himself. :nono:
"That God never needed a Son..." Like God never needed a part of Himself. :nono

Could you explain that better please?


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God's Truth

New member
Of course.
But you have the Father as only one person that changes modes

I do not.

The Father is Spirit and His one and only divine Spirit is the Spirit who came as a man's, while still maintaining His place in heaven.

and thus ends up with the Father speaking to and interacting with Himself.

The Son really is God come as a man and not just pretending to.

Who but the Father in heaven should a man speak to?

But they are distinct from each other and interact with each other.
The trinity doctrine says they are distinct. However, they are not distinct from each other. Distinct means different.
Jesus only says and does what the Father says and does. Jesus says when you see him you see the Father. That is proof they are not distinct.

The Father speaks from heaven (not the Holy Spirit or the Son) while the Holy Spirit descends (not the Father or the Son) while the Son is being baptized (not the Father or the Holy Spirit) by John in the Jordan River.

There is only one divine Spirit. The Holy Spirit IS the Spirit of God the Father and the Son.
I have given many scriptures that say plainly that the Lord is the Spirit.

God's Truth

New member
Why must you take as me attempting to correct you?

You quoted me and said a few words but you did not explain yourself as you should.

Were you agreeing with me, or disagreeing with me? Were you trying to make another point?
Salvation is of the faithful to GOD.

Do you believe any was safe before Abraham?
What does that mean any safe before Abraham?
Safe from what? Do you mean were any saved before Abraham?
When God made the covenant with Abraham, all had to enter the covenant to be a child of God. That means they had to get circumcised and obey God's laws and commands.
We do agree that Jew means faithful to GOD/SPIRIT/WORD, right?

There are people who are blood related to Abraham and they are called Jews.

There are the Jews (who are blood related to Abraham) and they believe and obey Jesus.

There are also Jews (who are related by blood to Abraham) but are cut off from God because they have not come to Him through Jesus.

Any and all Gentiles who have faith in Jesus and obey are related to Abraham by this living faith and are saved.


Well-known member
I'm glad you cought the error.

It is good that you make a division between Son and FATHER.

It is all the doing of the FATHER and by the FATHER. It indeed was the Spirit of the FATHER that Jesus had from conception to some level. Do you think His pleasing the FATHER is why He was filled wholly with the Spirit? Do you think He was filled at the time of His baptism?

Just curious on your own thoughts.

Not too much in the mood to full on argue.

If you don't want to argue, then stop making things up. :)

Jesus was with God and was God from the beginning. John 1:1 He created all things. John 1:2-3 He then became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:14 While in the flesh the fulness of God dwelt in Him. Colossians 2:9

God IS from eternity. There was never a moment in time when the Son (Word/Jesus) was not God or was less than God. He but took on the form of a servant. Philippians 2:7 He didn't trade in His Divinity to become man. He TOOK ON HUMANITY. He was anointed with the Holy Spirit in order to fulfil the law in regards to His official capacity as Prophet, Priest, and King. He was fully God from the beginning.

It's all written clearly in the HOLY SCRIPTURE.

I'm not sure why you insist on adding your own understanding onto what is clearly revealed in the Bible. It is written....Immanuel, God with us. Make straight the highway for OUR GOD.


Well-known member
The Father keeps His position in heaven and still can come as a man on earth.

Jesus said He came out from God. He didn't say the Father came as a man.

You can see there is the FATHER and "ME".

John 16:27 For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.​

This is what all ministers of satan do. They just change what is written every so slightly hoping no one will notice. Unfortunately, members of His body DO NOTICE, and we will always point out your blasphemy.


New member
You quoted me and said a few words but you did not explain yourself as you should.

Were you agreeing with me, or disagreeing with me? Were you trying to make another point?

What does that mean any safe before Abraham?
Safe from what? Do you mean were any saved before Abraham?
When God made the covenant with Abraham, all had to enter the covenant to be a child of God. That means they had to get circumcised and obey God's laws and commands.

There are people who are blood related to Abraham and they are called Jews.

There are the Jews (who are blood related to Abraham) and they believe and obey Jesus.

There are also Jews (who are related by blood to Abraham) but are cut off from God because they have not come to Him through Jesus.

Any and all Gentiles who have faith in Jesus and obey are related to Abraham by this living faith and are saved.
Yes. I am asking if you think any was safe from destruction/ damnation prior to Abraham.

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New member
Okay, show me from the Qur'an that Jesus is the Son of God.
That is an awfully short list.

You know it expressly says that GOD doesn't need a son.

Is that a belief that our salvation is hinged upon?

Because I thought our salvation hinged on the fact that the Christ/ anointed of GOD came in the flesh, which it doesn't deny and actually affirms.

Is there any other discrepancy you had in mind; perhaps one we are told we must believe?

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New member
If you don't want to argue, then stop making things up. :)

Jesus was with God and was God from the beginning. John 1:1 He created all things. John 1:2-3 He then became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:14 While in the flesh the fulness of God dwelt in Him. Colossians 2:9

God IS from eternity. There was never a moment in time when the Son (Word/Jesus) was not God or was less than God. He but took on the form of a servant. Philippians 2:7 He didn't trade in His Divinity to become man. He TOOK ON HUMANITY. He was anointed with the Holy Spirit in order to fulfil the law in regards to His official capacity as Prophet, Priest, and King. He was fully God from the beginning.

It's all written clearly in the HOLY SCRIPTURE.

I'm not sure why you insist on adding your own understanding onto what is clearly revealed in the Bible. It is written....Immanuel, God with us. Make straight the highway for OUR GOD.
So what do you do about the verses that say He grew in spirit, if he was always the literal utter fullness of GOD?

What do you do with the scriptures showing that Jesus worshipped the FATHER, and that there is only One GOD/ Spirit?

You didn't really address my other questions either.

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Well-known member
So what do you do about the verses that say He grew in spirit, if he was always the literal utter fullness of GOD?

He was also a human being with a human's spirit. He was like unto his brethren in every way.

What do you do with the scriptures showing that Jesus worshipped the FATHER, and that there is only GOD/ Spirit?

You didn't rally address my other questions either.

I addressed all your questions. You just didn't like the answers I gave. Just as you reject the scripture I gave to support those answers.

So, you show me the scriptures you're referring to in the yellow above, and I'll respond to them when I see them.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus said He came out from God. He didn't say the Father came as a man.

You can see there is the FATHER and "ME".

John 16:27 For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.​

This is what all ministers of satan do. They just change what is written every so slightly hoping no one will notice. Unfortunately, members of His body DO NOTICE, and we will always point out your blasphemy.

Jesus came from God and is God.

What you say makes no sense.

God's Truth

New member
That is an awfully short list.

You know it expressly says that GOD doesn't need a son.

Is that a belief that our salvation is hinged upon?

Because I thought our salvation hinged on the fact that the Christ/ anointed of GOD came in the flesh, which it doesn't deny and actually affirms.

It has to be the same God and same Jesus.

Jesus being God's Son is not the same as saying God doesn't need a Son.

The Holy Bible says God sent His Son.

So tell me where in the Qur'an it says God had a Son.

If the Qur'an speaks against that, then it is against the Holy Bible.

Is there any other discrepancy you had in mind; perhaps one we are told we must believe?

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We have to believe that God sent His Son.

Now can you show from the Qur'an this?


New member
He was also a human being with a human's spirit. He was like unto his brethren in every way.

I addressed all your questions. You just didn't like the answers I gave. Just as you reject the scripture I gave to support those answers.

So, you show me the scriptures you're referring to in the yellow above, and I'll respond to them when I see them.

So to you Jesus had the Holy Spirit in fullness, and also had a human spirit?

Can we go over the scripture that says Jesus had two spirits?

As far as the scripture showing that Jesus worshipped GOD, and prayed to GOD; they are throughout the nt.
John 7: 16. Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. 17. If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. 18. He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him. 28. Then cried Jesus in the temple as he taught, saying, Ye both know me, and ye know whence I am: and I am not come of myself, but he that sent me is true, whom ye know not. 29. But I know him: for I am from him, and he hath sent me. 33. Then said Jesus unto them, Yet a little while am I with you, and then I go unto him that sent me.

We can continue this tommorow hopefully.

Good night.

It isn't about me liking or disliking anything. Your response didn't fit the questions.

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