Well-known member
All your own words, Robert. I've no words but the ones you've given and they weren't nice at all.I don't need your trying to put words in my mouth Lon.
First, "You're." Second, you are (you're) trying to say my eternal destiny is in danger in the previous post. For what? Two seconds worth of conversation???? :doh: Do you THINK you are spiritual for this kind of junk???? Really? :noway:Your twisting my words like you twist scripture.
So??? :idunno: I'm sure I live nowhere near you. Where in the world did this come from? The wounds of a friend are faithful, but we are just two guys on the internet. I 'can' show myself friendly, at least. Proverbs 18:24I don't need your friendship any more than I need snakes in my grass.
Uhm, no. I know the difference between "your" and "you're" can read the languages, have a MUCH better grasp of grammatical contexts, etc. etc. Try again. You want so badly to be a teacher with NO (nadda) training or education whatsover. Every cult does but there is NO special pleading. You either have the credentials and ability or you do not. There is NO WAY God can just give you this osmosis with your head on a pillow. You either have the where-with-all or you don't. You simply don't. God was NOT meaning this when He said that He uses the simple things to confound the wise. He was not meaning you don't need an education when He said that the unspiritual could not understand the spiritual. Not all unspiritual are stupid. Not all in Christ are all that brilliant. God gave SOME to be teachers. You aren't that guy. Find out what He actually has gifted you for, and do that. This ain't it. You are winning no friends nor Unitarians' best spokesman. Look at every Unitarian on TOL, all contentious and mean-spirited, as you are becoming here as well. Why? Because I'm telling you the truth? :think: This is the 'Keypurr' show. I'm seeing less and less of Christ in it.Your unable to see the difference between God and his CREATIONS because you would rather follow the mass than Christ.
What I DO know is that John 1:1 says 'with' and 'was.' There is always something we better pay attention to, when we are speculating. There is no way we better miss 'both' here.
You have NO ABILITY to teach with graciousness and compassion so SHOULD NOT BE TRYING! Maybe you should take your own advice and leave TOL before you burn all the bridges down. This? This is just a banter contest. I've asked several times now, why? Why do you need to knock me and everyone else on TOL around? What good will it do? Is this blessing you? It surely isn't me. I'm trying to teach you language and tell you that you've bitten off WAY more than you can possibly chew. I do know the scriptures. I know them better than you. There is no question about that. Does it matter? ONLY if you listen. You need to learn where you agree for one. Second, you need NOTHING BUT scripture for your response. My words/ your words? Pointless. Only scripture counts here. I ask you again: Of the churches Christ said were His, some have their candles removed BUT the four that exist are NOT Unitarian. You and every JW or other cult on the planet has to ask "Why, if we are so right?" If you don't, you get to stay in ignorance. Does your soul stand on the line? In somuch as you are prideful and willful and cannot be remade by God to be and know what you are supposed to know. Hebrews 12 is my warning to you: You can be disciplined if you are His and forgotten if you are not. I don't have to nor is there any fruit in telling you you are in danger of hell. That again is between you and the Lord God. For me, it'd be a huge sin to come between your ONE MEDIATOR between you and God. You've only One and I'm not Him, but you flout your judgments on other men like you were that mediator and eveybody needs to listen to you. I've no idea why you are mad, angry, and lashing out with me right now, but I see NO good news in any of it. You go ahead and do your supposedly 'righteous' indignation and damnation of my soul. In the end, I'll stand silently before my Maker and you won't be anywhere near me and the Mediator nor likely even in the same room. Why you want to do it now, I'll never know. It is flat-out weird. I've one Mediator - the Lord Jesus Christ. You are not Him.You have no clue what the express image is.
You certainly have no love or friendship expressed here for me or another, either. I've one accuser as well. He doesn't need you. Don't work for him any more, Robert. Its a terrible job. Leave this thread and post alone after this. It doesn't need your further condemnation. You are accomplishing nothing. Certainly nothing good. Why do it? How sour and upset can you possibly be in a thread that is discussing whether the Lord Jesus Christ is God or not? ▲This▲angry?
"Exact image" I've discussed with you in the past with ideas like 'clone, the same being' etc. We talked about Dolly the sheep. There was only one Dolly the sheep. Now there are two but yet only Dolly and nothing else. We have no language adequate for something like this. Is it one sheep or two? --> "Yes" is the right answer.
I'm not a 'luck' kind of guy. I'm not even sure if you meant it with these kinds of loaded statements either. Why even say this? ???Good luck to you.
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