Well-known member
[/QUOTE]Two became one. Jesus became the Christ when the logos went to dwell IN him at his anointing. Acts 10:38
All reflected images are created by the subject matter.
You do not seem to be a spiritual person Lon, you have had five years to disprove my understanding but you are unable to do so. My teacher is above all, he wrote the book. But you will never understand it if your in a church box.
Understanding is much more important that grammar Lon, content should be what you need to seek. You ability to use your quality words to look down on some one that you have no idea what he knows is showing again.
Sweep it under the rug if you wish, but the words are still there.
Jesus was NOT with the Father at the creation.
The EXPRESS IMAGE was, Jesus was born to Mary.
If what I see in scripture is offensive then you do not have truth. The Jews did not like it either.
I am not overly concerned about my judgement. God loves me for trying.
Many disagree with that.
I question the KJV as being the pure word of God.
Don't we all?
Says the guy with no ability to the PhDlain: It is simply blowhard ignorance on your part young one. When it comes to the Bible, you are the child, not me.
God has always preserved His church. The Catholics were shadowed by Eastern Orthodox and far away Coptic Churches and anabaptists. Look where they all agree, THEN determine what they ALL believed independently was true. You are making another rookie mistake and YOUR thinking is SHOWN on TOL to be wrong and shallow. Its been SHOWN in just this thread, Robert! How prideful (and wrong) can one uneducated old guy be??? And you have the audacity to 'try' and assert my understanding is shallow??? :doh: You are arrogant. Sadly so.
Contrasts? You are trying to contrast yourself with me? The Apostle Paul pulled out his credentials to shame those who opposed him. I could do the same here. You are just a little tiny fish in a huge pond and TOTALLY ignorant of what is in those theological waters to be going on so like this. Its sad, really. The JW's do it also. They are proud (sadly) of their ignorance (as are most Cults). They think "God chose the simple things to confound the wise" means they have it. Okay, you and an Arian and a Mormon, a Bahá'í, and a Muslim can all argue which one of all the rest of the obscure cults are supposedly the 'ignorant' but 'right' ones.
Can you be taught? Have you learned anything from me in this post today? :think:
Er, "Either." Come on Robert. If you are going to ridicule someone, try not to show your lack of the same ability you are criticizing your opponent for! :doh:
You've a long way to go, Robert. Proverbs 5:13 Are you reading these scriptures and letting them sink in, Robert?
Lon it is not I that is displaying blowhard ignorance, look in your mirror.
You are not showing any one here your Christian faith today. Your unable to define what an image is so you spout off with your garbage. Your still on your Polo Pony Lon. Enjoy this life, it might be the only life you get.