I have spent a lifetime studying these verses and I can see that you didn't. You didn't read mine also.
Jesus was not the Son at the creation. Suggest you look at "men made in the image of God', and the "express image of God". Jesus was Born, Christ the Miltha was SENT to dwell in the body prepared for it.
A study might be worth your time.
Such would be two beings, not one, right?
Then show me ANY IMAGE that is not a creation
All images are simply representations of those who 'already' exist. Your mirror image is NOT created. its reflected. The mirror was already there. YOU were already there. NO creation.
Lon you do not see what I see for you have enclosed yourself in the box of tradition.
Luke 6:40 Matthew 10:24 When you can show you are capable of reading properly for comprehension, including not jumping to amature conclusions about mods actions, you and I THEN can talk about what you do and do not understand correctly concerning scriptures. Your track record is tainted with amature imature interpretation. You are NOT above the teacher. Sorry Bob. You aren't old enough nor this studied. You make mistakes and think they are gold :nono: God CAN forgive our incorrect conclusions but READ those scriptures I gave you then read this one too James 3:1 READ IT!
Repeatedly, Bob, you've been shown your reading skills are poor. You've been SHOWN this by me, by mods in this very thread, and by others. You've been SHOWN. Sorry, your 'wrong' means diddly. You CANNOT properly comprehend grammar rules AND you've been demonstrably poor at conclusions (you've been wrong).
Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
Yup and NONE of this applies to you or me. Nice try Bob, you just do not display adequate reading comprehension. You are then being arrogant beyond your ability for something you 'think' is right but is demonstrably shown incorrect. Nikolai just showed you another verse where you TOTALLY missed it: He was quoting scriptures FROM Colossians 1 that showed his point. You? Nadda. You just said 'nuh uh.'
Man is made in the image of God, consider in what way.
I know and I am NOT a god. I've created nothing. I've brought nothing to life. I've never spoken and life came into existence.... I'm not God. I'm not 'a' god. :nono: I am the creation of God and He has given me some traits that I happen to share with Him. This then is 'godly' but NOT 'god.' When the Lord Jesus Christ said this, He was not telling you that you were a god but had His touch in your nature. Sorry, you'll never be your own god of your own universe. There are serious ramifications of 'missing it' in this case. Jehovah Witnesses are not gods either. :nono:
The ability to think and reason, but God is a spirit.
"In His image He created them (Adam and Eve). They lost much of their 'imago deo' (image of God) the day they sinned and so did we.
There is only ONE ever made in the express image of God, the Son at the creation, God created everything through this spirit son. The Universe was not created by a man friend. This spirit son is the first of all creation/creatures. See Col 1;15, Trins seem to overlook that verse, here I will give it to you.
Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
He was with the Father before creation but the Lord Jesus Christ also equivocates Himself as with the Father before Creation.
I'm not sure you are far off on this, because Trinitarians believe in the pre-incarnate Christ. What this means? It means this isn't, at least on the face of discussion so far, a point of disagreement.
Study verse 15 Lon, this Spirit son is the first of all creation for all things were created through it. This Son is firstborn in importance and first creation.
Again, this is where you and others have gotten infractions before. "It" describing you, would be 'offensive.' "It" describing God, Spirit, or Son is derogatory and offensive, and lacks honor and respect by sentiment.
You'd BETTER make a VERY good reason for doing so ever again. It IS offensive, disrespectful, and derogatory toward those who esteem God, Father, Spirit, Son as anything but 'it.'
You are being purposefully offensive by never addressing why you insist on 'it' for anything appropriate regarding God.
Consider my past statements, Jesus became the Christ when Christ went into him. That is the Greek to English way of transcribing it. ARAMAIC say that that spirit son, the Miltha, came with the dove.
It is a fancy dance amounting to nothing. It is simply the word for "Spirit" descending 'like a dove.' There is no 'with' here. There was no dove (The
Peshitta says so too see Luke 3:22, Matthew 3:16, ). Note too, the Peshitta NT wasn't written and certainly not even complete until after the
5th century. You are not a scholar yet young student.
Are you aware that the early Bibles, Bishops and Geneva, use the word IT in John 1.
John 1:4
(Bishops) In it was lyfe, and the lyfe was the lyght of men,
(Geneva) In it was life, and that life was the light of men.
IT became flesh in the body prepared for IT.
Yes. Two points: 1) It wasn't the same derogatory name/reference it is today, "It" could have once been said with respect but no longer. 2) The KJV 'corrected' the translation. The pronoun used is most often 'personal.' At one time 'it' may have been personal but today such conveys no intelligence or personality so it is offensive. Pay attention to both reasons it isn't acceptable today, Robert.
I quoted you scripture Lon, I did not right it by myself.
You interpreted incorrectly. By yourself.
True I do not have your education, but your educated is limited to the thoughts of your schools. My thoughts come from many sources. I have spent time with many Pastors, Dr. Karl O'Lander was my first and dearest Pastor and he was unable to answer questions I put to him. I feel that my studies have taken me where not to many get to.
Your thinking is shallow Lon, it is not easy to overcome what you have been taught over the years.
Says the guy with no ability to the PhD

lain: It is simply blowhard ignorance on your part young one. When it comes to the Bible, you are the child, not me.
Do you really believe that God's church has not been distorted by men?
Errors in translations, different languages, where is the church of the Apostles?
The Romans did a great job of pleasing the Pagans.
God has always preserved His church. The Catholics were shadowed by Eastern Orthodox and far away Coptic Churches and anabaptists. Look where they all agree, THEN determine what they ALL believed independently was true. You are making another rookie mistake and YOUR thinking is SHOWN on TOL to be wrong and shallow. Its been SHOWN in just this thread, Robert! How prideful (and wrong) can one uneducated old guy be??? And you have the audacity to 'try' and assert my understanding is shallow??? :doh: You are arrogant. Sadly so.
That is what they thought when they stoned Stephen. I am very over confident for I know the source of my teacher. I fear not what is ahead for me. Trust in the Lord with all your heart friend.
Contrasts? You are trying to contrast yourself with me? The Apostle Paul pulled out his credentials to shame those who opposed him. I could do the same here. You are just a little tiny fish in a huge pond and TOTALLY ignorant of what is in those theological waters to be going on so like this. Its sad, really. The JW's do it also. They are proud (sadly) of their ignorance (as are most Cults). They think "God chose the simple things to confound the wise" means they have it. Okay, you and an Arian and a Mormon, a Bahá'í, and a Muslim can all argue which one of all the rest of the obscure cults are supposedly the 'ignorant' but 'right' ones.
Have a good night Lon, its my bedtime.
Can you be taught? Have you learned anything from me in this post today? :think:
I have spent a lifetime studying these verses and I can see that you didn't. You didn't read mine also.
Er, "Either." Come on Robert. If you are going to ridicule someone, try not to show your lack of the same ability you are criticizing your opponent for! :doh:
A study might be worth your time.
You've a long way to go, Robert. Proverbs 5:13 Are you reading these scriptures and letting them sink in, Robert?