Yes, Jesus is God.
Here are a few reasons that tell us that He is.
First of all, where the Old Testament has God's prophets saying "Thus saith the LORD," not once in the New testament is that phrase found. Instead, it is replaced with Jesus saying "I say unto you."
Which leads into the next reason:
Whereas all of the prophets and writers of the Old Testament pointed to God with everything they said and did, in the New Testament, Jesus' entire message was about, no, not the Father (whom most people consider God anyways; in fact, it's almost undisputed that the Father is God), but HIMSELF! (More on this can be found at
The next is that the standard for establishing a matter is "two or three witnesses." We find this standard throughout the Bible, meaning it must be pretty important. So what about the matter of if God is righteous? If He created all things, and everything that exists was made by Him (barring Himself of course), then He would have been alone for all of eternity past, which raises the question, "How does God know He is righteous?" The answer lies in Euthyphro's dilemma, which asks whether God is good because he recognizes it as good (which would imply a standard above God, making God "not God"), or that God is good because he commands it to be good (or, as Socrates put it, because God likes it). The answer is that God is good because each of the three Members of the trinity can affirm that neither of the other two Persons have ever wronged the one or the other. God is literally three Witnesses to His righteousness, which establishes that because He IS good, everything He does is good. (More on this can be found at
The last reason we have that Jesus is God is the number three (3).
"Three" is found literally everywhere in nature: three basic states of matter (solid, liquid, gas), three sub-atomic particles that make up the atom (proton, neutron, electron), three words used to tell time (past, present, future) and three words to tell "when" (before, during, after), there is a word for a series (of movies, books, etc) of three (trilogy) but not for any other number. Man is body, soul, and spirit. Earth is the third planet from Sol. Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days, and Jesus, who began His ministry (which lasted for three years) at 30 years of age, was in the tomb for three days. Israel's three patriarchs are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The priestly tribe of Levi is from Jacob's third child. Leviticus (named after Levi) is the third book in the Bible. The day the law was given, about three thousand men were killed, but the day the Spirit was given, about three thousand were saved. The Hebrew Scriptures are comprised of three sections: The Law, The Prophets, and The Writings. (More on this can be found at
All of these things point to Jesus as being God.