Is Calvinism Wrong?


You have not proved your point. There is nothing in the Greek or English Bible that says one must surrender their life to Christ to be saved. We are saved and justified by faith in the doing and the dying of Jesus, not by surrendering. You are adding to God's word.

Yes I've proven it over and over again . Are you seriously going to tell me you don't understand pisteuo is the verb form of the noun pistis used 248 times in the NT ? And that pisteuo the word the authors chose to communicate " how " Faith is applied ( faithing ) isn't defined as a " personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender " in the Greek dictionary ?

If so , go forth in your deception . Before , you were being decieved unknowingly , now your deception is acceptable by you . You can figure out the rest .


I won't entertain deeper discussion about pisteuo until you one acknowledge , and two agree with , the Strongs and Vines definition of pisteuo .
which are ;

Strongs says , " pisteuo means not just to believe ."
Vines ; " a personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender ."

You reject those definitions , so your rejecting the correct basis for any discussion .

Bumped for RW


Well-known member
True NT saving Faith and faithing is not just a surrender . It's two specific things . The Vines specifically states , " pisteuo is a personal surrender to Him , ( AND ) a life inspired by such surrender .

In totality , it's a specific act , based upon a specific belief , sustained by a specific kind of confidence .

My confidence is in HIM....not myself or my personal surrender. My life is inspired by the Lord Jesus Christ and His work on the Cross, and my trust is in His ability to perform what He started when first I believed.

Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:​


Well-known member
Yes I've proven it over and over again . Are you seriously going to tell me you don't understand pisteuo is the verb form of the noun pistis used 248 times in the NT ? And that pisteuo the word the authors chose to communicate " how " Faith is applied ( faithing ) isn't defined as a " personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender " in the Greek dictionary ?

If so , go forth in your deception . Before , you were being decieved unknowingly , now your deception is acceptable by you . You can figure out the rest .

Let me ask you something. Is the Concordance your Bible?


Let me ask you something. Is the Concordance your Bible?

That is precisely the problem . Because of the misunderstanding of pisteuo or how to apply NT Faith , people think that God's Word is theirs to claim when it's not yet .

Because the correct act , based upon the correct belief , sustained by the correct confidence , isn't being genuinely fulfilled after the Father calls or draws us , your stuck at the very beginning of the salvation process . Without going through the correct Salvation process , one will not receive the Spirit of Christ , which makes Christ , God's word and the promises there in not theirs to claim yet .

The journey starts with a genuine surrendering of our lives to Him and living a life inspired by such surrender . It has nothing to do with God's word , it's not yours yet . It has to do with beginning a real relationship with a real living person Jesus Christ .

Rom 8:9


Well-known member
That is precisely the problem . Because of the misunderstanding of pisteuo or how to apply NT Faith , people think that God's Word is theirs to claim when it's not yet .

Because the correct act , based upon the correct belief , sustained by the correct confidence , isn't being genuinely fulfilled after the Father calls or draws us , your stuck at the very beginning of the salvation process . Without going through the correct Salvation process , one will not receive the Spirit of Christ , which makes Christ , God's word and the promises there in not theirs to claim yet .

The journey starts with a genuine surrendering of our lives to Him and living a life inspired by such surrender . It has nothing to do with God's word , it's not yours yet . It has to do with beginning a real relationship with a real living person Jesus Christ .

Rom 8:9

Ah, so you are God and can see into the hearts of men?

Do you ever stop to wonder at your own presumptuousness?

Do you ever consider that you have become the accuser of the brethren?

I'm hear to inform you that you are not only wrong about me, but you are wrong about your interpretation of Scripture. Put up your Concordance if you can't stop putting it ahead of the Bible, itself. :nono:

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Yes I've proven it over and over again . Are you seriously going to tell me you don't understand pisteuo is the verb form of the noun pistis used 248 times in the NT ? And that pisteuo the word the authors chose to communicate " how " Faith is applied ( faithing ) isn't defined as a " personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender " in the Greek dictionary ?

If so , go forth in your deception . Before , you were being decieved unknowingly , now your deception is acceptable by you . You can figure out the rest .

Paul wrote, "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17. He said NOTHING about surrendering. One of the reasons that he said nothing about it is because it is not possible to surrender you life to Christ. If you are living a surrendered life why is it you are not a missionary in Africa or some foreign country? I have known missionaries that go and live with native tribes through out the world so that they can teach them the Gospel, but they don't say that their lives are surrendered.

I think that you are teaching holiness doctrine.


Paul wrote, "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17. He said NOTHING about surrendering. One of the reasons that he said nothing about it is because it is not possible to surrender you life to Christ. If you are living a surrendered life why is it you are not a missionary in Africa or some foreign country? I have known missionaries that go and live with native tribes through out the world so that they can teach them the Gospel, but they don't say that their lives are surrendered.

I think that you are teaching holiness doctrine.
Ya , good chance those missionaries haven't started the true life of NT Faith and faithing yet . Going to a foreign country isn't what the Greek dictionary says is NT saving Faith .

I don't see that I'm teaching anything .

I shared the word pisteuo out of the Greek texts , probably the most important word in the Scriptures . I shared the Greek definition of the Greek word pisteuo . And I shared the fact our English language has no word to translate it .

No teaching there , just taking time to help others on their journey .


Paul wrote, "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17. He said NOTHING about surrendering. One of the reasons that he said nothing about it is because it is not possible to surrender you life to Christ. If you are living a surrendered life why is it you are not a missionary in Africa or some foreign country? I have known missionaries that go and live with native tribes through out the world so that they can teach them the Gospel, but they don't say that their lives are surrendered.

I think that you are teaching holiness doctrine.

Oh , the word Faith in Rom. 1:17 , it's a noun , pistis in the Greek . Different word , different definition . Everytime paul uses the word pisteuo , or what you know as the mistranslated words believe , believer , and believing , he's communicating " a personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender ." 248 times in the NT .


Ah, so you are God and can see into the hearts of men?

Do you ever stop to wonder at your own presumptuousness?

Do you ever consider that you have become the accuser of the brethren?

I'm hear to inform you that you are not only wrong about me, but you are wrong about your interpretation of Scripture. Put up your Concordance if you can't stop putting it ahead of the Bible, itself. :nono:

I was hoping I could persuade you with these few solid facts so we could move onto the next set of facts . I'm fighting for you , not against you .

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Oh , the word Faith in Rom. 1:17 , it's a noun , pistis in the Greek . Different word , different definition . Everytime paul uses the word pisteuo , or what you know as the mistranslated words believe , believer , and believing , he's communicating " a personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender ." 248 times in the NT .

You are working hard at trying to make the Bible say something that it does not say.


Well, I'm waiting for more facts.

But, the hearing of faith is not a court hearing, and you haven't come close to presenting any evidence of that statement.

I wrote it word for word out of the Strongs , you didn't see it or you won't accept what the Strongs says ?


Well, I'm waiting for more facts.

But, the hearing of faith is not a court hearing, and you haven't come close to presenting any evidence of that statement.

How about we put " hearing " and Rom. 10:17 on the back burner for now .

If I give you a set of facts to concider , from the beginning , are you willing to respond and see if we can move forward ?