Is Calvinism Wrong?


I would CHALLENGE Faither, to try and INTERPRET, Romans 10:17, by placing his meaning of hearing into the verse?

It's not my meaning , it's the meaning the Greek dictionary gives . Here it is with the Strongs definition applied .

Faith comes by " A " hearing , " A " hearing by the word of God . ( Christ )

Try and keep up , I posted this yesterday .


So the devils practice and believe in the deepest sense of commitment, and tremble? Faither, you have a screw loose.

I won't entertain deeper discussion about pisteuo until you one acknowledge , and two agree with , the Strongs and Vines definition of pisteuo .
which are ;

Strongs says , " pisteuo means not just to believe ."
Vines ; " a personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender ."

You reject those definitions , so your rejecting the correct basis for any discussion .


New member
A broken heart and a surrendered life are not the same thing. A surrendered life is something that one is offering to God. Perhaps in your case for salvation. God does not accept the lives or the works of sinners, of which you are one of. God only accepts the life and the work of Jesus Christ. We are accepted only in him, Philippians 3:9.

I think you do not understand the meaning of a surrendered life.

Luk 9:60-62 KJV
(60) Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.
(61) And another also said, Lord, I will follow thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house.
(62) And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

Luk 14:26-27 KJV
(26) If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
(27) And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I think you do not understand the meaning of a surrendered life.

Luk 9:60-62 KJV
(60) Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.
(61) And another also said, Lord, I will follow thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house.
(62) And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

Luk 14:26-27 KJV
(26) If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
(27) And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

The Gospel calls for a response. We respond with a heart full of love and gratitude for what Jesus has done for us. That is all that we can do. Our response to the Gospel can sometimes be very traumatic and life changing. Thousands of people have suffered persecution and have been put to death for the sake of Christ and his Gospel. But that is not what saves us. What saves us is what Jesus has done in his life, death and resurrection. We have been justified by the doing and the dying of Jesus, Romans 3:26.


Well-known member

What saves us is what Jesus has done in his life, death and resurrection. We have been justified by the doing and the dying of Jesus,

But you teach that sinners Christ died for, rose for, are still lost and condemned. So you appear dishonest in this claim of yours !


The Gospel calls for a response. We respond with a heart full of love and gratitude for what Jesus has done for us. That is all that we can do. Our response to the Gospel can sometimes be very traumatic and life changing. Thousands of people have suffered persecution and have been put to death for the sake of Christ and his Gospel. But that is not what saves us. What saves us is what Jesus has done in his life, death and resurrection. We have been justified by the doing and the dying of Jesus, Romans 3:26.

First , it's the Father that calls and awaits the correct response .

What is the correct response ? Faith , specifically Faithing or pisteuo in the Greek .

What is the correct response specifically ? " A personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender "

We are justified Faith , by a personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender .

You are confusing Grace And Faithing , they are two separate things done for two completely different reasons .

Robert Pate

Well-known member
First , it's the Father that calls and awaits the correct response .

What is the correct response ? Faith , specifically Faithing or pisteuo in the Greek .

What is the correct response specifically ? " A personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender "

We are justified Faith , by a personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender .

You are confusing Grace And Faithing , they are two separate things done for two completely different reasons .

There is no scripture that says you must surrender your life to Christ to be saved. You tried to come up with something, but there is nothing, not in the Greek or the English languages.

We are justified by faith in the doing and the dying of Jesus, plus nothing, Romans 3:26.

Like I said before, Jesus does not want your sinful surrendered life. He wants you to have his perfect, sinless life.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There is no scripture that says you must surrender your life to Christ to be saved. You tried to come up with something, but there is nothing, not in the Greek or the English languages.

We are justified by faith in the doing and the dying of Jesus, plus nothing, Romans 3:26.

Like I said before, Jesus does not want your sinful surrendered life. He wants you to have his perfect, sinless life.

And how do you expect to be saved without surrendering to Christ?


Well-known member
I bumped it for you . Couldn't get a post number on my tablet . Open for questions . But you really need to deal with the " faithing problem " you and the others here have first .

My problem is your claim that others have a problem, and it's nothing more than a matter of semantics. We see it happening now with the word "surrender".

For some reason, you assume we have one and only one understanding of any particular word. Be it faith, believe, hearing etc. You're in error when you make those assumptions.

Besides which, your claim of "a hearing" in Romans 10 is totally inconsistent with the text.


Well-known member
And how do you expect to be saved without surrendering to Christ?

I think certain words that have come to have negative meanings because of shallow "altar calls", could stand a bit of light. You make a good point, BR.

cease resistance to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority.
"over 140 rebels surrendered to the authorities"
synonyms: capitulate, give in, give (oneself) up, give way, yield, concede (defeat), submit, climb down, back down, cave in, relent, crumble; More
the action of surrendering.
synonyms: capitulation, submission, yielding, succumbing, acquiescence; More​


There is no scripture that says you must surrender your life to Christ to be saved. You tried to come up with something, but there is nothing, not in the Greek or the English languages.

We are justified by faith in the doing and the dying of Jesus, plus nothing, Romans 3:26.

Like I said before, Jesus does not want your sinful surrendered life. He wants you to have his perfect, sinless life.

Everytime you see the words believe , believer , and believing , that is pisteuo in the Greek texts .
Pisteuo is " a personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender ."

So you can keep saying , " a personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender " is not in the Scriptures . But it is , and God repeats it 248 times in the NT .

I'm fighting for you not against you .


My problem is your claim that others have a problem, and it's nothing more than a matter of semantics. We see it happening now with the word "surrender".

For some reason, you assume we have one and only one understanding of any particular word. Be it faith, believe, hearing etc. You're in error when you make those assumptions.

Besides which, your claim of "a hearing" in Romans 10 is totally inconsistent with the text.

True NT saving Faith and faithing is not just a surrender . It's two specific things . The Vines specifically states , " pisteuo is a personal surrender to Him , ( AND ) a life inspired by such surrender .

In totality , it's a specific act , based upon a specific belief , sustained by a specific kind of confidence .

Robert Pate

Well-known member
And how do you expect to be saved without surrendering to Christ?

The word "surrender" is not in the Bible, nor is it in the Greek.

We are not saved by surrendering our lives to Christ, that is something that Catholics teach, it is holiness doctrine. We are saved by the doing and the dying of Jesus. Our part is to have faith in what he has accomplished on our behalf.

The only life that was surrendered to God was the life of Jesus. He was obedient unto death. Because we are still sinners it is not possible for us to live surrendered lives.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Everytime you see the words believe , believer , and believing , that is pisteuo in the Greek texts .
Pisteuo is " a personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender ."

So you can keep saying , " a personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender " is not in the Scriptures . But it is , and God repeats it 248 times in the NT .

I'm fighting for you not against you .

You have not proved your point. There is nothing in the Greek or English Bible that says one must surrender their life to Christ to be saved. We are saved and justified by faith in the doing and the dying of Jesus, not by surrendering. You are adding to God's word.


New member
Everytime you see the words believe , believer , and believing , that is pisteuo in the Greek texts .
Pisteuo is " a personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender ."

Jas 2:19 KJV
(19) Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

So you would have us believe that means:

"Thou have personally surrendered to Him and your life is inspired by that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also are personally surrendered to him and their lives are inspired by that surrender, and tremble... ?"