Is America great?


New member
Is America great?

Matt Walsh wrote a very interesting blog post about the state of America's greatness or lack thereof. I thought it was an interesting topic on this Independence Day weekend.

Happy Fourth of July. America is not great. Not anymore. America is a land where babies are murdered, the family is disintegrating, marriage is perverted, and every institution is dominated by nihilists and self-worshiping liberals. That’s America. It has betrayed God, and any true patriot should feel a deep and profound anger, not false confidence in our alleged greatness.

I think it’s time, particularly after this past week, that those on the right stop with the blind, frivolous “optimism” that leads us to constantly proclaim America’s “greatness” no matter how corrupt and sinful our culture has become. There is an arrogance in that declaration that, I assure you, does no please God. I doubt very much that God looks down on our culture and agrees with our assertion that we’re still super great and awesome no matter what.


What are your feelings?? Is America still great?

Great, eh?

Can i get back to ya' on that?

*goes off to ponder*


New member
Matt Walsh wrote a very interesting blog post about the state of America's greatness or lack thereof. I thought it was an interesting topic on this Independence Day weekend.

Happy Fourth of July. America is not great. Not anymore. America is a land where babies are murdered, the family is disintegrating, marriage is perverted, and every institution is dominated by nihilists and self-worshiping liberals. That’s America. It has betrayed God, and any true patriot should feel a deep and profound anger, not false confidence in our alleged greatness.

I think it’s time, particularly after this past week, that those on the right stop with the blind, frivolous “optimism” that leads us to constantly proclaim America’s “greatness” no matter how corrupt and sinful our culture has become. There is an arrogance in that declaration that, I assure you, does no please God. I doubt very much that God looks down on our culture and agrees with our assertion that we’re still super great and awesome no matter what.


What are your feelings?? Is America still great?

She's not what she once was. Sadly, I have to agree with Matt and I am angry. When I think of the men and women who have shed blood for her, I get very angry. They sure didn't do it to get her where she is now! Their sacrifice has been spit upon!


This thread:

I enjoy the freedoms, liberties and standard of living America has to offer...unless those very things violate my religion! :rolleyes:

Butthurt rhetoric.


America is great because of the liberties afforded - some of which you despise -- not in spite of them.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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This is not the America in which I always took such pride and comfort.
We are fast approaching that definition which caused God to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.
That which is good is curtailed or forbidden. That which is abnormal and against nature is celebrated.
I think not a few think the recent events signal a coming judgment of God upon America, whereas the reality is that the recent events signal judgment already by God.



New member
We are the prostitute because we are the greatest corruptive force the world has ever known while pretending to be what we never were, the elect Body of Christ. Ironically, we are the worst offenders of undermining the Body of Christ that Christendom has seen.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
We are the prostitute because we are the greatest corruptive force the world has ever known while pretending to be what we never were, the elect Body of Christ. Ironically, we are the worst offenders of undermining the Body of Christ that Christendom has seen.

Then, why not pack your bags and head for Mexico where there's no fear of intimidation or corruption coming from the "Federales"?

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
I love the American church......they have this though, they trust more upon the judiciary and the political system than they do God's way of getting things done.

A turning point was when they tried to sue a guy for teaching evolution way back last century. They lost that case...and they have been steadily losing since.

Learn spiritual warfare.


New member
John the Baptist was "great" in the eyes of the Lord.
Is America great? Then has to be considered in who's eyes do you measure?
Great Britain was with some justification called great not so much if at all by her empire, riches,and military might.But for what she has stood for and defended,
But given we have now an elected Parliament that no longer does God and by its majority has enabled laws that has declared some this equal in law what is not equal in fact and has effectively made a lie equal to the truth in law. Then that 'greatness 'is as filthy rag.for we this nation has cloaked itself in lies.
That then answer your question also. I have heard it said that the USA has both the worst and the best of everything.I tend to believe it and given the ruling of your Supreme court.isuggest that the worst are in the majority.
So expect great storms. Even as I expect them here.


Well-known member
The foundation of America is great.

Our forefathers founded this country on sound Biblical principles and a solid belief in God and God's hand in the development of this nation.

"[The adoption of the Constitution] will demonstrate as visibly the finger of Providence as any possible event in the course of human affairs can ever designate it." George Washington

"I regard it [the Constitution] as the work of the purest patriots and wisest statesmen that ever existed, aided by the smiles of a benignant [gracious] Providence.... it almost appears a Divine interposition in our behalf..." Daniel Webster

There are other such quotes.

When we look at what their belief in God and the resulting intervention by God to win our independence, there can be no doubt that God had his hand in the development of this nation.

God has not left us, if the few colonists could take on the greatness of the British Empire and with God's help defeat it, why would any believer, willing to believe God, worry about our future?

I choose to rejoice in the greatness and love and power of God to demonstrate again to this world His gracious goodness in spite of the attacks against His word and those who believe it.

David overcame Goliath, Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt and Pharaoh's army was destroyed by their own evil actions.

Barnabas and his armor bearer set in course the destruction of an enemy's army.

God defeated other enemy with hornets

Gideon defeated an army with lanterns and trumpets

Jesus Christ and later Peter and Paul and the disciples changed the course of history

God is able and willing to let His light dispel the darkness.

Will we give him the opportunity to do so?

Why curse the darkness, why not light a candle? Shakespeare?

The Barbarian

When I was young, the US has just freed the world from fascism, and was standing up to Soviet agression. The Marshal Plan and the Truman Doctrine guaranteed the eventual destruction of Communism as a world threat.

On the other hand, many states kept millions of people in subjection with no civil rights the majority didn't want them to have. McCarthyism was in full bloom, destroying the lives of people for no other reason than that senator had taken a dislike to them.

Police in many cities, when they had a slow night, would go find a gay bar to raid just for the fun of it.

Women were pretty much considered second-class citizens.

And all that's dying, now. I think it's great.

When I was young, violent crime was almost back to the levels we saw in the 1800s. Now, it's declined significantly. Assaults and homicides are way down. I think that's great. Property crime is down, too.


We see a lot less tolerance for people who want to beat up other people for being different. This, for some people, is evidence of a decline in morals.

Jesus would disagree.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I love the American church......they have this though, they trust more upon the judiciary and the political system than they do God's way of getting things done.

The liberal Christ-hating pigs you support do it.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
When I was young, the US has just freed the world from fascism, and was standing up to Soviet agression. The Marshal Plan and the Truman Doctrine guaranteed the eventual destruction of Communism as a world threat.

And in the greatest act of misdirection, you conned fools like shaggy into voting for them, giving us even more socialism and a far bigger holocaust in terms of numbers than did the Germans.


New member
Then, why not pack your bags and head for Mexico where there's no fear of intimidation or corruption coming from the "Federales"?

While Mexico has problems with violence due to America's drug problem (after all American kids can't be taught about God) it is less violent than the US and nor corrupts it's children in school.


New member
The foundation of America is great.

Our forefathers founded this country on sound Biblical principles and a solid belief in God and God's hand in the development of this nation.

"[The adoption of the Constitution] will demonstrate as visibly the finger of Providence as any possible event in the course of human affairs can ever designate it." George Washington

"I regard it [the Constitution] as the work of the purest patriots and wisest statesmen that ever existed, aided by the smiles of a benignant [gracious] Providence.... it almost appears a Divine interposition in our behalf..." Daniel Webster

There are other such quotes.

When we look at what their belief in God and the resulting intervention by God to win our independence, there can be no doubt that God had his hand in the development of this nation.

God has not left us, if the few colonists could take on the greatness of the British Empire and with God's help defeat it, why would any believer, willing to believe God, worry about our future?

I choose to rejoice in the greatness and love and power of God to demonstrate again to this world His gracious goodness in spite of the attacks against His word and those who believe it.

David overcame Goliath, Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt and Pharaoh's army was destroyed by their own evil actions.

Barnabas and his armor bearer set in course the destruction of an enemy's army.

God defeated other enemy with hornets

Gideon defeated an army with lanterns and trumpets

Jesus Christ and later Peter and Paul and the disciples changed the course of history

God is able and willing to let His light dispel the darkness.

Will we give him the opportunity to do so?

Why curse the darkness, why not light a candle? Shakespeare?

I hear this a lot even from my own family.

Unfortunately this theory is baseless. The reason is the colonialists had control over what their children learned, because the future of a country depends on it's children. On the other hand the enemy has control over America's family and the "works is from the devil" crowd sit by and watch. We are doomed.