Out of all the Christian people I talk to every day no one has yet expressed such a position. Generally they have misgivings. Perhaps we are not exaggerating. In fact I think we are making very accurate extrapolations about where this might go.
I don't expect anyone to actually
say they're hoping for persecution, but all the "the persecution is coming" rhetoric from right-wing Christians makes it look like the sentiment is just under the surface. It's a sort of group martyr complex.
They did not have to ruin that couple. It was all done to make a political point.
Again, you can't even get the basic facts of the case right, so I really don't care what your thoughts on it are.
If I went to some Muslim cake shop and they denied me service on the basis that I was an infidel I would not sue them providing it was privately owned. I would go shop elsewhere. No, the case in question was selected targeted and acted upon with a strategy.
See? You have the facts wrong, but even after having been corrected on them, you wave them away and just re-state your original erroneous position. That's deliberate ignorance.
You can take that principle as far as you want or you can apply it temperately in moderation. If you take it too far you will cause unrest in society but fanatical ideologues are obsessed with silencing dissent.
And of course "too far" for you is "when it starts to affect me". How convenient.
The State must be very careful about telling a person what the scope of his religious exercise is. That is the kind of tyranny people came here to escape.
No one is telling right-wing Christians that their bigotry isn't a part of their faith. All they're saying is that just because you justify your bigotry with your religion, that doesn't give you a free pass to discriminate.
I don't buy the argument that because blacks were freed from slavery we now have to embrace the homosexual agenda. Those issues are not the same.
Well that's good, since no one has made that argument.
Let me explain then. Ultimately the law will require that we accept implicitly or explicitly the underlying "truth" or "dogma" that marriage between homosexuals and heterosexuals are equally good, right and proper.
This is exactly the sort of paranoia I was talking about. How ridiculous.
It is state truth because it originated from a bare majority of Supreme Court justices and will be enforced by the Executive branch. I and those Christians who hold to the traditional tenets of their faith do not accept it as truth and neither do many others for that matter. For this we risk being punished. Is that clear enough?
Oh it's clear all right. More martyr complex issues.
Everyone knows it exists. The media makes sure that people know it as does the internet. Children in Elementary school understand what "gay" means. I was not hidden from it when I was young. Two of my best friends when I was young have since died of AIDS.
So then what's your problem? If everyone knows gays exist, why is it such a problem that schools have materials that acknowledge this well known fact?
To be exact, they cannot speak publically about not wanting to bake cakes for same-sex weddings based on their Christian beliefs. In other words they cannot in any public statements to the effect that this was about their Christian beliefs even though it WAS.
Again, you don't even have the basic facts right. Go read the ruling.
The judge made them pay $135,000 in "emotional damages" to the couple they denied service to. Emotional damage! It was punitive damages designed to coerce others into compliance.
The same Oregon BOLI awarded $325,000 in emotional damages to a Christian who was discriminated against at work because of his religious beliefs. Were you as upset when that ruling came out?
Being told to get a cake at another shop does not violate their civil rights.
Yes it does.
The people they sue and drive to ruin
Amazing how you guys try and flip the narrative, to where the people
doing the discrimination are the real victims here, rather than the people being discriminated
No wonder Christianity is coming out of this looking so bad.
You think the mood is one of excitement and anticipation? You are totally wrong.
Just at ToL, the number of threads just on this subject shows otherwise.
It is paranoid or is it seeing real possibilities? My State and the company I work for are implementing safeguards to ensure that people will not be penalized for their convictions. I suppose the whole state must be paranoid. In fact, everyone is paranoid except the Executive Branch whom always has our best interests at heart.
You are doing something highly uncertain - trying to tell me what I think about. Have I ever said I wanted to be a martyr?