He wants a theocracy.
I would take anything that stops the shedding of the blood of innocents all in the name of subordinating the Word of God.
He wants a theocracy.
On the contrary, it is the most fertile soil of the "modified Word of God" and that is why it is home to more denominations than any other country not to mention it kills it's own children at levels only seen during major wars and corrupts them in public schools where Christian education is not allowed. On top of that the US promotes abortion and homosexual marriage around the world. The US will go down in history as one of the most offending Christian nations ever to exist, due in large part to subordinating the Word of God to man's laws and even worse, changing them. No one has tried to separate the Body of Christ more than Americans, and it shows with easily more than a million denominations counting all the individuals who create their own beliefs.
For those who think somehow every other nations is just as bad as the US, think again. Many real countries prohibit abortion and homosexual marriage and indoctrination and require Christian education in schools. Of course many Americans won't recognize this because they are poor countries who, according to the "Prosperity Gospel" are being "punished" for not being of the correct denomination, whichever one that may be of millions.
No, not at all, people of color did not intrude on those who debased them,
To a lessor degree the whites, or Anglo Saxons, have been rude and demeaning to Spanish, Latino, French, Creole an anyone who is not like them. If they looks different, or acted different, or worshiped different, they were mistreated and disrespected.
Homosexuals are mainly from privileged groups and they choose to be weird; they do not want to grow up, rather they want perceptual adolescence. They do not want to be fathers and support a family, or be mothers and have to care for children, they rather be the children, always wanting. Then when the greater society tells them they cannot have children, then that cry about it and insist they have a right to them. The same with marriage, no they could not settle for civil unions where they could have had all the same legal rights married persons do, they had to have the marriage institution also.
They are in all ways disgusting self-selected degenerates. They want to be different and have everyone's attention, as if to say, "Look at me, how different I am and there is nothing you can do to stop me!" I hope they all face the final Judgement and then find out at last they will not get away with pushing their ideas on anyone anymore!
I'd want to protect him from some of the people who post here, like those so-called Christians who'd stone him or imprison him because of his sexual identity.
It's the behavior of Christians on this forum that has profoundly changed my thinking about same sex marriage and the need for civil protections for all the citizens of this country. It's been quite an education.
So you're saying that homosexuals intrude on those who debase them?
You know, Kat, I have a relative who's gay. He's been married to his husband for quite some time now. I wouldn't want him to be around someone who would treat him as if he was too disgusting to have near, and I'd want to protect him from some of the people who post here, like those so-called Christians who'd stone him or imprison him because of his sexual identity.
It's the behavior of Christians on this forum that has profoundly changed my thinking about same sex marriage and the need for civil protections for all the citizens of this country. It's been quite an education.
One cannot have rights unless all have rights. It is not required that all agree with all but freedom to choose for all is imperative.
I hate that they kill and corrupt their children and worse they are trying to coerce real Christian countries to do the same.
You would have us believe apparently that the US is no worse than any other country and actually even better no doubt but that would only be in the eyes of the world but certainly not the Gospel.
There he goes turning whole countries into children who can't make their own moral decisions. It's our fault.I hate that they kill and corrupt their children and worse they are trying to coerce real Christian countries to do the same.
I think it's interesting how this expat keeps harping on the U.S. and manipulates numbers, anything to keep the focus and condemnation there.You would have us believe apparently that the US is no worse than any other country and actually even better no doubt but that would only be in the eyes of the world but certainly not the Gospel.
And it was very deliberate, not by accident.If it weren't for the U.S. the world would be ruled by communism. That's a fact.
Morality that is forced is not morality, it is obedience. In the history of the world more damages and horrendous acts of mass violence have come from obedience than from disobedience.
You know, Kat, I have a relative who's a sodomite.
He is every bit the pervert you are. You are both going to hell.
:mock: annabenedetti
Hell is anywhere you are.
And for the record, you perverted my quote.
If it weren't for the U.S. the world would be ruled by communism. That's a fact.
There he goes turning whole countries into children who can't make their own moral decisions. It's our fault.lain:
I think it's interesting how this expat keeps harping on the U.S. and manipulates numbers, anything to keep the focus and condemnation there.
You do realize the perversion that entails, don't you?You know, Kat, I have a relative who's gay.
Not in God's eyes.He's been married to his husband for quite some time now.
I get not wanting to hurt someone's feelings.I wouldn't want him to be around someone who would treat him as if he was too disgusting to have near, and I'd want to protect him from some of the people who post here, like those so-called Christians who'd stone him or imprison him because of his sexual identity.
In case you haven't realized it, they want you to no longer be offended by butt poking.It's the behavior of Christians on this forum that has profoundly changed my thinking about same sex marriage and the need for civil protections for all the citizens of this country. It's been quite an education.
To answer the question, it is hard to ascribe too much greatness to a Country which I expect to be expanding the persecution of Christians beyond a mere assault on cake shops to a full scale war on the free exercise of our faith and our right to free speech. All of this will, ironically, take place under the banner of tolerance and compassion.
Sometimes but not where you're concerned.You are quite confused.
It's a bit more problematic for much of the region, but I suppose I could quote you from the other thread when you essentially set the whole mess and responsibility for it at the feet of demand. Stuff and nonsense.The majority of Central Americans want nothing to do with the drug trade but have to suffer the consequences of a small percentage that work to feed America's increasing drug problem.
That would be damning had I, in fact, done that. Sadly, no.Therefore, claiming that somehow the majority of the poor Hispanics are somehow to fault for a minority of criminals is the same as saying the majority of Americans are at faults for those that use drugs.
I'll post links to the other thread where you reinvented the chart a little later, thanks. I think it would be instructive as to your methodology and mindset.Also, if you have a problem with my "numbers" please post them here instead of making claims that can't be verified.