Hi Quincy, I tried to post using my iPod and I just couldn't manage it.
Maybe a Kindle Fire would be better for this? (Off topic sorry but I think you got one?)
Yea, it does work good, from my experience. You need to download tapatalk to use it right though. The only thing I noticed is that with the Kindle Fire you can rep people but you can't leave a message in the rep.
Quincy, why are you asking Serpent Dove to say something about you after you have just made clear you won't have any "trolling other members"?
I'm just plainly asking her why she thinks I'm "evil", since she made the post she did about being uninvited. No one is uninvited from this as far as I'm concerned

. I was just sating my observation that there will be people on here that won't want to conversate with me, with the statement I made earlier in the thread. Anyone can ask me for an interview and I'll do it, putting any differences aside happily, but I'm not going to beg them either :idunno: .
Did you ask Granite to give an account in his interview for any attacks he has done?
No, I didn't because I wanted to keep it about him and who he is.
Did you ask anything like this to other interviewees?

. I keep the interviews objective and as professional as I can. In the discussion thread, I discuss things, for better or worse. I just asked her that, because that is just my personality. Even in real life, if someone has a problem with me I go up to them and ask them what it is. The only reason I do it is because I sincerely want to know. I'm not looking to start an argument or anything like that. I just want to know.
Is it because they never say something offensive?
No, everyone has kept their interviews very instructive, enlightening and sincere. I honestly have enjoyed reading every single one of them.
Isn't this like a Catch 22 for SerpentDove?
No, I don't see why it would be. I asked her why she thinks I'm "evil" since she thinks she is uninvited. If she answered, I'd merely say, well that's your views and I'm glad to know. There would have been no argument in here about it, coming from me. I just wanted to know. My friend, I am not one of folks who believes he has to please everyone and I certainly never aim to

. Nor I am shy about stating what I like don't like about someone. If she don't like me, that's fine. I just wanted to know why.
I am asking you to rise above your personal self to the you that can be above that, the same way sometimes we all have to do - even Knight, ok?
I agree, I apologize to everyone that my intent wasn't clear but I just wanted to know the reasoning behind what she did.
Remember, I did state from the start I'd interview
anyone, as long as they took it serious. To me, it appeared she was trolling us.
But maybe we don't have to polarize right now?
I agree, no polarizing. That is just my inquisitive nature at work.