Coool man, PM is incoming.
Hello everyone. I must apologize for not maintaining this thread better. I know I come and go a lot but that is mostly because certain people on here get me out of my zen mode and I just withdrawal but it doesn't seem to really bother me anymore. That and the health issues I've had over the last year or so. So my apologies.
I think there are enough new people to warrant recycling the thread. I believe Town Heretic would be willing to open the interview archive to add new ones. I also think it is a good idea to have a chance to amend your previous interview if you would like.
So if anyone who like to be interviewed or to amend their previous interview, just post in here and let me know or send me a PM. As always, I'll be objective and non-judgmental to your spiritual and political views, as dividing is not my game. There is a script of standard questions, plus some personalized ones I add in as well as Town Heretics quick questions. It's a fun time and lets the community have a quick reference for finding out what you believe and why.
Here is the archive current:
Thanks ahead of time if anyone is interested :e4e: .
Good idea. :thumb:We should re-start this.
To see if there is any interest, who would like to be interviewed and is willing to respond sincerely? (Past interviewees need not apply.)
Past interviews can be read here:
You are up next. After you delete some messages so I can send a PM (your quota of storage space is exceeded), please check your Inbox and then PM me the completed materials.i nominate koban
and some other dude
To update a bit:
The interviews so far.
Series 1: Coffee is King; Arthur Brain; Thunder's Muse; Quincy; Godrulz; Traditio; Town Heretic; Granite; Inzl Kett (AKA, Sherman); AMR; ebenz; bybee; ragTagblues; Knight; rocketman
Series 2: chickenman; noguru; PureX; MrDeets; rexlunae; Random; TomO; tambora; Nang; vegascowboy; Psalmist; Maximeee; MrRadish; MaryContrary; Student X; Lon; Angel4Truth; Buzzword; John Mortimer; graceandpeace; SOZO
Series 3 has begun with GM's contribution. At some point Delmar and Ktoyou will be a part of this one as well.Beyond that? Who knows? You, maybe.
I hope the whole of this will give everyone insight into some of the characters around here, provide a glimpse of some who contributed mightily in the past and even provide a sense of how more than a few who remain have changed over their time here.
Chrys would be welcome. He's said in the past that he's not here to answer questions, but if he volunteers I certainly wouldn't say no.Squeaks and OMEGA would be fun ... and is there no love for the long suffering Chrys?
Chrys would be welcome. He's said in the past that he's not here to answer questions, but if he volunteers I certainly wouldn't say no.