Hey folks!
I sent out most of the interviews before TH sent me the quick ten questions, I believe anyways. I'll message them to the other's here in a few minutes and make sure to send both from now on. Good ideal Town Heretic! I actually planned on using most of Saturday to get out more invites and to send out some more 10 quick questions to the people that already have interviews, like Granite.
Thanks to everyone who newly requested an interview! I'll get them to you all asap and I greatly appreciate the interest.
I am thinking of expanding the format some. All things being website appropriate of course, I am open to ideals. One ideal I have been tossing around is writing a quick short story, leaving key parts blank to be filled in. Somewhat entertaining and interesting to see what other's think. If you have any ideals, let me know and let me know what you guys think about a TOL appropriate madlibs.